Congress Crime

The Arrest Of Matt Gaetz Is ‘Imminent’: Report

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is in very big trouble, and things are about to get even worse for him, according to The Daily Mail, which notes that Gaetz’s arrest is imminent.

Why will we soon be seeing Gaetz in handcuffs and doing the perp walk? Because a friend of his is telling everything he knows about the congressman in order to save his own ass:

“Rep Matt Gaetz is expected to be indicted within the next few weeks as former Florida official and friend Joel Greenberg is believed to have turned on the congressman in the sex trafficking investigation against him, a source close to the probe tells

“Greenberg, who was elected Seminole County Tax Collector in 2016, is currently in jail awaiting trial after being slapped with a string of charges last year including sex trafficking a minor between the age of 14 and 17.”


Gaetz is reportedly under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegedly being involved in a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl whom he took across state lines and allegedly gave money to, which would open Gaetz up to a charge of sexual trafficking.

Greenberg is also under investigation for trafficking the same underage girl and is trying to cut a deal, talking with federal authorities and providing information that could prove critical in the case against Gaetz:

“The congressman impugned and damaged the reputation of someone who had nothing to do with this,’ the source told 

“‘Gaetz is a sleaze-bag who used a professional with a sterling reputation to divert the attention on a sex investigation focused on him.

“‘Rest assured that Greenberg has been singing to the feds about his friend Matt Gaetz. That’s why Matt is so freaked out,’ the source added.”

Ironically, the DOJ’s investigation of Gaetz began during the Trump administration, when Bill Barr was still attorney general. That alone suggests there must be a boatload of evidence against the Florida Republican.

Don’t be surprised if Gaetz is indicted before the end of April. It would be a monumental fall from power for a man who once had the ear of Donald Trump.


Congress Crime

Matt Gaetz’s Current Legal Problems Have An Interesting Connection To Jeffrey Epstein

Would it surprise you to learn the accusations against Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) that he sexually trafficked an underage girl have a lot in common with the late convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who died in federal custody back in 2019?

Former federal prosecutor Shan Wu spelled out that connection Saturday during an appearance on CNN, noting that federal authorities don’t want to see another high-profile figure escape justice for his possible crimes:

“I think one important context is the Epstein case. Because the Justice Department has messed this up once before, letting a sex trafficker go with just a slap on the wrist. They’re not going to let that happen again.

“This is a different environment than it was before. The testimony of any of these complainants, particularly the underaged minor, will be devastating. This is a new time. We care about victims, and this is a problem for Gaetz.”

Oddly enough, Gaetz was one of the few public officials upset when the Epstein case was reopened in 2019, eventually resulting with Epstein being charged by federal prosecutors for allegedly engaging in sexual relations with underage girls. Specifically, Gaetz said he feared such actions by the Department of Justice (DOJ) would set a “dangerous’ precedent for prosecutors.”

At the moment, Gaetz is facing prosecution for numerous felonies, including sexual trafficking, which could result in him being sentenced to life in prison.

Things got even worse for Gaetz when an attorney for co-conspirator  Joel Greenberg confirmed that his client was cooperating with the DOJ and had accepted a plea deal from federal prosecutors who are also pursuing Gaetz.

There’s another connection between Gatez and Epstein: Both were longtime friends of failed, one-term former President Donald Trump, who was once accused of “repeatedly raping” a 13-year-old girl with the late sex offender. Trump also spoke glowingly about Epstein, just as he has about Gaetz, whom he lavished with praise while he was still in the White House.

Since the accusations against Gaetz have come to light, however, Trump has been mostly silent on the Florida congressman’s legal plight, perhaps showing that even a man as depraved as the former president doesn’t want to risk defending someone suspected of such a heinous crime.

Here’s Shan Wu courtesy of CNN:


Joe Biden The Biden Administration

Biden’s Approval Rating Soars – His Policies Are Wildly Popular With Americans Of Both Parties

At the moment, Joe Biden is one of the most popular presidents in recent memory, and even Republicans are giving him high marks for the job he’s doing battling the coronavirus pandemic and his plan to rebuild American infrastructure.

Morning Consult released a poll this week which shows that the Biden agenda is wildly popular among those surveyed, with 65 percent saying they approve of paying for the president’s infrastructure package by increasing taxes on corporations for the next 15 years. Only 21 percent said they’re opposed to raising taxes on big business.

Even 42 percent of registered Republicans said they support higher taxes on corporations, with 47 percent of GOP voters telling pollsters they were opposed to such a plan.

A closer look inside the Morning Consult numbers also has good news for the administration, with 53 percent of those responding saying they they still support tax hikes and only 27 percent saying they wouldn’t support such a plan.

