
Lauren Boebert Asked Jewish Americans Visiting The US Capitol If They Were Doing ‘Reconnaissance’

A group of Jewish Americans say they were “confused” by remarks Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) made to them when they recently visited the Capitol to speak with a member of Congress.

BuzzFeed News reports:

Members of the group, which was meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi, were wearing yarmulkes, and the person coordinating the group is Orthodox, with a traditional beard.

One witness said the group, along with other members of Congress, was waiting for an elevator. When the doors opened, Boebert stepped out of the elevator and looked the group of visitors “from head to toe,” the witness said. Boebert then asked if they were there to conduct “reconnaissance.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” a rabbi who was with the group told BuzzFeed News.
“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” the rabbi said. “I was very confused.” The rabbi added that “people are very sensitive” now, especially after what happened in Texas this past weekend, when an armed man held four people hostage at a synagogue.

When asked about her disgusting comments, Boebert — who has been accused of bringing insurrectionists into the Capitol just hours before the January 6 insurrection — said she was just repeating what Democrats had said to her:

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same they demonize my family for a year straight.
“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes.”

Even if the person was the same height? Sure, Lauren.

Rep. Suozzi said Boebert’s comments were unacceptable:

“The bottom line is that everyone, especially members of Congress, have to be very, very thoughtful in the language they use. Because when you’re a member of Congress, you have an important role to play in society. You can’t be cavalier in the comments you make especially if they could be perceived as being antisemitic, or discriminatory.”

However, as we’ve seen on numerous occasions with Lauren Boebert, she isn’t the least bit thoughtful and frequently says things that prove her own bigotry and bias. She’s a cancer on Congress and needs to be removed from office.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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