Congress GOP Social Media Uncategorized WTF?!

Matt Gaetz’s Latest Tweets Sound A Lot Like Death Threats Aimed At Kevin McCarthy

Something very strange is going on with Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, and it doesn’t bode well for how he’ll respond on the day indictments for child sex trafficking are handed down against him and he’s facing the prospect of life in prison.

Gaetz posted three tweets earlier today that on the surface seem like little more than a vapid commentary on a Newsweek article he came across with the title “All-male cheetah pack kill leader in bloody coup.”

That prompted the Florida congressman to follow-up with this:

Cheetahs and House Leadership races, huh? Well, the current leader of House Republicans is Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who said Wednesday he agrees with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that the January 6 attack on the Capitol was indeed “a violent insurrection.”

It’s tempting to say that Gaetz was aiming his tweets at McConnell, but he referenced “House Leadership races,” so that narrows down who he’s referring to.

No matter how you look at it, however, it sounds like a direct threat of some violent action that Gaetz is formulating, even though the chance he’ll still be a free man when such decisions are made is fading by the day, because another person with knowledge of the accusations against Gaetz has now entered a guilty plea and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors, according to Politico:

A Florida collectibles dealer connected to the federal investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz formally entered a guilty plea in Orlando on Wednesday, marking another twist in the ongoing probe into the Republican congressman.

Joe Ellicott, known as “Big Joe,” pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiracy to commit fraud and drug charges and has agreed to cooperate with federal authorities. Ellicott is a relatively minor figure in the ongoing Gaetz probe but was listed on a federal grand jury subpoena in December 2020 along with Gaetz and several other men.

Here’s some free advice for Kevin McCarthy in light of the Gaetz’s tweets: You might want to increase your security detail and keep a close eye on the perv from Florida.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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