Congress GOP

Lauren Boebert Screams ‘Harassment’ After A Democrat Calls Her ‘Rancid On The Inside’

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) pitched an online hissy fit after a Democratic official in her home state branded her as “rancid on the inside,” but the congresswoman’s comments only served to reinforce what a clueless hypocrite she is and always will be.

Colorado Democratic National Committee member Joe Salazar ran across a photo Boebert posted on Twitter and decided to comment on the posting.

“I really don’t care if@laurenboebert has makeup on or doesn’t. I don’t care if she’s well educated or not.

“She is rancid inside and her poison pollutes our society. She needs to be replaced.

@AdamForColorado is a damn fine choice to truly represent CD-3.”

That led Boebert to respond:

“The misogyny of calling a woman ‘rancid’ for taking a selfie isn’t lost on me.

“The truth is that it pains you to your core that a successful conservative woman is unapologetic in her beliefs and values.

“Sadly, this is the harassment so many conservative women go through every day for simply existing.

“If you wanted some beauty tips, Joe, all you had to do was ask.”

Others on social media then joined the debate, reminding Boebert that her ugliness comes from the inside.

Donald Trump GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Ted Cruz: We Know A Biden Whistleblower Is Honest Because He’s A ‘Gay Democrat Married To A Man’

You probably thought you’d heard all of the absurd and head-shaking bullshit Republicans have to offer when it comes to justifying their investigations of President Joe Biden.

But consider the stupidity that issued from the pie hole of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on his Verdict podcast this week regarding an IRS whistleblower who alleges that the president’s son, Hunter, got a sweetheart deal from the Justice Department when he was allowed to plead guilty and avoid any prison time for tax fraud.

“The Biden White House desperately, desperately, desperately wants to close the door on all investigations on Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “Not a day in jail, served no jail time at all, for millions of dollars in tax fraud, and David Weiss nowhere addresses the most serious allegations in the whistleblowers’ claims, which are that DOJ blocked any and all investigations into Joe Biden’s corruption.”

The whistleblowers, Cruz continued, should be believed instead of Attorney General Merrick Garland or the U.S. Attorney, David Weiss, who just so happens to be a Trump appointee.

“At this point, the statements between Merrick Garland and David Weiss on one side, and the two IRS whistleblowers on the other side are entirely in conflict. The whistleblowers, as I’ve noted, we have no reason to think they’re lying.”

Oh, and the other reason we should believe every word one of the whistleblowers says, according to the Texas senator, is because “One of them is a gay Democrat who’s married to a man.”

“Both of them are career IRS employees. Neither of them have any indication that they’re in any way, shape or form Republican. And they’ve come over and risked their entire careers by calling out what appears to be a pattern of felonies.”

Oh, well, glad you told us, Ted. Because it’s a well-known fact that a person’s sexuality and who they’re married to makes them more or less credible depending on whether they’re gay or straight.

It is?!

That’s the “logic” Cruz is using: A gay Democrat married to man would never tell a lie about Joe Biden. Right? 

It’s tempting to merely call Ted Cruz a moronic bigot and be done with it. Because he is and always will be.

But Cruz’s ridiculous assertion is emblematic of something much more pernicious: The demonization of LGBTQ Americans when it serves the hateful purpose of right-wing jackasses while simultaneously trying to use a person’s sexuality as proof of their political bona fides. 

It’s a new low, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Ted Cruz was the first GOP douchebag to arrive at that point.


Congress GOP

Jen Psaki Perfectly Trolls Lauren Boebert: ‘Are You Sure You’re Not In Middle School?’

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki hilariously tolled Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) for her recent attempts to impeach President Joe Biden that led to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) calling her a “little bitch” on the House floor.

Psaki was asked by MSNBC host Joe Scarborough about the Boebert-Greene confrontation: “Jen Psaki, again, the chaos continues in the House. I can’t help but think, at the end of the day, all this is going to do is damage the House candidates and turn the House back over to Democrats.”

