Lara Trump Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ‘Concert’ Is So Bad That Social Media Can’t Stop Laughing

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed one-term former president Donald Trump, performed a cover version of the late Tom Petty’s 1989 song, “I Won’t Back Down” recently at Mar-a-Lago.

A video of the performance was posted on Twitter/X by Ron Filipkowski.

The video has gone viral.

But while the crowd at Mar-a-Lago may look like they’re enjoying Lara’s vocal stylings, that enthusiasm wasn’t shared by many who viewed the performance online.


Lara Trump WTF?!

Lara Trump’s Cover Of A Beloved Tom Petty Song Has Her In Very Hot Water


As is far too often a case, a member of the Trump family is trying to make a political statement with someone else’s creative output, and it’s not only wrong on a moral level, it’s also so God-awful it’d make a dog leave the room.

The culprit this time is Lara Trump, whose only claim to fame is that she’s married to Eric Trump, the son of failed loser and thrice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

Mrs. Trump is on the verge of releasing a cover version of one of the late Tom Petty’s most famous tunes, “I Won’t Back Down,” which is probably the song he’s most associated with.

During the 2020 presidential race, Donald Trump used the song at one of his rallies, which led to Petty’s family sending a cease-and-desist notice to the Trump campaign.

Covering a song, it should be noted, isn’t a violation of copyright law as long as the song is changed in some way. In the case of the Lara Trump cover, it’s been made into a country tune, and it’s so damn bad that listening to just a few seconds may cause you to start bleeding from the ears. You’ve been warned.

For the brave among you, here’s a sample of Lara’s “I Won’t Back Down”:

As was noted, Lara cannot be legally pursued on copyright infringement, but the family can issue another cease-and-desist notice and then seek a court injunction.

But perhaps the hottest water of all for Lara Trump arrived in the form of disgust from social media users.


Donald Trump Eric Trump Joe Biden The Trump Adminstration

Lara Trump: Why Is Hunter Biden Allowed To Profit From His Father’s Presidency?

Lara Trump has virtually no accomplishments other than being married to failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump’s son, Eric, who is ostensibly the “executive vice president” of the Trump Organization, which is reportedly hemorrhaging millions of dollars and could well be on the verge of complete financial collapse.

Despite her lack of any real credentials except marrying into the Trump family, Lara has been hired as a Fox News contributor and often shows up to pontificate on subjects she has zero knowledge of.

Such was the case when she was speaking with host Ainsley Earhardt on the topic of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, daring to sell artwork he’s produced, according to Mediaite:

The controversial son of President Joe Biden has been selling artwork for five and six-figure sums, despite the fact that he has little experience, training, or standing in the art world. This has raised a reasonable set of ethical questions regarding his ties to the White House, which has taken pains to set up “safeguards” in an attempt to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

That led Lara to remark:

 “The reality is, Ainsley, we know that people would be going absolutely crazy about this, there’d be investigation after investigation. They would try to impeach my father-in-law over something like this, gosh, seems like any chance they got they did that while he was in office.”

Actually, Donald Trump was impeached for blackmailing the Ukrainians for dirt on Joe Biden and then for inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Lara then added this bit of head-shaking stupidity:

“But you’ll never see that happen to Hunter Biden or the Biden family, because there is a very clear double standard, and at a certain point it’s not just about liking personality. It’s about the safety and security of the United States of America.”

What Lara Trump neglected to mention is that Ivanka Trump was given trademark privileges by the Chinese government while there was a trade war taking place between the U.S. and China. At the time, she was serving as a senior White House adviser.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Eric and Don Jr. were running the Trump Organization while their father was president and that the ex-president never divested himself from his company.

There can be a legitimate debate about Hunter Biden and his paintings, but Lara Trump sure as hell isn’t the person who needs to lead that discussion.


Eric Trump Lara Trump Social Media WTF?!

Lara Trump Gets Slammed For Posting Video Of Her Son In Pouring Rain – Calls It Building ‘Character’

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump and wife of Eric Trump, executive vice president of his daddy’s company, the Trump Organization, is getting slammed on social media for a video she posted of her 5-year-old son being forced to ride on a small children’s car in pouring rain as she notes that doing so will build “character.”

In the video, the child, Eric L. Trump, who goes by the name Luke, is seen squinting his eyes and trying to see as a torrential rain pours down on him. At one point, he also appears to be crying.

The rain is part of the first wave of storms from Hurricane Ian, which is slamming into the state of Florida, and it appears to have caught Lara by surprise, because she includes a caption on Instagram with the video that reads:

“Thought we had a clear window, turns out we built some character instead. Everyone stay safe!”

In the video, you can also hear Lara Trump remarking:

“Oh my God, Luke. Come on, you can do it, let’s go.”

This is the same son that Eric and Lara praised as being a “hyper-savant” in June, with Lara commenting:

“I feel like our son could almost be like an Elon Musk type. Because he looks at things in a way…The things he observes when he looks at like a video or picture, I’m like, ‘Wow, you’re looking at that in a way I never even thought of.’ That’s Elon Musk.”

Once the video was shared on Twitter, it didn’t take long before Lara was slammed for humiliating her son while the internet watched, which certainly seems to be a form of child abuse.

Cruelty and sadism seem to be hallmarks of the Trump family.

Elections Social Media

Lara Trump Posts Photo Of Her And Kimberly Guilfoyle ‘Voting While Excited’ And Gets Mocked On Social Media

Tuesday was primary day in several states, among them Florida, where we now know that incumbent Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis will face Democratic nominee Charlie Crist.

For some odd reason, even though she supposedly lives in New York, Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, cast a ballot in the Florida primary, and she took along her friend Kimberly Guilfoyle, the disgraced former Fox News host who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr.

Lara posted a photo of her and Guilfoyle voting on her Truth Social account, where it was noticed and shared by Ron Filipkowski on Twitter:

As you can see, the two women appear to be pointing to their “I Voted” stickers, but many who saw the image wondered if perhaps they were instead trying to draw attention to their “high beams,” i.e. their erect nipples, which you can’t help but notice, especially on Lara.

Could it be, some wondered, that this was just an innocent mistake, or might it be a message to the MAGA men who are on Truth Social? Call it an enticement to vote or whatever it is such troglodytes do before they get back to their house, or at least to the basement of their mother’s house.

Whatever the motivation, the two had to know their high beams were on full display before they posted the picture, which raises some other disturbing questions about voyeurism and other issues that are better left to another forum such as one hosted by Dr. Ruth.

The two were thoroughly mocked and ridiculed for the photo: