Abortion Elections Fox News GOP U.S. Senate

WATCH: Lindsey Graham Pitches A Hissy Fit When A Fox Host Asks Him About His Abortion Ban

For years, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said that the issue of abortion should be handled at the state level because it’s a matter of states’ rights, not the business of the federal government to set policy on such a personal matter.

And yet, on Tuesday Graham introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate that would ban all abortions beyond 15 weeks at the federal level.

Why the change of heart from the South Carolina Republican? That’s what Shannon Bream of Fox News asked Graham on Sunday, according to Mediaite:

“Graham’s stunt is a godsend and helps us remind voters Republicans want to ban abortion everywhere,” Bream said, quoting a source from Politico. Bream then brought up The American Spectator, a right-leaning outlet which just ran the headline “Lindsey Graham Hands Abortion Fans a Box of Hand Grenades.”

Graham replied:

“I’m pro-life, even in an election year.

“To those who suggest that being pro-life is losing politics, I reject that. Only in Washington is it extreme to protect a baby at 15 weeks from excruciating death…So I don’t apologize for being pro-life. I think the pro-life movement has found a position that most Americans will agree upon.”


“You’ve got to explain the pivot.”

That’s when Graham pitched a full-blown hissy fit, going on an extended rant as he tried to defend his indefensible action which could wind up costing Republicans the midterm election:

“Number one if you know anything about me Shannon for 20 years I’ve been supporting federal legislation banning late-term abortions but you said there are states to make these decisions.  The states, here’s what Dobbs says elected officials can make the decision state or federal.  I’m not inconsistent in 2020. I had a bill on the floor of the United States Senate right across the Capitol that banned abortion at 20 weeks because the baby can feel pain. I had 51 republicans voting with me and two Democrats to suggest that I’m new to the game opposing late-term uh abortion is ridiculous.”

The senator continued, getting more animated as he spoke:

“No one’s excited. Listen I was the author of the unborn victims of violence act that made it a crime to hurt a baby if you attacked the mother you’d be charged with two crimes if you attack a mother and you hurt the baby it passed 72 votes in the United States Senate I never suggested there’s no place for the unborn in Washington, DC. if you tell the pro-life movement that we’re out of business in the nation’s Capitol that we can’t set some minimum national standard to prevent Chinese abortion policy in Maryland or California they’ll be a revolt by the pro-life community the people with me.”

Graham concluded:

“What am I saying I will not sit on the sidelines and watch this nation become China when it comes to boarding babies up to the moment of birth I reject that I will continue to introduce legislation at the national level setting a minimum standard. Okay at 15 weeks no abortion except for life rape uh save the life of the mother, rape, incest.”


Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Electric Airplanes Will Actually Be Powered Like ‘Slave Ships’


The GOP in 2022 is the party of luddites who are opposed to any new scientific or technological advance, usually because they don’t understand what they’re talking about, but sometimes because they simply don’t want to miss an opportunity to “own the libs,” as they refer to their willful ignorance in service of political ends.

Such is the case with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who is one of the dumbest members of Congress and also loves being an agitator when it serves her dreams of political advancement.

Greene was speaking in Texas over the weekend when she referenced a report that Air Canada had announced it would be buying 30 electric airplanes, which was reported earlier this week by Business Insider:

Air Canada is one step closer to becoming a greener company.

The Montréal-based airline announced Thursday that it had ordered 30 of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30 electric aircraft. Air Canada has also gained a $5 million equity stake in the Swedish manufacturer. 

Scheduled to enter service in 2028, the plane is set to seat 30 passengers in a two-by-one configuration and fly up to 124 miles, or 200 kilometers, when in all-electric mode. 

The range can extend to 249 miles when the battery is supplemented by generators and 497 miles when the capacity is limited to 25 people, according to Air Canada.

That led Greene to semi-jokingly suggest that the way the electric planes would actually be powered involved the passengers being whipped to row in unison to make the propellers spin. You know, like they did on “slave ships,” the congresswoman said.

Isn’t that hilarious? It’s always fun to compare green technology that will benefit everyone to slavery. Because, hey, that’s comedy gold, right?

Actually, it’s the height of being a moron, which is one thing that Ms. Greene has always excelled at.


