Congress Social Media WTF?!

‘Ghoulish’ Lauren Boebert Slammed For Tweet Mocking Alec Baldwin After Tragedy On Movie Set

Less than 24 hours after actor Alex Baldwin accidentally shot and killed award-winning cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of the movie “Rust,” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) posted a hateful, tone-deaf tweet making light of the situation and attacking Baldwin.

Boebert referenced a tweet Baldwin sent seven years ago in the aftermath of the police shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man who was gunned down by a police officer in Ferguson, Missiouri.

Even though the two events are not even vaguely similar, Boebert sent out this tweet:

Reaction on social media was immediate. Even former Trump White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah was disgusted by Boebert’s attempt to use a tragedy in order to score cheap political points:


Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego (AZ) also lit into Boebert:

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Twitter Erupts With Mockery After Trump Launches A Social Media Platform He Calls ‘TRUTH Social’

Not content to have already destroyed his own real estate company, the Trump Organization — which is under criminal investigation in multiple jurisdictions — failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump has now decided to launch a social media platform that he believes can compete with Facebook and Twitter, both of which have banned him for his lies about the 2020 election.

Trump made his announcement of the new Trump branded platform (which he’s calling “TRUTH Social”) via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, who unfortunately hasn’t been kicked off Twitter:

“We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American president has been silenced.”

Actually, the Taliban and Donald Trump have a lot in common, but we’ll leave that discussion for another day.

First of all, just the fact that Trump is calling this TRUTH Social is the height of both hypocrisy and irony. The man doesn’t believe in truth; his every word is a lie.

Also, when you consider that every business the Donald has ever been a part of has either gone bankrupt or is facing indictment, the so-called Trump Media & Technology Group seems destined for a quick collapse. In six months time, it’ll probably be tossed onto the same heap of failure as Trumps steaks, Trump airlines, Trump vodka, and Trump University.

The vast majority of Twitter users who know how to follow the Terms of Service for the platform Trump is so jealous of were only to happy to mock Donnie for his latest harebrained scheme:

Fox News Social Media WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Gets Crushed Online After He Mocks ‘Breastfeeding’ Buttigieg For Taking Paternity Leave

You probably recall that back in July, while he was on vacation in Montana, Fox News host Tucker Carlson was approached by a man named Dan Bailey who told him to his face:

“You are the worst human being known to mankind. I want you to know that.”

And now, yet again, Carlson has proved that he is indeed the worst human being known to mankind for comments he made about Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg taking family leave since he and his husband, Chasten, recently adopted twins.

On his show Thursday evening, Carlson not only chided Buttigieg for taking leave (which he’s entitled to under the law), but he also decided he’d toss in a line about how he wondered if “breastfeeding” had worked out.

What in the hell is that all about? Is Carlson just trying to let his audience know he hates Buttigieg because he’s gay, or is he suggesting that two men shouldn’t be allowed to adopt?

Whatever Carlson’s point was, his comments were met with anger and disdain on Twitter:

UPDATE: Secretary Buttigieg responded to Carlson during an appearance on “Deadline: White House, remarking:

“I don’t think that even speaks for most people, on the other side of the aisle from the party that I belong to. This is largely a consensus issue, not just the support for families like mine to have a right to marry and right to be treated equally, but also that families in general. Moms and dads have to be able to support their children including with paid leave.”

Donald Trump WTF?!

Donald Trump’s Weird Bush-Cheney Photoshop Will Give You Nightmares

Something very strange happened on Thursday evening, and it took the form of an email from failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump that he sent to his email subscribers.

Keep in mind, Trump would love to have used Twitter and Facebook to share what someone cooked up for him, but he’s banned from those platforms, and we can all hope and pray he’ll never be allowed back on either.

Michael Luciano of Mediaite appears to be the first reporter to have gotten ahold of what was sent by Trump in email, and he reported:

On Thursday night, Donald Trump sent his email subscribers a bizarre photoshopped image of Liz Cheney and George W. Bush spliced together and I am shook.

The photo was the only content in the email, other than the subject line of “ICYMI: Must-See Photo.”

Prepare yourself for the photo. You’re going to be seeing it in your mind for longer than you’d probably like.

This is just the latest in Trump’s personal obsession with Bush and Cheney, according to USA Today:

Donald Trump has renewed his feud with fellow former President George Bush, this time over Bush’s support for anti-Trump congresswoman Liz Cheney – another front in the deeply personal battle over control of the Republican Party.

Trump, who is backing a Republican opponent of Cheney in Wyoming’s GOP primary next year, attacked Bush over military policy after news broke that Bush is sponsoring an Oct. 18 campaign fundraiser for Cheney in Dallas.

“Bush is the one who got us into the quicksand of the Middle East,” and “the Middle East was left in worse shape after 21 years than it was when he started his stupidity,” Trump said in a statement late Wednesday.

But the photo, you’ll probably agree, is a new low, even for Trump. However, there is one possible outcome that we can hope for: Someone needs to do a photoshopped version of Trump and Melania. Or maybe Donald and Ivanka, since we know he’s lusted after her since she was only 13.

Ok, photoshoppers. The gauntlet has been laid down. Get to work and share your creations with the internet.

Congress GOP Religion WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says The Church Should Always Have Authority Over The Government

Proving yet again that many Republicans in Congress either haven’t read the U.S. Constitution or read it and didn’t comprehend a word it says, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is urging Christians to help her “remove” President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris because the church should always have authority over the government.

Speaking over the weekend at a conference hosted by the right-wing Truth & Liberty Coalition at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado, Right Wing Watch reports, Boebert began her rant by demanding that Biden and Harris be impeached:

“When we see Biden address the nation and the world and show more contempt and aggravation and aggression towards unvaccinated Americans than he does terrorists, we have a problem. And that’s why I have articles of impeachment to impeach Joe Biden, Kamala Harris.”

“We cannot take another 18 months, we cannot take another three years of this poor, failed leadership. We are sons and daughters of revolutionaries. They went to battle for a lot less. They took a stand for a lot less. And it’s time we get involved. I need you involved in every local level. I need you speaking up. I need the world to hear your voice. You know the word of God, and you know that there is power in your words, that the world was framed by words. You have the Lord God Almighty on your side. I need you to use your voice and speak.”

And then Boebert declared that the government must do whatever the church wants:

“You have the God kind of faith, and that faith speaks. That faith speaks to mountains, those impossible, immovable situations, and I think there’s some mountains they need to hear your voice. … It’s time the church speaks up. The church has relinquished too much authority to government. We should not be taking orders from the government; the government needs to be looking at the church and saying, ‘How do we do this effectively?'”

From beyond the grave, Thomas Jefferson responds to Lauren Boebert, having written in 1802:

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

The name “God,” it should be noted, is not found anywhere in the Constitution. Not even once. That’s how seriously the Founding Fathers took the idea that religion and government should be separated.

As for Boebert’s absurd call for Biden and Harris to be impeached, that’s just sour grapes because her real Lord and Savior, Donald Trump, was impeached twice, the only man in U.S. history to carry that dubious distinction.

If Lauren Boebert wants to live in a theocracy, there are planes leaving most airports that will take her to Iran or Saudi Arabia. And almost no one back here in the U.S. will miss her.