And then there’s this from the poll, which is almost certain to terrify Congressional Republicans:

“When taxes and other potential funding sources aren’t mentioned, Biden’s infrastructure plan enjoys the support of 60 percent of voters, including 84 percent of Democrats, 51 percent of independents and 35 percent of Republicans.”

Americans realize our infrastructure is falling apart and needs to be rebuilt, whether it be roads and bridges our updating schools across the country.

On Biden’s other signature issue, the COVID relief package and plan for getting the majority of us vaccinated, the numbers are also encouraging, with 70 percent saying they think Biden has done the right thing to slow and eventually eliminate spread of the deadly disease.

While Republicans continue to whine and shoot themselves in the foot, President Biden is being rewarded for his bold and decisive ideas. That alone is all the proof you need that the current president is a unifier, unlike his predecessor.


Congress Elections GOP

GOP Congressman Says He’s Convinced Lauren Boebert Knew About The Jan. 6 Attack In Advance

A member of the House Republican caucus is speaking out and letting it be known that the GOP in its current form has utterly capitulated to the lies and lunacy of former President Donald Trump, and that he cannot sit still and watch as his party is destroyed without sounding an alarm.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) has long been a critic of Trump, but remarks he made to The New York Times Magazine are some of the harshest yet, with the Illinois congressman noting:

“I made the decision early in my career that I would be willing to take a potentially career-ending vote. But I thought that vote would be for something like a Social Security reform bill. I never thought it would be for defending democracy.”

The vote Kinzinger took to defend democracy was when he voted to authorize the creation of a bipartisan commission to examine what happened on January 6 and who is responsible for the Capitol insurrection which left five people dead.

Kinzinger was especially critical of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):

“Kevin gave a great speech the week after that, and then he went to Mar-a-Lago and charged the paddles and brought Trump back to life. That’s the moment when I realized, Oh, man, this is a problem. You come to understand that when the party and party leaders talk about unity, and in the same breath, say that Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, what they’re talking about isn’t unity. They’re talking about capitulation. When under the guise of unity, you act like Jan. 6 was just whatever you want to make of it, that is capitulating to a false narrative and to a dangerous attack on democracy. I will certainly talk to Kevin if he wants to. But I don’t see how we’re ever going to come eye-to-eye on this until there is a recognition that we can’t be the party of insurrection.”

And yet the GOP has indeed become the party of insurrection, with almost no Republicans being willing to say what needs to be said: That what transpired on Jan. 6 was a direct attack on the United States and an abomination that must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

Of special concern to Kinzinger is the fact that he suspects there are current Republicans in Congress who knew what was going to take place on the fateful January day, yet didn’t say a word or warn their colleagues or the authorities:

“I will say, if you just looked at Twitter — the whole reason I brought my gun and kept my staff home and told my wife to stay in the apartment was looking at Twitter. I saw the threats. When Lauren Boebert — I will call her out by name — tweeted ‘Today is 1776,’ I don’t know what that meant other than this is the time for revolution. Maybe it was a dumb tweet that she didn’t mean. Fine. I’ll give her that credit for now. But if you have members of Congress who were involved in nurturing an insurrection, heck yeah, we need to know.”

Fortunately, a select committee is now investigating what happened on Jan. 6. And if it finds that some members of Congress did indeed have advance knowledge of the attack, they need to be booted from their seats and handed over to the Justice Department for prosecution.


Coronavirus GOP WTF?!

Ron DeSantis Facing Big Legal Trouble After His Latest Deadly Scam Is Exposed

Sunday evening on “60 Minutes,” Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis was exposed as having potentially broken the law and violated the oath of office he took when he was elected three years ago.

Specifically, CBS News reported that DeSantis allowed wealthy individuals from around the country to jump to the front of the line for COVID-19 vaccines in exchange for money:

“Florida’s rollout started pretty typically. The first doses were given to healthcare workers and nursing home residents in early December. But then, a few weeks later, Gov. Ron DeSantis, breaking from C.D.C. guidelines, announced he would not vaccinate teachers and essential workers next, but instead put ‘seniors first,’ making anyone 65 or over eligible for the vaccine, the first in the country to do that. DeSantis said seniors were at highest risk.”

Sounds good, huh? DeSantis promised he was going to prioritize senior citizens, but then he changed his mind when big money was waved at him:

“The private jets started arriving. Hollywood moguls, New York socialites and tourists from overseas were getting vaccinated in Florida, posting on social media and sparking outrage. Early on, there were no residency requirements to get vaccinated in the state.”


Can you imagine what the Department of Justice can do to DeSantis if it’s proven that he sold vaccinations to the highest bidder while others caught coronavirus and died? Between that and the wrongful death civil actions that will be filed, DeSantis could well be looking at leaving the state of Florida flat broke and himself under criminal indictment.

DeSantis was once considered a leading contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. But he’ll be lucky to get elected dog catcher now that this latest scandal has exposed his reckless actions.