Congress Donald Trump GOP Social Media

Twitter Points And Laughs At ‘Tiny’ Jim Jordan When He’s Too Short For The Podium At Trump’s Ohio Rally

Disgraced, failed, twice-impeached, one-term former president Donald Trump held one of his pathetic rallies on Saturday night in Youngstown, Ohio, and the people who spoke before he took the stage were in many ways more entertaining than the ex-president, who seems to give the same hackneyed speech these days.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) made an appearance, as did Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), and it was Jordan who wound up being the laughingstock of the evening, not for what he said, but how he looked while he was saying it.

Damn! They couldn’t afford a crate or small box for Jimbo to stand on? Granted, we knew he was short, but he appears downright infantile, nearly disappearing beneath the microphone.

That was all it took for Twitter to explode with laughter. Take a look:

Congress GOP Gun Crime Viral Video WTF?!

Viral Video: Marjorie Taylor Greene Appears To Kick A Gun Control Activist Who Disagrees With Her

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) appears to have committed a crime that was caught on video today in Washington, D.C.

Greene was walking and talking to activists who support sensible gun control. The congresswoman is vehemently opposed to any laws that would regulated guns in any manner whatsoever.

One of the activists, Santiago Mayer, the executive director of Voters of Tomorrow asked Greene about her staunch opposition to laws that would help reduce mass shootings, to which Greene replied:

“Shame on you. You know what? Go move to another country where they take away your guns.”


“I want to live in a country where kids don’t get shot.”

A sneering Greene told Mayer:

“You’re not even a grateful American.”

Another woman who was wearing a blue dress, then inquired of Greene:

“How does the second Amendment prevent gun violence?”

If you watch closely at the 1:15 mark of the video, it appears that Greene kicks the woman to make her move out of her walking path. The startled woman is clearly surprised, and a few seconds later an aide to Greene mentions that it’s against the law to block a member of Congress.

As she walks past the woman in the blue dress, Greene seems to say that she should just consider being kicked an “accident.”

Mayer later confirmed that Greene had indeed kicked a member of his team:


Climate Change Congress GOP

WATCH AOC Eviscerate A Republican For His Bigoted, Sexist Attack On A Climate Expert

On Thursday, a House committee on climate turned ugly when Republican Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana used bigoted and sexist terms directed at an expert on the issue and was then verbally eviscerated by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

According to HuffPost:

Raya Salter, an energy justice lawyer who serves on the New York State Climate Action Council, was invited to testify before House lawmakers during a hearing about the oil and gas industry’s lack of accountability and major role in the climate crisis. She said that the climate crisis is an “unprecedented global crime and the smoking gun lies in the hands of big oil and gas.”

Salter, a Black woman, talked about the disproportionate impact that the fossil fuel industry has had on Black and brown communities, as well as low-income families. She said that corporations are trying to shift the blame for the climate crisis to individual consumers and environmental activists instead of focusing on the real solution: transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Higgins began his questioning with this:

“Everything you have – your clothes, your glasses, your car you got here on, your phone, the table you’re sitting at, the chair, the carpet under your feet – everything you’ve got is petrochemical products. What would you do with that? Tell the world.”

Salters responded, as Higgins tried to talk over her:

“If I had that power in the world – actually, I don’t need that power because what I would do is ask you, sir, from Louisiana, to search your heart and understand why the EPA knows that toxic petrochemical facilities are some of the most toxic polluting facilities in the world and are killing Black people throughout Louisiana.”

That’s when Higgins turned into a condescending piece of excrement:

“My good lady. I’m trying to give you the floor, boo,” Higgins said as he continued speaking over her. “Boo” is a common term of endearment in the Black community, however, when used sarcastically – as the white congressman apparently did – it can be considered disrespectful, racist and misogynistic.

Higgins also invoked religion, suggesting that God gave man the power to care for the Earth, to which Salter replied:

“Sir, if we’re going to talk about the Lord, I ask that you search your heart again and think about repenting because the fossil fuel industry that owns your state is destroying the earth and the natural world. And that is a fact, sir.”

That led Higgins to start yelling:

“You know what you got, young lady? You got a lot of noise, but you got no answers!”

Ocasio-Cortez then took a verbal scalpel to Higgins and exposed him as the disgusting asshole he is:

“In the four years that I’ve sat on this committee, I have never seen members of Congress – Republican or Democrat – disrespect a witness in the way that I have seen them disrespect you today. I do not care what party they are in, I’ve never seen anything like that.

“And for the gentleman of Louisiana, and the comfort that he felt in yelling at you like that – there’s more than one way to get a point across. Frankly, men who treat women like that in public, I fear how they treat them in private. We can be better than this.”