Foreign Policy Fox News Lies Russia WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Is Now Trying To Blame The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine On…The United States?!

When Russia first invaded Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried desperately to make excuses for the naked aggression of Russian mass murderer Vladimir Putin.

But when polling revealed that Americans universally despised Putin and his attack on Ukraine, Carlson began looking for other ways to frame the issue, suggesting that it was the fault of the Biden administration’s energy policy, which was also met with skepticism by the public.

So Carlson has now shifted his ranting points yet again, and come across this conclusion: The United States itself is to blame because politicians want to go to war with Russia.

HuffPost notes that Carlson was pushing that asinine theory on his show Monday evening:

“Kamala Harris encouraged Ukraine to become a member of NATO. Quote, ‘I appreciate and admire President Zelenskyy’s desire to join NATO.’

“Message: Up yours, Vladimir Putin, go ahead and invade Ukraine. And, of course, Vladimir Putin did that just days later. So the invasion was no surprise to the Biden administration. They knew that would happen. That was the point of the exercise.

“We watched all this happen, we missed it. How? Honestly because it was insane and therefore very hard to take seriously. Why in the world would the United States intentionally seek war with Russia? How could we possibly benefit from that war? We still don’t know the answer to that question.”

They knew that would happen. Really, Tucker? That’s what your going with? Because it sounds more like something you’d hear from a tinfoil hat wearing loon standing in Times Square and clutching a tattered Bible as he proclaims the end of the world is nigh.

Ukraine should have the right to join NATO. If Putin doesn’t like that, too damn bad. He doesn’t set policy for the NATO alliance. Or at least he doesn’t now that Donald Trump is no longer in the White House and doing whatever his “genius” buddy Vlad orders.

By extension, it can be implied that Carlson (and Fox News) thinks that you and I are also culpable for the invasion of Ukraine. If we support NATO and Ukraine, then we triggered Putin to do what he did.

You’d think it’d be difficult for Tucker Carlson to speak with so much bullshit in his mouth. But he’s so used to lying that it comes naturally for him.

Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Washed Up Actor Ricky Schroder Joins The Trucker ‘Freedom Convoy’ Because He Says He Won’t Be A ‘Slave’

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” of truckers that began in Canada and has now tentatively metastasized in the United States say their goal is to get all COVID restrictions removed because they’re tired of the “repression” being imposed over the virus, which has already killed 957,000 Americans.

Since nearly all of the restrictions have now been lifted in the U.S., you have to wonder why exactly these mostly right-wing extremists continue to engage in what they call a protest in support of “freedom.”

Even though he isn’t a truck driver, washed up actor Ricky Schroder has decided that he needs to be a part of the convoy and has posted a video of himself in the cab of a truck (with a Bible in front of him) where he tells viewers:

“This is, this has got to be the stand we make. We’re not livestock. We’re not cattle. You know, we can’t be treated as such. We’re free, and purging, you know, law enforcement, and purging the military, that’s just the writing on the wall. They’re setting up to set up we the people against our own, out own institutions.”

Schroeder concludes his filmed screed with this line:

“Unless you’re ready to, I guess, kill us all, you better change your minds because we’re not going to live as slaves.”

Really, dude? Slaves? You have no freaking idea what it means to be a slave. The color of your skin proves that.

Reportedly, Schroeder was denied entry at a Costco several months back, so now he wants to lay his life on the line to guarantee that never happens to anyone again. How brave of him!

If people choose not to wear a mask, so be it. But how about we deny them entry to a hospital if and when they contract COVID? Sounds like a fair trade to me. If you choose to endanger your own life and the lives of others, you get treated like the disease-ridden outcast you are.

As for Ricky Schroder, is it any wonder no one in Hollywood wants to work with this infantile sack of shit?


GOP Whining Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Complains About The ‘Grifters In The MAGA Swamp’ – Twitter Erupts In Laughter

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says she’s had quite enough of the “grifters” who are part of the MAGA movement, and she wants the Republican Party to reject them.

Grifters, huh? Well who’s the biggest grifter of all in the GOP? None other than failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, who tries to make a buck off everything and doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.

Also, has Greene bothered to look in the mirror lately? Seems like whenever you turn around she’s trying to raise money by raffling off a semiautomatic rifle that can be used for (wink wink) “hunting.”

Greene didn’t bother to name names or spell out who exactly she considers to be a MAGA grifter, so Twitter did it for her:

Foreign Policy GOP WTF?!

Former Trump Administration Official Whines That Russia Is Being ‘Canceled’ For Invading Ukraine

Monica Crowley is a former Fox News host who later got a job in the Trump administration as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, even though her only qualifications were that she’d once been a host on Fox News.

And now Crowley is showing up on Fox to make a complete fool of herself as she comments on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, telling host Jesse Watters that Russia is being “canceled” just because they illegally invaded another sovereign nation:

“Look, Russia is now being canceled, right? I mean, between the fierce Ukrainian resistance and the widespread international financial sanctions and boycotts, and Russian teams being barred from international competition, Russia is being canceled.”

Of course, the idea of something being “canceled” is part of a larger narrative that the right-wing has been pushing for years now. If someone makes a disgusting statement and faces backlash for it, they’re supposedly being canceled. If people decide to boycott a business because they refuse to serve the LGBTQ community and that impacts their bottom line, that’s canceling something.

And yet, conservatives have no problem saying certain books shouldn’t be allowed in schools because they show the horror of slavery or reassure young people it’s OK to be different, to be an individual, and to love whoever you want.

Twitter wasn’t having any of Crowley’s whiny bullshit:

Elections GOP Whining WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Democrats Of Trying To ‘Create Happiness’ So They Can Win The Midterms


If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd bullshit that could possibly emanate from the putrid piehole that Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene calls her mouth, what she said earlier today is so ridiculous that it’s incredible she was able to say it without bursting into laughter.

Appearing on the right-wing “Real America’s Voice” podcast, Greene suggested that Democrats want to “create happiness” so they can win the midterm elections:

“I think we’re going to hear Joe Biden, he’s going to claim victory over Covid. And if he does that then you’ll know the Democrats are lying. You’ll know for sure like we’ve already known along that they’re just using Covid for politics and they’re very much looking to move on and create happiness going into the midterms.”

Wouldn’t Biden be justified in declaring victory over COVID? After all, it was his administration that made sure everyone who wanted a vaccination got one. 64% of the U.S. population is now fully vaccinated. 76% have received at least one dose. That’s despite the lies and misinformation spread by right-wing media and anti-vax extremists like Congresswoman Greene, who was too busy attending a white nationalist convention over the weekend to do anything constructive for her constituents.

There are already rumblings inside the GOP that they may not do as well as they originally thought in November. With clowns like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the ballot, Republicans have every reason to be concerned.

Perhaps the best response to Greene’s rant came from Twitter:

That’d make one hell of a bumper sticker. Maybe Margie can have some printed up.