Crime Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Rudy Giuliani Was Given Secret Service Protection On January 6 – Why?

The House select committee investigating what transpired at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 is holding its first public hearing today, and it’s expected most of the testimony will come from police officers serving in the departments that were called to protect the Capitol on that fateful afternoon.

But in the days and weeks yet to come, there will be many more hearings — some public and some held behind closed doors for security reasons — that will widen the scope of inquiry for the committee and hopefully provide us all with more information about what happened that day and how we can prevent such a horrific event from taking place again.

Just Security had two former U.S. Attorneys (Barbara McQuade and Joyce Vance) sit down with Ryan Goodman, who serves as co-Editor-in-Chief of Just Security, and come up with questions that need to be asked by the committee.

At one point in their extensive document, we learn that on the day of the Capitol insurrection, former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was given Secret Service protection, which is highly unusual. That led to these questions:

“Are you aware that Rudy Giuliani received Secret Service Protection on Jan. 6? Were you aware of communications as to whether he should receive Secret Service Protection? What senior U.S. officials were involved in that decision? Were you aware of anyone raising concerns about whether it was appropriate to provide Secret Service protection to someone so far outside the ambit of normal protectees?”

We have this information thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by public advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW):

Giuliani played a key role in the buildup to the Capitol riots, giving a speech with then-President Donald Trump’s blessings in which he urged the crowd:

“Let’s have trial by combat!”

Giuliani will likely be called (or subpoenaed) by the select committee, and considering the fact that he received Secret Service protection on the very same day he basically called for the violent overthrow of the government, he damn well should be.

But why was that protection afforded to him, and who ordered it? Only a few high-ranking White House officials could have made such a request of the Secret Service.

The fact that Giuliani was given such enhanced security suggests that the person or persons who thought that necessary knew in advance that actions were planned which would put him at risk, and that points to a larger conspiracy that may well reach all the way to the Oval Office.

The House select committee has its hands full. But as McQuade and Vance rightly suggest, they shouldn’t be satisfied until they get the answers the American people deserve.


The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Calls For Michael Flynn’s Arrest Grow After He ‘Jokes’ About Assassinating Someone In Washington, DC

Back in May, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn suggested that it was time to stage a coup and reinstall Donald Trump in the White House, remarking when asked why a military coup such as the one that took place in Myanmar couldn’t happen in the United States. The retired Lt. General responded:

“I mean, it should happen.”

And now Flynn is again suggesting that violence needs to be visited on the nation’s capital.

On Sunday in Yuba, California, Flynn was presented with a semiautomatic rifle and told the audience:

“Maybe I’ll find someone in Washington, D.C.”

If you or I said something like that in public, there’s an excellent chance the FBI would pay us a visit and tell us to knock it off or we’d be standing in front of a federal judge, charged with a serious crime.

Why isn’t Flynn under arrest? That’s exactly what Twitter users want to know, too:

Michael Flynn is the lowest form of scum on the face of the planet. He’s a fake patriot who is constantly looking for new ways to destroy this country. For that alone he belongs behind bars for a very long time.


Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Fragile Looking Trump Claims People ‘Threw Up’ As Ballots Were Counted ‘5 Times’ For Biden

Saturday evening in Phoenix, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump dusted off his greatest hits from the 2020 election and once again proved that he’s unfit to speak without the supervision of a medical team.

He sniffed. He slurred words left and right. And he even suggested that the courts were on the verge of doing “great things” that would put him back in the White House very soon. He looked like he was at least 90: Frail, gaunt, pathetic.

Even from the opening, it was clear the evening was going to be scripted by Samuel Beckett with Salvador Dali providing the drugs:

While he was at it, Trump also attacked Arizona GOP Gov. Doug Ducey and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), saying neither of them does anything at all, which of course is pure projection on Donnie’s behalf:

Later in the extended, factually-challenged rant conducted by the Donald, he said votes in Georgia were counted three to five times. So many times, he insisted, that people “threw up” as they watched what was happening.

Also, the slurring was much worse than usual. Some of the words he attempted to pronounced sounded more like the babblings of a newborn than the utterings of a so-called ex-president:

The only good thing about the Phoenix speech is that it’s quite clear he’s deteriorating rapidly. He’s falling apart physically and mentally, and it’s not hard to imagine him in a year or two being wheeled onstage by a nurse and not being able to speak a word. He’ll just raise a shaky arm, wave for a second, soil himself, and be returned to his hospital bed.

