Crime Donald Trump Elections

Legal Expert: Trump Has Already Turned Jurors Against Him With This One Action

Disgraced former president Donald Trump may have already turned jurors in his hush money trial against him and guaranteed they will find him guilty, according to a legal expert.

Appearing on MSNBC today, jury consultant David Henderson explained that while trials can be boring at times, falling asleep the way Trump reportedly did on Monday could seal his fate.

“People who show up for jury duty and stay, who don’t say ‘I can’t do this’ and look for the first opportunity to get out, what I found is when they show up, they’re wearing the nicest thing in their closet, thinking, ‘I made special arrangements to be here on time, I’m being polite, respectful, I’m making sure I’m paying attention,'” Henderson noted.

Henderson went on to add that jurors “don’t take kindly” to defendants who don’t take matters as seriously as they do.

“Now, I’ve seen lawyers fall asleep in court before. I’ve seen judges fall asleep in court before. I cannot recall a time I saw a defendant falling asleep in court before, because it is their life, and they got a lot on the line. What jurors are thinking is, ‘I’m staying awake; why isn’t this guy?’ It sends a very negative message that can directly affect the outcome of a trial.”

Asked about how attorneys choose jurors, Henderson said there’s a close. focus on each person’s body language, which can speak louder than what a prospective juror reveals verbally.

Here’s the video from MSNBC:

Donald Trump Elections Religion Viral Video

Must-See Video: Trump Tries To Say The Lord’s Prayer And Fails Miserably

While he repeatedly claims to be a defender of the Christian faith in the United States, failed one-term former president Donald Trump also fails to prove that he understands even of the most basic tenets of Christianity.

Remember when he was asked in 2015 to name his favorite Bible verse, Trump was unable to, saying there were “so many” and he couldn’t choose just one.

Just last week, Trump began hawking a “God Bless the USA Bible.” Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart? No. Instead, he made sure that he receives some of the profits from each $59.95 copy sold, a dead giveaway that he doesn’t understand what Jesus meant when he said you cannot serve God and mammon.

And now we have video proof that Donald doesn’t know the words to one of the most basic portions of the Christian prayer liturgy, the Lord’s Prayer, which most 5th graders can easily recite.

“Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.”

A video of Trump shot over the Easter weekend provides evidence that he has no clue what the words are in the Lord’s Prayer, and the clip soon went viral on social media. Take a look:

Trump’s MAGA supporters would likely tell you their hero was just having a bad day, or couldn’t hear the prayer and was therefore unable to follow along.

But it turns out this isn’t the first time Donnie has flubbed the prayer, as Ron Filipkowski noted on Twitter.

Social media didn’t hold back after seeing the videos of the prayer-challenged, one-term ex-president.

Business Donald Trump Social Media

Trump’s Truth Social Stock Tanks After Report Reveals Site Lost $58 Million In 2023

Just last week, Donald Trump’s new media venture which backs his Truth Social site was flying high, earning him billions on paper and leading some to suggest he might use the rising value of the stock as collateral for a bond to cover the massive court-imposed fines that have been assessed against him.

However, an SEC filing from Trump Media & Technology Group shows that Truth Social lost a massive $58 million in 2023, and that sent shares of the once-rising stock plummeting. As of Noon Monday, the price of a share was down nearly 20%, which suggests the stock is in freefall and not likely to recover, especially since it’s now clear that the venture is a failure.

The collapse of Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock price was predicted by those in the know, including Emily Stewart of Business Insider.

For one thing, TMTG, which owns the conservative Twitter copycat Truth Social, makes basically nothing. According to a new financial filing from the company released on Monday, its total revenue was $4.1 million in 2023. Extrapolate that out, and the stock is trading at something like 2,000 times the company’s annual revenue. That is, um, high. Apple, for example, trades at about seven times its total revenue. And given TMTG’s paltry revenue, it actually lost $58 million last year.

Despite his claims over the years, Donald Trump has never actually been successful at anything other than hyping himself and getting suckers to give him large sums of money that he quickly burns through, leaving everyone but himself wondering what became of their investment.

How could Truth Social, which has a smaller base of followers than both Facebook and Twitter, hope to compete? While the Trump name may have once held some allure, it hasn’t now for years, and with every angry posting Donald makes online, more people are alienated and abandon him.

It turns out that being “anti-woke” doesn’t pay well, Stewart explains in her article.

As much as people say they want to shop and invest their values, it often doesn’t turn out to be the case. Instead, most people opt for the convenient option and whatever they’re most used to doing already. There’s a reason most boycotts don’t work — people are busy and tired. It’s true on the left as well. Dig deep enough, and every company in the world can probably give you a reason not to want to give them your money.

Donald Trump has the stench of a loser all over him. He’s becoming more irrelevant by the day, and if he loses to President Joe Biden in November, don’t be surprised if he winds up filing for personal bankruptcy, even if he has to do so from prison.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

‘Desperate’ Trump May Fire His Legal Team To Delay Criminal Trials: Report

Failed one-term former president Donald Trump may fire his legal team to delay his upcoming trial in New York on charges of having paid hush money to a woman he had an affair with, according to former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance.

The hush money trial is scheduled to begin on April 15, and other criminal trials are also likely to begin later this year, right as the disgraced ex-president is in the middle of his 2024 bid for the White House.

Writing on Substack, Vance notes, “With trial only two weeks away, Trump is showing increasing signs of desperation,” she wrote. “There are also the time-honored strategies of the desperate: getting sick or finding a sick or dying family member and firing your lawyers.”

So what happens if Trump does indeed fire his attorneys? Vance explains:

“This can be a difficult one because defendants are entitled to counsel of their choosing, and lawyers are entitled to sufficient time to prepare. But Trump has a lot of lawyers on his team and the Judge has to be prepared for this one.

“Trump would have to argue a significant issue has developed with his lawyers before the Judge would agree to let them out of the case, and it’s going to be difficult to do that with all of them. The Judge could tell him to go ahead with the remaining lawyers, because if Trump does this at the eleventh hour, it’s going to look manufactured.

“But it’s still an issue the Judge has to be careful about to avoid problems on appeal, and so far, Judge Merchan has shown himself to be a careful, meticulous jurist.”

Given that Trump has already proven his fear of what might be revealed during a trial, it seems fair to speculate that he might indeed attempt a Hail Mary pass, if only to buy himself more time and shuffle the deck so he can regroup and try to push the matter further down the road.

What remains to be seen is if any judge will go along with such a request.