Anti-Vaxxers Coronavirus Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Gets Slapped Down For Posting Blatant Lie That Anti-Vaxxers Are Being Denied Medical Treatment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on fact-free, extended Twitter rant (19 tweets!) on Saturday, spewing conspiracy theories, vitriol, and plenty of whining as she compared what she called “Before COVID” and “After COVID,” even going to far as to suggest (incorrectly) that some people who aren’t vaccinated are being denied medical treatment.

Greene asserted in her tweetstorm that the only reason the government is urging Americans to get vaccinated is to enrich pharmaceutical companies, which is more than a bit hypocritical when you consider that she owns stock in companies that are producing the vaccine:

Greene holds stock in AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, according to an August 13, 2020, filing from Greene with the clerk of the House of Representatives.

Here are some of the lowlights from Greene’s social media meltdown:

Is any of what Greene alleges true? Of course not! The woman hasn’t said anything accurate or factual since she announced she was running for Congress. And she’s only accelerated her bullshit since getting elected.

Reaction to Greene’s stupidity was immediate and harsh:


UPDATE: Greene’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended for spreading lies and misinformation about COVID.

Coronavirus Donald Trump

Alex Jones: Donald Trump Is Either Ignorant Or โ€˜One Of The Most Evil Men Who Has Ever Livedโ€™

Alex Jones is only good at one thing: Spinning bullshit conspiracy theories about everything that takes place in the United States.

Remember how Jones said the Sandy Hook shooting was a “false flag” staged by the U.S. government as a way to implement gun control? He’s still paying for that lie, and is on the hook for a cool fortune after he was sued by families of the 20 children who were gunned down on that horrific day back in 2012. Courts have said Jones has to pay damages for his lies about the massacre.

And now Jones is claiming that when former President Donald Trump defended taking the COVID-19 vaccine during an interview with right-wing activist Candace Owens, he was either too stupid to know what he was saying or is one of the most “evil” people in world history.

Specifically, Trump told Owens:

โ€œOh no, the vaccines work. But some people are the ones โ€” the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that donโ€™t take the vaccine. But itโ€™s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, youโ€™re protected.โ€

That declaration of support for the vaccine, Jones believes, means something horrible is going on, and he wants to make sure his moronic followers know what’s happening, telling them in what he dubbed “an emergency” Christmas message:

โ€œThis is an emergency Christmas Day warning to President Trump. You are either completely ignorant about the so-called vaccine gene therapy that you helped ram through with Operation Warp Speed or you are one of the most evil men who has ever lived to push this toxic poison on the public and to attack your constituents who they simply try to save their lives and the lives of others.”

Of course, Jones is right on both points when it comes to Donald Trump: He’s ignorant and also one of the most evil men who has ever lived. Millions of us have known that for years. The fact that it took this long for Alex Jones to figure that out suggests he’s dumber and at least as vile as the failed, one-term ex-president.

Coronavirus U.S. Senate

Fauci Destroys Ted Cruz: โ€˜I Should Be Prosecuted?! What Happened On Jan. 6, Senator?!โ€™

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has had quite enough of blowhard Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and he’s fighting fire with fire when it comes to reminding the Texas Republican of the controversial (and possibly illegal) actions he took to try and keep failed, one-term former President Donald Trump in office.

Fauci was interviwed by CBS News and was asked by host Margaret Brennan about some of the contentious hearings the doctor has been subjected to in the Senate. He told her:

โ€œAnybody who spins lies and threatens and all that theater that goes on with some of the investigations and the congressional committees and the Rand Pauls and all that other nonsense, thatโ€™s noise โ€ฆ thatโ€™s noise. I know what my job is.”

Brennan then asked about something Cruz had said:

โ€œSenator Cruz told the attorney general you should be prosecuted.”

Fauci laughed and replied:

โ€œI should be prosecuted?! What happened on Jan. 6, senator?!โ€

Brennan then followed-up by asking:

โ€œDo you think that this is about making you a scapegoat to deflect from [former] President Donald Trump?”


โ€œOf course! You have to be asleep not to figure that one out.โ€

Dr. Fauci is a scientist. He doesn’t have time for politics; he’s too busy trying to save lives and make sure we’re ready for the next COVID variant that may threaten this country.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has been called “the most hated man” in the U.S. Senate. He’s a petty, sniveling human carbuncle who needs to be investigated and expelled from Congress.


Coronavirus Fox News Immigration The Biden Administration

Jen Psaki Schools Peter Doocy For Making A False Equivalency Between Immigration And Public Health

Once again Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had to take Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, and when she was finished, Doocy was babbling like a four-year-old.

The confrontation came when Doocy asked about foreign nationals coming into the United States and whether or not they are being asked to provide evidence they don’t have COVID-19 or have been vaccinated:

“Is someone asking the foreign nationals for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test?”

Psaki began to respond:

“Well, first of all, I can walk you through the steps.”

Doocy interrupted:

“That’s the policy for people who fly into the country. So why if somebody walks into the country right across the river, does somebody ask them to see their vaccination card?”

The press secretary hit Doocy with both barrels:

โ€œLet me explain to you again, Peter, how the process works, as the individuals come across the border and assessed if they have symptoms, and if they have symptoms they are quarantined. That is the process. They are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

And yet, Doocy still couldn’t comprehend what he’d just been told:

“But they’re here. What’s the difference?”

Clearly annoyed by Doocy’s inability to grasp what she was saying, Psaki told him:

“It’s not the same thing. These are individuals — as we’ve noted and has been discussed — we are expelling individuals based on Title 42 because of Covid, because we want to prevent a scenario where large numbers of people are gathering, posing a threat to the community and also to the migrants themselves.

“So those are the policies that we’ve put in place, because the CDC continues to recommend Title 42 be in place, given we’re facing a global pandemic.”

Apparently, Peter Doocy hasn’t bothered to look at today’s news and see that the United States is expelling Haitian refugees who are seeking to come into the country at this time. But what can be done about the unvaccinated Americans who refuse to do their part and get the shot? What can we do about Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News and their bullshit lies/conspiracy theories about the COVID vaccine?

Doocy works at Fox, so it’s safe to bet he’s been vaccinated because Fox has a vaccine mandate. How’s that for hypocrisy?

Coronavirus Social Media

High School Girl Flips Off Anti-Mask Protesters And Becomes An Internet Sensation

A high school girl in Vermont became an instant social media hero after she flipped anti-mask protesters off and a photo of her reaction spread like wildfire on social media.

The protesters have been outside the girl’s school — Champlain Valley Union High School — each morning recently, so Meagan Downey texted a message to her mother, Fiona, that read:


That uplifted middle finger was captured by Glenn Russell of the VT Digger:

Philip Lewis of HuffPost then tweeted out a screen capture of the photo, and it went viral in no time:

That was all it took for others to give Meagan a big pat on the back for the way she chose to disagree:

As a matter of fact, mom was indeed proud: