Crime Donald Trump GOP

Liz Cheney Slam Dunks Mike Johnson After He Shows Up At Trump’s Hush Money Trial

Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) couldn’t contain her disgust when it was reported that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) would be in attendance today at failed former president Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial.

Earlier in the morning, The Hill reported that Johnson would indeed become the latest Republican to appear and offer moral support to Trump.

In a statement confirming Johnson’s appearance in Manhattan, the Speaker’s office called the hush money case “the sham prosecution of President Trump” and railed against “left-wing Manhattan district attorney” Alvin Bragg, who led the investigation into the former president.

On Monday, Sens. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) were at the Manhattan courthouse. Both spewed fact-free conspiracy theories about Trump’s prosecution for falsifying business records and illegally interfering in the 2016 election.

But having the current speaker show up was a bridge too much for Cheney, who lit into Johnson on Twitter.

Others on social media also joined in mocking Johnson.

Donald Trump Eric Trump Social Media

Social Media Explodes With Laughter When Eric Trump Says The Trumps Are A ‘Good Family’

According to Eric Trump, his family has never done anything the least bit wrong, illegal, or immoral, and is the very definition of a “good family.”

During an appearance on Fox News over the weekend, Eric was asked about the ongoing hush money trial against his disgraced father.

“Well, Mark. A hundred and ten subpoenas in the last seven years. Those are ones that I’ve received personally. … I’ve never gotten so much as a traffic ticket,” Eric whined. “We’re a good family. Never have done anything wrong.”

“The way that they’ve come after my father since he’s gone down that escalator is unthinkable,” he added.

Never done anything wrong? As HuffPost notes, that claim doesn’t comport with the recent string of legal judgments against former president Donald Trump and the Trump Organization.

“In the last year or so alone, Donald Trump has been found liable in separate civil cases for frauddefamation and sexual abuse, racking up hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties.”

“He has been criminally indicted four times. He faces federal charges related to his handling of classified documents and his attempt to overturn the 2020 election. He is also battling state-level charges in Georgia over election subversion, and is currently on trial in New York for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 hush money payment to a porn star who says she had sex with him the year after he married his current wife.”

Twitter users were only too happy to slap Eric down with an online fact check.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Photo Of Trump Kissing A Child Goes Viral For All The Wrong Reasons

There’s a photo circulating online this morning that’s stirring up all sorts of controversy, with some suggesting it proves that failed former president Donald Trump and members of the MAGA movement will go to any lengths to make it appear they’re inclusive when their policies and rhetoric prove otherwise.

On Instagram, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) posted a photo of her campaigning with Trump, who is kissing a child, along with this caption:

“From working on Trump’s campaign in 2016 to now being the only Trump ENDORSED candidate in SC-01, we have come a long way Mr. President.”

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A post shared by Nancy Mace (@nancyrmace)

The photo set off a wave of commentary, with many noting just how “creepy” it looked and others suggesting the entire thing was little more than a political stunt.

Here are some of the reactions:

Others suggested the photo was fake and had been created using artificial intelligence or Photoshop.

Real or fake, the photo is getting Mace and Trump slammed, which is as it should be.

Donald Trump Social Media

This Trending Social Media Hashtag Is Guaranteed To Enrage Trump

If you haven’t already this morning, be sure and take a digital stroll over to Twitter and check out what topics and phrases are trending.

As of 9:00 a.m., one of those trending hashtags is #OrangeTurd.

Where did that phrase come from? It was brought out during cross-examination of Stormy Daniels on Thursday, and the person who used it first was none other than one of former president Donald Trump’s attorneys.

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell had a field day with the fact that “orange turd” was now part of the court transcript in Trump’s ongoing hush money and election interference case in Manhattan, HuffPost reports.

One of Trump’s defense attorneys in the hush money trial, Susan Necheles, was questioning porn star Stormy Daniels, a key witness, when she pulled up a tweet where Daniels once called Trump an “orange turd.”

“Susan Necheles brought the orange turd into the courtroom and kept it there. The questioning about the orange turd went on and on,” O’Donnell told viewers before reading from the court transcript.

O’Donnell added, “Imagine Donald Trump, sitting in that courtroom today … being forced to listen, with eyes closed or eyes open, to one of his criminal defense lawyers, on whom he has lavished money — money provided by his political contributors — listen to her repeatedly call him, ‘the orange turd.'”

Here’s some of the remarks from other Twitter users on the subject of the #OrangeTurd:

Congress GOP History

WATCH Jamie Raskin Take A GOPer To The Woodshed Over The Pledge Of Allegiance

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gave a Republican colleague a much-needed lesson in American history yesterday during a debate in the House of Representatives.

According to HuffPost, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) was speaking on the subject of adding a citizenship question to the U.S. census when he referenced a line in the Pledge of Allegiance which reads, “and to the Republic for which is stands,” which led him to quote Benjamin Franklin.

“After our Constitution was ratified, he talked about giving us a republic, if we can keep it, and I think people should analyze those two little quotes and wonder why there were references to republic in both of them.”

That led Raskin to note that he had been “inspired” by Grothmans’s comments, and then he took his GOP colleague to school.

He said that “radical Baptist minister” Rev. Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge for the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the Americas. He was concerned over the continued salute of the Confederate battle flag in the South.

“And so he wanted to write a flag salute that would be unifying for the Union,” explained Raskin, who noted that Congress added “under God” in 1954.

The Maryland Democrat also noted that Franklin was a strong supporter of immigration and added he had once loaned a friend some money.

His friend assured him that the principal was well invested, but paying interest would be against their religion, Raskin said. Franklin then told his friend that he meant to say it’s against his “principle” to pay him interest on the loan and against his “interest” to pay him the principal.

“Well look, here our principles and our interests converge, very much,” Raskin said.

“The principles are set forth in the Constitution, which is we count everybody and everybody is part of the census, and everybody is part of the reapportionment process. It’s been like that since 1790.”

Mocking the proposal to add a citizenship question to the censu, Raskin concluded his remarks with this salvo:

“But it’s also in our interest because, as my colleagues have said, this is a land that is built on immigration, except for the Native Americans that were already here and the people who were brought over as slaves. All of us are descendants of immigrants to this country.”

It has been said before but needs to be repeated: Jamie Raskin is a national treasure.