Crime GOP Joe Biden

Comer Rages After Hunter Biden Is Indicted On Gun Charge Because He ‘Can’t Tie Joe Biden Into It’

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is furious that the Justice Department decided to indict Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, on three gun charges, and he made it clear when asked about the indictment that he’s most upset that DOJ charged Hunter Biden with a crime he cannot tie the president to.

Mediate notes:

Months ago, Comer was among those who complained Hunter Biden was getting a “sweetheart deal” with the Justice Department before that deal wound up falling apart.

That led a reporter to ask the congressman, “Sounds like you are still expressing skepticism. I mean, the idea that you wanted an indictment. From your perspective here, that’s not enough?”

Comer replied, “You have never heard me say anything about gun charges. Again, that’s the one crime he’s committed that you cannot tie to Joe Biden.”

Doesn’t the indictment prove that Special Counsel David Weiss did the right thing and wasn’t “politicized?”

The Kentucky Republican replied, “Well, I don’t know. We’ll see. That was an easy charge. So, I’m still holding out hope that Weiss does the right thing. This is — again — the least of all the dozen crimes he’s committed, the one charge, the one crime that Joe Biden wasn’t involved.”

Comer later issued a statement which he posted on social media. It reads:

“Today’s charges against Hunter Biden are a very small start, but unless U.S. Attorney Weiss investigates everyone involved in the fraud schemes and influence peddling, it will be clear President Biden’s DOJ is protecting Hunter Biden and the big guy.”

Translation: Comer has no case and now he has no leverage over Hunter Biden. Matter of fact, he probably cannot subpoena the president’s son because his attorneys won’t allow him to testify before Congress.

Of course, Comer never had any evidence of wrongdoing by the president, but now he has absolutely nothing. He has no proof of anything and he can’t use Hunter Biden as a designated whipping boy.

In other words, Comer and the GOP are f*cked.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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