Donald Trump Fox News Joe Biden

Geraldo Rivera Urges Biden To Pardon Trump For The ‘Good Of The Nation’ And Gets Humiliated

Geraldo Rivera just had the second worst idea of his life (the first being his failed 1986 opening of Al Capone’s vault, which contained nothing but some worthless debris), and once again he decided to share his idiocy with the world, only to be humiliated for the entire internet to see and mock.

Rivera wants President Joe Biden to give a presidential pardon to disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump for the “good of the nation.”

Ford pardoned Nixon for the good of the nation? Really? There have long been suggestions that Ford actually pardoned Nixon as part of a larger plan: Nixon agreed to hand the presidency to Ford in return for getting a pass on all of his many crimes while in office.

It should also be noted that when Ford ran for reelection in 1976, the nation decided he needed to be booted from the White House and elected Jimmy Carter.

Pardon Trump? To hell with that idea! The man has repeatedly avoided paying the price for a lifetime of criminal behavior and belongs behind bars until the day he passes from this world.

Sorry, Geraldo, but Twitter thinks you should go back to Capone’s vault, only this time be sure and stay there.


Fox News Joe Biden The Biden Administration WTF?!

Fox News Accuses The Biden Administration Of Being ‘Too Pro-Christmas’

For years, Fox News and others on the right have suggested that liberals and progressives are antagonistic to anything religious or sacred, even going so far as to declare that there’s a “War on Christmas.”

Now, however, it seems Fox has decided that the Biden White House is “too pro-Christmas” and is overlooking Thanksgiving, according to Alex Henderson of AlterNet.

At 6 PM on Monday, November 21, Fox News announced its “all-American Christmas tree lighting.” But only four later, on far-right host Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, “The Ingraham Angle,” the following words appeared on the screen: “Biden White House Jumps the Gun on Christmas.”

Twitter quickly reminded Fox of their enormous hypocrisy.

Elections GOP Joe Biden

Biden Puts Oz On Full Blast After Learning He Attended High School In Delaware

President Joe Biden laid one hell of a nasty burn on Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz when he found out that the doctor had attended high school in the president’s home state of Delaware.

Speaking to a crowd at a campaign even for Oz’s Democratic opponent, John Fetterman in Philadelphia, Biden remarked:

“I couldn’t believe it. He went to high school in Delaware. But Delaware was smart enough to send him to New Jersey.”

That wasn’t all the president said about a U.S. Senate controlled by Republicans, Politico reports:

“If, in fact, we lose the Senate, say goodbye to lower medical costs. Gone,” Biden said shortly after saying Fetterman has “got to win.”

Additionally, Biden noted that Republicans want to cut all aid to Ukraine and let Russia continue its war against the Ukrainian people.

“They said that if they win, they’re likely to not continue to fund Ukraine,” Biden said. “These guys don’t get it.”

Recent polls from the Keystone State show Fetterman with a small lead over Oz, and many political observers believe the race will come down to turnout, which is always crucial for Democrats. The massive turnout in the 2020 election is one of the reasons Biden won the election and Democrats gained seats in the Senate.

Fox News Joe Biden Social Media

Dark Brandon Swats Down Fox’s Peter Doocy And Twitter Applauds With Delight

Thinking he could trip up President Joe Biden with a loaded question, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy tried on Wednesday to make Biden choose which item he felt was the “top domestic issue” as the midterm elections approach: Abortion or inflation.

But Biden, in full Dark Brandon mode, swatted down Doocy and gave him a lesson in governing, telling him:

“They’re all important. Unlike you, there’s no one thing. It crosses the board. They’re all important. And we oughta be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the “Dark Brandon” phenomenon, HuffPost explains:

“Dark Brandon” is the meme-worthy nickname that’s turned what was once an insult into shorthand for a feisty president willing to fight back.

This isn’t the first time Biden has put Doocy in his place. The two have sparred before, CNBC notes:

President Joe Biden called Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy “a stupid son of a bitch” Monday on a live microphone, after Doocy asked Biden whether inflation was a political liability for him.

The verbal slip took place during a White House event on Biden administration efforts to combat inflation. After the president complained that all the press questions were about the military buildup around Ukraine, Doocy shouted: “Will you take questions about inflation? Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”

Thinking his microphone was turned off, Biden responded sarcastically: “No, that’s a great asset. More inflation.”

He added, “What a stupid son of a bitch.”

It should be noted that the president later apologized for what he called Doocy.

Twitter users were delighted to see Dark Brandon make a comeback and remind Fox and its viewers that Democrats can indeed do two things at the same time, which is what governing is all about.

Congress GOP Joe Biden

Marjorie Taylor Greene Facing Censure For Yet Another Antisemitic Remark

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is in hot water yet again for a disgusting remark she made about President Joe Biden that is being called antisemitic by Jewish groups, according to The Washington Post.

House Democrats are again seeking to censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) over Joe Biden is Hitler” social media posts. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) introduced a resolution on Thursday.

The move comes after Greene posted on Twitter that “Joe Biden is Hitler” and subsequently tweeted a doctored video of the president with a small mustache standing at a lectern with swastikas in the background dubbed with audio of the Nazi leader.

Schneider first drafted a censure resolution last summer after Greene repeatedly compared the coronavirus vaccine and mask mandates to the Holocaust. But Schneider dropped the resolution after Greene visited the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and issued an apology for what she called her “offensive” remarks.

In a statement, Schneider noted that Greene has made such comments before and clearly doesn’t learn from her mistakes:

“Rep. Greene demonstrated that her apology in June 2021 was insincere and that she remains devoted to sullying the reputation of the House of Representatives.”

Indeed, Greene is a serial offender when it comes to antisemitic comments, having suggested that wildfires in California might have been sparked by lasers control by a Jewish cabal. She has also addressed a conference of white nationalists.

Greene has also been criticized by her fellow Republicans, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slamming her last year when she compared coronavirus protections to the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under the Nazis.

The congresswoman is facing an uncertain bid for re-election and also being divorced by her husband of 27 years, Perry Greene. Details of the divorce and Marjorie’s alleged indiscretions could complicate her goal of winning another term in Congress.