Crime Donald Trump

Massive 15-Count Indictment Spells The Beginning Of The End For The Trump Organization

Even though indictments against the Trump Organization had been expected for some time, the sweep of charges that were filed against the former president’s company on Thursday afternoon make it clear that Trump Org. has been a den of criminal activity for a decade and a half, with some of the charges going back as far as 2005.

The Washington Post notes that the indictment was extremely detailed and damning:

“In all, 15 criminal charges were filed against (Trump Org. chief financial officer Allen) Weisselberg, according to a copy of the indictment obtained by The Washington Post. They included counts of conspiracy, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records.”

‘The Kitchen Sink’

Shortly after the indictments were announced, MSNBC legal analyst Ari Melber explained the danger to both Trump and the company that bears his name:

“They have thrown the kitchen sink at the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg. This is very bad news for the Trump Organization because the D.A. has taken an aggressive tact indicting, the entire Trump Organization, in references to the payroll company and others. So, if you were the company hoping to pin this on the employee or get out of it, as far as the D.A. is concerned, game over there — they’re going after the whole company.”

Melber also noted that the sweep of the indictment is staggering:

“Highlight number two, there are 15 counts here. Now we have 15 counts, including larceny, tax fraud, false statements, filing false instruments, falsifying business records. They are taking, what the D.A. argues was a conspiracy to intentionally and habitually defraud the government, steal money and pay people off the books. That is the language of the indictment. They’re alleging that went on for 15 years.”

Racketeering Charges Coming?

Such a large indictment also suggests that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is planning to go after the Trump Organization by using New York state racketeering charges, which would spell the death of the former president’s corporation. That possibility was first reported in May by Politico:

“Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance could be considering a criminal charge that former President Donald Trump’s business empire was a corrupt enterprise under a New York law resembling the federal racketeering statute known as RICO, former prosecutors and defense attorneys said.

“New York’s enterprise corruption statute — which carries the potential for severe penalties — can be applied to money-making businesses alleged to have repeatedly engaged in criminal activity as a way to boost their bottom line.”

It’s also important to keep in mind that this is merely the first salvo from Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is also closing in on Trump, members of his family, and the Trump Organization. By the time the charges have all been filed, don’t be surprised if the failed, one-term former president is flat broke and in jail.

Justice has finally arrived for Donald Trump.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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