
Fox News Host Is Furious The US Military Has Issued A ‘Stand Down’ Order On White Supremacy

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy said Sunday that she’s upset the U.S. armed forces have been given a “stand down” order when it comes to white supremacy.

Campos-Duffy began by noting that she considered former President George W. Bush’s speech on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks to be “jarring” because he dared to include a mention of domestic terrorism, which he equated with the 9/11 terror attacks by calling them “children of the same foul spirit.”

That, according to Campos-Duffy, “takes the focus off of who we need to be focused on.”

“And I also think that motivations matter. The Islamic terrorists want to kill Americans. They hate Western civilization. They hate America. They have lots of reason for that.”

Yeah, and the domestic terrorists who showed up at the Capitol on Jan. 6 also wanted to kill Americans, openly calling for Mike Pence to be hanged.

But Campos-Duffy was only getting warmed up when it came to proving just how utterly clueless and willfully ignorant she is:

“Regardless of what you think about what happened on Jan. 6, the people there went in with the flags. They were not America haters. They were people who were angry and expressing their anger in a very bad way about an election result. Those are not equivalent things.”

Sorry, Rachel, but an American terrorist is in many ways a bigger threat because these domestic extremists live among us and pretend to love their country right before they start attacking it.

Campos-Duffy concluded her remarks with this bit of crap:

“Well, they had a stand down, right, on white supremacy in the military. And I guess I’m just not seeing that that’s worthy of a stand down.”

So the U.S. military should encourage white supremacy even though it would be terrible for overall morale in the armed forces? That’s the way you destroy a fighting force: By dividing it against itself.

Before Rachel Campos-Duffy decides to lecture the military on what’s best for those who protect us, she needs to volunteer for active duty. Until she does, she can just shut the hell up.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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