
‘Freedom Convoy’ Protester Whines That He Lost His Life Savings By Supporting The Truckers

Martin Joseph Anglehart thought he was doing the right thing by contributing $13,000 to the trucker “Freedom Convoy” that was held recently in Canada.

But it turns out he made an enormous mistake and is now homeless, penniless, and living in his SUV as a result of being so gullible, according to CBC:

“I regret going,” said Martin Joseph Anglehart, who spoke to CBC via Zoom from Hope, B.C.

Anglehart said he has “nothing left” after spending his life savings on gas and food for the occupiers, who disrupted Ottawa’s downtown core for more than three weeks.

“I started delivering fuel and picking up laundry. Everything for the truckers.” 

From Jan. 28 to Feb. 14, bank statements provided to CBC show Anglehart transferred thousands of dollars and spent thousands more at a gas station near Coventry Road — where he was stationed for the majority of the protest.

Even his bank account has been frozen under provisions of the Emergencies Act.

Oddly enough, Anglehart admits that he never even had a point of view on the issue of mask and vaccine mandates, which were the impetus for the trucker convoy that blocked a major bridge between the U.S. and Canada for several days in March.

He also says he now realizes that what he and the truckers did was detrimental to others and he wants to apologize:

“I would like to apologize to [the] people in Ottawa. I’m sorry … All I wanted was to help people.”

University of Ottawa law professor Joao Velloso said Anglehart’s story is similar to those of many who took part in the protests and are now paying a heavy price for their participation:

“We are not talking about people with a lot of resources. They have their trucks, they have some funds … [but] the vast majority of the protesters …[were] middle class, sometimes low middle class.” 

There’s also the matter of a $300 million class-action lawsuit filed by downtown Ottawa residents and businesses. That could completely bankrupt people like Marin Anglehart.

Karma can be one mean son of a bitch, as many who took part in the Freedom Convoy are finding out the hard way.


Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Washed Up Actor Ricky Schroder Joins The Trucker ‘Freedom Convoy’ Because He Says He Won’t Be A ‘Slave’

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” of truckers that began in Canada and has now tentatively metastasized in the United States say their goal is to get all COVID restrictions removed because they’re tired of the “repression” being imposed over the virus, which has already killed 957,000 Americans.

Since nearly all of the restrictions have now been lifted in the U.S., you have to wonder why exactly these mostly right-wing extremists continue to engage in what they call a protest in support of “freedom.”

Even though he isn’t a truck driver, washed up actor Ricky Schroder has decided that he needs to be a part of the convoy and has posted a video of himself in the cab of a truck (with a Bible in front of him) where he tells viewers:

“This is, this has got to be the stand we make. We’re not livestock. We’re not cattle. You know, we can’t be treated as such. We’re free, and purging, you know, law enforcement, and purging the military, that’s just the writing on the wall. They’re setting up to set up we the people against our own, out own institutions.”

Schroeder concludes his filmed screed with this line:

“Unless you’re ready to, I guess, kill us all, you better change your minds because we’re not going to live as slaves.”

Really, dude? Slaves? You have no freaking idea what it means to be a slave. The color of your skin proves that.

Reportedly, Schroeder was denied entry at a Costco several months back, so now he wants to lay his life on the line to guarantee that never happens to anyone again. How brave of him!

If people choose not to wear a mask, so be it. But how about we deny them entry to a hospital if and when they contract COVID? Sounds like a fair trade to me. If you choose to endanger your own life and the lives of others, you get treated like the disease-ridden outcast you are.

As for Ricky Schroder, is it any wonder no one in Hollywood wants to work with this infantile sack of shit?