Donald Trump is finished. He’s done and everyone seems to realize it except him and the members of his death cult.


Donald Trump GOP Melania Trump WTF?!

Melania Trump Said She Agreed With Her Husband: ‘Shameful’ John McCain Wasn’t A War Hero

If perhaps you were uncertain whether or not former First Lady Melania Trump was as irredeemable and evil as her husband, a new article from Business Insider suggests that Melania is indeed a piece of crap.

According to the “oral history” of how Trump took over the GOP, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reveals that Mrs. Trump did indeed trash Sen. McCain:

“Former first lady Melania Trump shared her husband’s low opinion of the late Republican Sen. John McCain’s military record.

“She agreed with then-candidate Donald Trump when he said during a 2016 GOP primary event in Iowa that the Arizona senator was ‘not a war hero,” according to Trump’s former campaign manager Cory Lewandowski.

“Lewandowski, who spoke to Insider as part of an oral history project on Trump’s takeover of the GOP, said he and Trump met up with Melania Trump in New Jersey as political pundits and conservative talk-show hosts were saying Trump had to apologize. He thought the comment would end Trump’s campaign.

“As we walked in the door, Mrs. Trump was waiting for us,” Lewandowski said. She said: ‘You’re right. John McCain isn’t a war hero. What he has done for the veterans has been shameful.'”

What exactly did Melania or her husband ever do for veterans? Donald said he was going to raise money for vets instead of debating in 2016 (because he was afraid of then-Fox host Megyn Kelly, who was one of the moderators) but he had to be shamed into finally releasing the funds he raised.

Have any of the Trumps served in uniform? No. As a matter of fact, Donald Trump’s grandfather was kicked out of Germany because he wouldn’t do his mandatory military service, CNN reported a few years ago:

“Donald Trump’s grandfather was kicked out of his native Germany for failing to do his mandatory military service there, a historian has claimed.

“A local council letter from 1905 informed Friedrich Trump – who had become a United States citizen – that he would not be granted his German citizenship back and that he had eight weeks to leave the country or be deported, German historian Roland Paul told CNN Tuesday.”

Melania Trump is indeed as disgusting as her husband. We’ve always suspected it, and now we know it to be true.


Congress Coronavirus GOP WTF?!

Asked About Americans Dying Of COVID, Marjorie Taylor Greene Laughs Maniacally

Based on the things she’s said and done since she first announced she would be running for Congress, there are some things we already know about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA):

  • She’s willfully ignorant
  • She’s a shameless self-promoter
  • She has the common sense of wet burlap
  • She’s fond of conspiracy theories

But based on remarks Greene made Tuesday during a press conference held at her office, we can add another fact to what we know about the Georgia congresswoman: She’s a heartless asshole who doesn’t give two hoots in hell about anyone but herself.

It began when Greene told reporters:

“With 6,000 vax related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the (COVID-19) vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.”

Mediate reports that at Greene’s Tuesday presser, Tim Mitchell of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked her:

“Do you feel any responsibility for keeping people in Georgia safe? There are children, skinny people, who have died of coronavirus. Do you feel any responsibility?”

Greene’s response was to begin laughing. Not just a chuckle, mind you, but a genuine maniacal laugh before she finally managed to reply:

“Gee, you crack me up.

“You know what? I think people’s responsibility is their own to read the information, and it’s everywhere.”

Notice how she didn’t actually answer the question? She has no logical answer or fact to provide, so she resorts to a bullshit response that only serves to prove what a foolish and dangerous person she truly is.

Another reporter asked the congresswoman if she had been vaccinated, and Greene began spouting outright nonsense about how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevented her from saying one way or the other on that query:

“(That) is a violation of my HIPAA rights. You see, with HIPAA rights, we don’t have to reveal our medical records and that also involves our vaccine records.”

Not even a little bit true, as Mediate noted:

“Under HIPAA, healthcare providers may not provide medical information about patients to third parties without patient consent. It does not apply to individuals or entities who aren’t healthcare providers. Moreover, it is not a “violation” of the law to ask someone if they have been vaccinated.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a waste of flesh and oxygen. She’s also a heartless ghoul with blood on her hands.