“Well, exactly,” Psaki responded. “I mean, in some ways, the White House and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee don’t have to do much aside from get out of the way.”

“Their entire message is competence versus chaos,” Psaki added. “As we just heard, kind of the outline from John Heilemann about the back-and-forth fight between Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, I mean, Lauren Boebert responded and said, ‘I’m not in middle school.’ It’s like, are you sure you’re not in middle school? That’s how middle schoolers act, you know?”

Psaki noted that the contrast between the House and the White House is clear and could indeed be used against the GOP in 2024.

“If you’re the American public sitting at home, you’re thinking, ‘what a waste of time, what a waste of my time that they are doing there. That is exactly the contrast that the White House, if you’re sitting in the White House right now, my old colleagues there, if you’re sitting in the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and you’re working with Democratic candidates, you’re going to run on, ‘We’ll do something. We will fight for you the public. That is chaotic and crazy there, and we will not be that.'”

Elections GOP Social Media

Kari Lake Owns Herself With The Choice Of Her Entrance Music At An Arizona Rally

Perennial loser/endless candidate Kari Lake held one of her “I was robbed” rallies this week in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the entire affair was little more than a reiteration of her whining about how the 2022 gubernatorial election was stolen from her, despite the fact that she’s yet to produce a shred of credible evidence to prove such an allegation.

But as Laurie Roberts of The Arizona Republic notes, it was Lake’s choice of entry music that caught her attention.

It was her entrance music that was hysterical.

“American Woman.”

The song, which was originally recorded by the Guess Who in 1970, was meant as a tribute to Canadian women because the band was from Canada, as lead singer Burton Cummings explained in 2014:

“What was on my mind was that girls in the States seemed to get older quicker than our girls and that made them, well, dangerous. When I said ‘American woman, stay away from me,’ I really meant ‘Canadian woman, I prefer you.’”

The version played at Lake’s Scottsdale rally was a remake from Lenny Kravitz, but the words were the same, and it’s quite clear that Lake or whoever chose the song didn’t bother to listen or understand the lyrics.

“American woman, stay away from me.”

“Don’t come hanging around my door/I don’t want to see your face no more/I got more important things to do/Than spend my time growing old with you.”

However, in the case of Ms. Lake, the lyrics could easily be tweaked to read, “Kari Lake/Stay away from me.”

Yes, please stay the hell away from us, Kari. We’re tired of your bullshit. You lost. Deal with it and move on already.

If that’s not the most spectacular self-own of 2023, then it’s certainly got to be in the Top 3.

Social media laid the mockery and ridicule on thick.


Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Tweets Out The Ultimate Self-Own Of Herself And The Republican Party

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is absolutely furious that the Biden administration is launching a program to fight bias, hate, and violence against Jewish people in an effort to combat a rise in antisemitism across the country.

President Joe Biden announced the new plan on Thursday, the Associated Press reports, and it includes over 100 steps the administration will take to confront antisemitism.

Speaking during a videotaped address at the White House, Biden said the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism sends a “clear and forceful message” that “in America, evil will not win, hate will not prevail” and “the venom and violence of antisemitism will not be the story of our time.”

Months in the making, the strategy has four basic goals: increasing awareness and understanding of antisemitism, including its threat to America, and broadening appreciation of Jewish American heritage; improving safety and security for Jewish communities; reversing the normalization of antisemitism and countering antisemitic discrimination; and building “cross-community” solidarity and collective action to counter hate.

Even in a deeply divided country like the United States, you’d think just about everyone except the most hardcore bigots would support such an initiative, but Boebert suggested the plan was actually an attempt to target conservatives.

“When they say stuff like this, they mean they want to go after conservatives,” she tweeted. ”Their tactics are straight out of the USSR’s playbook.”

As we often say in the South, A hit dog always hollers.

Or, as one person noted in their response to Boebert, “Every radical MAGA GOP extremist’s accusation is a Confession!!!”

Others also joined the debate, reminding Boebert that she must have one hell of a guilty conscience.