Melania Trump Trump Supporters WTF?!

The Latest MAGA Outrage: The FBI Went Through Melania’s Wardrobe Drawers Looking For Evidence

Always looking for something to be outraged by, the MAGA faithful are now obsessed with reports that when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago on Monday in connection with a warrant issued by a federal judge, they also looked through Melania Trump’s wardrobe drawers.

What?! Oh my God! The horror!!

The story began on Fox News, which has been pushing the Melania angle in prime time, no doubt hoping to boost ratings and keep the Trump acolytes properly outraged.

If FBI agents went through Melania’s clothing, that was clearly covered in the search warrant. After all, it’s quite easy to hide documents, cell phones, cameras, and thumb drives in a drawer.

And then there’s this possibility: Maybe Melania is a co-conspirator with her husband. It wouldn’t be the first time a married couple has engaged in criminal behavior as a team.

But to hear the outcry on social media, you’d have thought they strip searched Melania.

Donald Trump Fox News WTF?!

Judge Jeanine Has On-Air Meltdown While Discussing Mar-a-Lago Warrant: ‘IT’S NOT TRUMP’S FAULT!’

Even though she was once a judge, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro is totally ignorant about the law, especially as it applies to her political hero, disgraced former president Donald Trump.

Pirro and her co-hosts on “The Five” were discussing the warrant served by FBI agents Monday at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club, with former Tennessee Democratic Congressman Harold Ford urging everyone to wait for all the facts before convicting Trump in the court of public opinion or attacking the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland:

“We should wait for the facts to come out here. The president is presumed innocent.”

But Pirro was having none of it, insisting this was just the latest attempt to destroy Trump:

“I don’t think it speculation at all! You do not break into a house of a guy that you’ve been working with for nine months, that you have to admit has been cooperating with you for presidential records?! No!”


“Can I ask you a question?”


“No! I’m going to answer your question.”

And that’s when Pirro went on an unhinged rant, her voice rising and at times quivering as she spoke:

“And you do not do that and have guys with AR-15 – and women I might add – at the front of Mar-a-Lago. In a situation like this were the man is about to announce for president, if he’s going to run for president. But if I were the lawyer, the first thing I would say is as a citizen of the United States, I want to know from the Department of Justice why you are doing this.

“I want to know from the FBI whether or not this is legitimate because everything you’ve done regarding Donald Trump has been illegal, illegitimate, and immoral up at the and the country knows it. And you have destroyed our faith in the justice system.”

Once again, Ford attempted to ask Pirro a question, to which she replied:

“It’s not Donald Trump’s fault!”

Reportedly, Donald Trump considered nominating Pirro to be his attorney general. That’s a terrifying thought, and her comments are proof that she’s unqualified for any position that requires even-handedness and rational thought. She’s a kook and allegedly has a drinking problem.

If Pirro is so confident Trump did nothing wrong, why doesn’t she urge him to release his copy of the search warrant and inventory of items the FBI seized? Probably because she can’t handle the truth.

Crime Donald Trump Eric Trump WTF?!

WATCH: Eric Trump Appears On The Verge Of Tears As He Tells Hannity About The FBI Raid On Mar-a-Lago

Just hours after the FBI served a search warrant on former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club and residence in Palm Beach, Florida, Eric Trump showed up on Sean Hannity’s show to whine, appearing on the verge of tears as he spoke to the Fox News host.

The Daily Beast notes that Hannity let Eric go uninterrupted as he bemoaned the fact that justice had finally caught up with his daddy:

“Sean, this didn’t come from the little local FBI field office in Palm Beach, Florida. You know who this came from. This came from one place and one building, and that is the White House in Washington, D.C.”

Actually, it came from a federal judge and the Justice Department as part of an ongoing investigation of top secret documents the ex-president removed from the White House and took with him to Florida in direct violation of federal law.

