Eric Trump Lara Trump Social Media WTF?!

Lara Trump Gets Slammed For Posting Video Of Her Son In Pouring Rain – Calls It Building ‘Character’

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump and wife of Eric Trump, executive vice president of his daddy’s company, the Trump Organization, is getting slammed on social media for a video she posted of her 5-year-old son being forced to ride on a small children’s car in pouring rain as she notes that doing so will build “character.”

In the video, the child, Eric L. Trump, who goes by the name Luke, is seen squinting his eyes and trying to see as a torrential rain pours down on him. At one point, he also appears to be crying.

The rain is part of the first wave of storms from Hurricane Ian, which is slamming into the state of Florida, and it appears to have caught Lara by surprise, because she includes a caption on Instagram with the video that reads:

“Thought we had a clear window, turns out we built some character instead. Everyone stay safe!”

In the video, you can also hear Lara Trump remarking:

“Oh my God, Luke. Come on, you can do it, let’s go.”

This is the same son that Eric and Lara praised as being a “hyper-savant” in June, with Lara commenting:

“I feel like our son could almost be like an Elon Musk type. Because he looks at things in a way…The things he observes when he looks at like a video or picture, I’m like, ‘Wow, you’re looking at that in a way I never even thought of.’ That’s Elon Musk.”

Once the video was shared on Twitter, it didn’t take long before Lara was slammed for humiliating her son while the internet watched, which certainly seems to be a form of child abuse.

Cruelty and sadism seem to be hallmarks of the Trump family.

Donald Trump Foreign Policy Russia WTF?!

Trump Says He’s The Perfect Person To Negotiate A Peace Deal Between Russia And Ukraine

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now proposing that he head a U.S. delegation to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

A day after reports that explosions had damaged and disabled the Russian Nordstream pipelines in what European leaders are calling sabotage, the failed ex-president went on his failing Truth Social site and posted this message:

U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???

Despite suspicions that Russia disabled the Nordstream pipelines, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday evening on his show that he believes the Biden administration might be responsible, according to Mediaite:

Recent explosions that reportedly disabled the pipeline did not earn much coverage in the United States until Carlson opened his top-rated show covering it and pointing the finger at the Biden administration for what he suggested was a climate catastrophe.  Given Carlson’s documented proclivity for supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump’s doing the same, it might be wise to keep powder dry on laying blame on anyone at this point, but it is definitely a story to continue to track.

By all means, let’s send a man who repeatedly kowtows to Putin on every issue to sell out our Ukrainian allies. What could possibly go wrong, other than Trump helping to craft a “deal” that would result in Ukraine having to give up 90% of its territory to the mass murdering megalomaniac who may have dirt on the former president?

Here’s some of the reaction on social media to Trump’s ludicrous offer to help:

Donald Trump Viral Video WTF?!

What?! Trump Tells Crowd At North Carolina Rally ‘We Have To Keep Our Country Gay!’

Something very strange happened Friday evening at the rally failed, one-term former president Donald Trump held in Wilmington, North Carolina.

During his speech (which seemed to go on forever), it sounded like the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president said that he and his supporters “have to keep our country gay.”

According to Mediaite, the remark was clearly a mistake.

“To stop the destruction of our country and save the American dream, you must vote Republican. Joe Biden and the Democrat arsonists do not care one bit about the pain and suffering they’re causing you or your family or our once great country. Remember, I was going to say, was going to use an expression, ‘We have to keep our country gay,’ but it’s not… I mean, for some reason, it’s just not great anymore. And we can name those reasons. And we’re going to discuss them tonight.”

That set off peals of laughter and mockery on Twitter.

Elections GOP Immigration WTF?!

Sickening GOP Fundraising Email Asks: ‘Where Do You Want Republicans To Send Illegal Immigrants Next?’

Now that the Republican Party has made it clear they will do absolutely anything — including putting innocent people in harm’s way — for publicity and free media coverage, they’re now trying to raise money off their disgusting actions that endanger the lives of people who simply want to live in freedom and peace.

The GOP just sent out a fundraising email to supporters in which they not only beg for contributions, but also implore those who do contribute to tell answer a question: Where do you want us to send illegal immigrants next now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has shipped almost 50 of them to Martha’s Vineyard.

Business Insider notes:

A baked-in poll, which may not collect any data but definitely accepts donations, asks MAGA fans to choose which Democratic enclave to disrupt next: former President Barack Obama’s house, the White House, San Francisco, or some other location. The Martha’s Vineyard incident has sparked mounting lawsuits against DeSantis as well as a wave of calls for Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate potential criminal violations. 

Even though he has been indirectly critical of Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) revealed that he supported sending immigrants to Democratic locations, telling reporters. “I personally thought it was a good idea.”

But there were plenty of others who don’t think it’s a good idea, and harshly criticized the fundraising email.

Donald Trump Espionage Fox News WTF?!

Trump Tells Hannity He Declassified Documents With His Mind: ‘By Thinking About It’

Disgraced, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump has a new excuse for why he violated the law by hoarding thousands of classified and top secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida: He telepathically declassified all of them with his mind, “by thinking about it.”

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that aired Wednesday evening, Trump was asked:

“A president has the power to declassify. You have said on Truth Social a number of times you did declassify. Is there a process? What was your process?”

The ex-president replied:

“There doesn’t have to be a process as I understand it. If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified,’ even by thinking about it because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or wherever you’re sending it. And there doesn’t have to be a process. There can be a process but there doesn’t have to be. You’re the president. You make that decision. So when you send it, it’s declassified. I declassified everything.”

That is complete and total bullshit, as former White House counsel for ethics Norm Eisen noted on CNN:

“There’s no indication that Trump actually ever declassified these documents. The reason [Trump’s] lawyers have never said in a court filing that the documents were declassified is because they would be subject to penalties themselves, ethics penalties, penalties of the court if they said something that isn’t true.”

And former Trump White House communications director Stephanie Grisham explained that there is indeed a process for declassifying the sort of materials Trump had in his possession:

“You don’t just say the words, ‘These are now declassified,’ and it’s done. There is a process. And more importantly, people, agencies would need to be told. The CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, the people who have sources and methods out there. They would need to know that, ‘Hey, these documents are suddenly declassified,’ so that they can move those sources around.”

Twitter users had some thoughts on the idea of using mental telepathy to change things from top secret to copacetic.