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Eric Trump Has Childish Meltdown As New York AG Tish James Closes In On Him

It’s been a very bad 48 hours for Eric Trump, who found out that his phone records have been obtained by the House Select Committee on the January 6 Capitol insurrection and is now facing added pressure thanks for a court filing from New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The court filing hit the Trumps like a bolt of lightning, as James made it clear that she has “significant evidence” of criminal acts by the Trump Organization that she continues to pursue:

James, who launched her probe in 2019, also said in the court filing that the former president “had ultimate authority over a wide swath of conduct by the Trump Organization” that involved fraudulent misstatements to financial institutions, the Internal Revenue Service, and other parties.

That means bank and tax fraud. The Trumps have been suspected of those crimes for years.

But rather than remain calm and consult his attorneys, Eric Trump decided he’d have a childish meltdown and share it with the internet, firing off tweets that are certain to come back to haunt him and his family as the case against them moves forward.

What exactly was accomplished with that hissy fit? Does he think mean tweets are going to convince Ms. James to drop the case against him and the Trump Organization? If so, then Eric’s even dumber than he looks.

Eric quickly got hit with a massive dose of internet karma. Take a look:

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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