Eric continued:

“To have 30 FBI agents—actually more than that—descend on Mar-a-Lago, give absolutely no notice, go through the gates, start ransacking an office, ransacking a closet… they broke into a safe. He didn’t even have anything in the safe. I mean, give me a break. And this is coming from, what, the National Archives?”

If Donald didn’t have anything in the safe, then he has nothing to worry about. But as we’ve learned when it comes to the Trump family, what they say is almost always the opposite of what actually happened.

As you’d expect, Eric also tried to deflect by using the name of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son:

“And yet Hunter Biden, he did firearms crimes, prostitution, illegal drugs, you know, shady deals with everybody around the world. And by the way, it’s all in his laptop for the whole world to see. Where are these FBI agents? Where is everybody? Why is it that the arrows only fly at Donald Trump and his family? Why is it that the political persecution only goes one way in this country?

“When do you give up? When do you say enough is enough? When do you give a human being who fought so hard for this country—when do you give them the benefit of the doubt?”

Fought so hard for this country? Donald Trump claimed to have “bone spurs” when he was called to serve in Vietnam. He has never done anything for anyone other than himself because he’s a grifter, a liar, a traitor, and a coward.

Cry some more, Eric. Your tears are delicious.

Elections Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Alex Jones Tells Steve Bannon To Expect A Terrorist Attack By ‘Obama And His People’ Before The Midterms

Even though he was handed a bill of almost $50 million last week for defamatory comments he made about parents of the children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is now spreading a new lie to eager right wingers: Former President Barack Obama is probably going to launch a terrorist attack inside the United States right before the midterm elections in November.

Appearing on Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast, Jones was asked by the host:

“Are you concerned about the Nov. 8 elections? Are you seeing things out there that are concerning you as to whether we’ll have a free and fair election?”

Jones replied:

“I’m worried that the Biden controllers, the third administration of Obama — I’m worried that Obama and his people may provocateur some type of big terror attack. They might launch a cyber attack and blame it on the Russians. They might start a major war.”

Jones then added:

“I mean, they’re going to have an October surprise or a group of October surprises. You can bet your bottom dollar on it.”

The exchange between Bannon and Jones tells us two things:

  • Republicans are worried they’re going to lose in November, despite their long-predicted “red wave” on Election Day.
  • Conservatives and right-wing nutjobs are already laying down the predicate for what they’ll claim if Democrats keep control of the House and Senate.

It’s also interesting to hear Jones and his ilk talk about terrorism when it was their shock troops who carried out the most recent domestic terror attack in this country on January 6, 2021.

If there is any terror attack before votes are cast on Nov. 8, the first person to be questioned should be Alex Jones.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Grosses Out CPAC By Claiming The White House Doctor ‘Loved Looking At My Body’

Taking the stage Saturday evening at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president riffed for over and hour on his favorite topics — himself, himself, and himself — even going to far as to tell attendees that former White House physician Ronny Jackson (who now serves in Congress) “loved” looking at his body when he gave him a physical.

According to Mediaite, Jackson was in attendance as Trump gave his speech:

During his speech, the former President shouted out Jackson, who stood up in the audience, smiling to a round of applause.

“He was a great doctor,” said Trump “You know, he was an admiral, a doctor, and now he’s a congressman.”

Trump continued claiming that he asked Jackson which career he preferred and “he sort of indicated doctor because he loved looking at my body.”

“It was so strong and powerful,” noted Trump.

The disgraced ex-president added that Jackson told him he was “the healthiest president that’s ever lived.”

Jackson was the subject of an Defense Department Inspector General report last year that found he had contributed to a hostile work environment, drank on duty, and engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct during his time as White House Physician.

As for Trump’s ludicrous claim that he’s the “healthiest president that’s ever lived,” take a look at this photo of the Donald from last weekend during a golf tournament at his Bedminster Golf Club:

Does that tub of lard look healthy to you?

There’s also this photo, which was also taken as Trump played golf at the Saudi-funded golf pro-am last weekend:

Does that man look healthy, or does he look like he needs to be hospitalized?

This one tweet best sums up how the rest of us feel when we see Donald Trump: