Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6

Stephen Colbert Has A Hilarious New Nickname For Josh Hawley – And It’s Absolutely Perfect

The five days since last Thursday’s public hearing of the House Select Committee investigating January 6 have been especially bad ones for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who was exposed as a coward by the panel when it aired new video of him running away from rioters like a little boy who thinks he’s just seen the boogeyman.

That scene took place just hours after Hawley had given a raised fist salute to protesters as he entered the Capitol on Jan. 6.

As you’d expect, reaction to the video of Hawley, especially when compared to his tough guy salute, has set off plenty of laughter on social media.

And now Stephen Colbert, host of “The Late Show,” has joined the mockery, giving Hawley a nickname that will likely stick with him for the remainder of his life and help assure he is never elected president, despite his reported ambitions to run for the White House in 2024.

HuffPost reports:

“This weekend, at the right-wing Turning Point USA Summit, we heard from Missouri senator and star of the new film ‘Fascist Gump’ Josh Hawley,” Colbert said Monday.

Colbert then played a clip of Hawley’s speech at the summit in which he proclaimed:

“I just want to say to all of those liberals out there and the liberal media, just in case you haven’t gotten the message yet: I do not regret it. And I am not backing down. I’m not going to apologize. I’m not going to cower. I’m not going to run from you.”

That led Colbert to counter:

“Yeah. He is never going to run from his enemies. In fact, here he is on January 6 bravely moonwalking into danger.”


GOP Religion

Marjorie Greene Has A Meltdown After Rachel Maddow Exposes The Racist Roots Of ‘Christian Nationalism’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) absolutely loves saying wild, outrageous, racist, and disgusting things, but she gets livid when anyone dares to point out the wrongness of the things she’s said.

For example, Greene has recently proclaimed that she is a proud “Christian nationalist,” remarking:

“Republicans really need to recognize the people they represent, ok? Their voters, not the lobbyists donors, not the corporate PACs, not those people. That’s not who the Republican Party should represent. We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and, I say it proudly: We should be Christian nationalists.”

That led MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to examine the history of the Christian nationalist movement in the United States, and what she discovered is absolutely terrifying, Mediaite reports:

On Monday night, Maddow dove into the history of the term “Christian nationalist,” bringing the term back to Gerald L.K. Smith, the controversial founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade. Maddow played audio of Greene’s call for her party to be “Christian nationalists,” and then aired various audio of Smith taking issue with Jewish organizations, mixing races, and more.

Again, this is history. It is documented fact. And yet Greene had a hissy fit/meltdown on Twitter Tuesday, suggesting that Maddow was part of the “Godless lying left” who wants to portray her as a “Nazi.”

Since she’s from the South, I’ll share a Southern expression that Marjorie Insurrectionist Greene will be familiar with: A hit dog always hollers.


Former Chief Of Staff To Mike Pence Destroys Matt Gaetz: ‘He’ll Be In Prison’ By 2024

Marc Short was chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence from 2019 to 2021, and recently appeared before a grand jury investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S Capitol.

Short is also now a hero to millions for comments he made Monday evening on CNN regarding Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who said disparaging things about Pence at a conservative conference over the weekend.

HuffPost notes that Gaetz slighted Pence by suggesting he would never be president:

During a speech at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday, Gaetz told the cheering crowd that “Our America is proudly ultra-MAGA, not some low-energy roadside RINO safari.” (RINO, one of Trump’s favorite terms for Republicans who won’t do his bidding, stands for “Republican in name only.”)

“On that note, let me just say what everybody here knows. Mike Pence will never be president,” Gaetz continued. “Nice guy; not a leader.”

That led Short to tell host Erin Burnett:

“Well, I don’t know if Mike Pence will run for president in 2024,” Short told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “But I don’t think Matt Gaetz will have an impact on that. In fact, I’d be surprised if he was still voting. It’s more likely he’ll be in prison for child sex trafficking by 2024. And I’m actually surprised that Florida law enforcement still allows him to speak to teenage conferences like that. So I’m not too worried about Matt Gaetz, thanks.”

Damn! That burn is going to leave one hell of a scar.

Of course, what Short said is more than likely true, as Gaetz is under investigation for allegedly being involved in the sexual trafficking and statutory rape of an underage girl in his home state of Florida.

Thanks to the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, we also know that Gaetz sought a pardon from President Donald Trump in the closing days of the administration, partially for his role in the January 6 attack on the Capitol and also for other illegal acts, with Hutchinson noting that Gaetz requested a blanket pardon that would cover “any and all things.”

If convicted of sexually trafficking an underage girl, Gaetz could face life in prison.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Liz Cheney Claps Back At Tom Cotton After He Slams Jan. 6 Hearings – But Admits He Hasn’t Watched Them

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) made Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) look like a complete fool after he criticized the hearings being conducted by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Cotton appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Monday and slammed the hearings, Mediaite reports:

“It was clear in Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to seat Jim Jordan and Jim Banks as Republican members of that committee, a break with precedent going back to the beginning of the House of Representatives in the 18th Century. And I think what you’ve seen over the last few weeks is why Anglo-American jurisprudence going back centuries has found that adversarial inquiry, cross-examination is the best way to get at the truth.”

Cotton later confessed that he hadn’t actually watched the hearings, but had merely seen “a snippet here or there on the news.”

“I will confess that I did not watch that hearing, and I have not watched any of the hearings, so I’ve not seen any of them out of the context that I see a snippet here or there on the news.”

It’s kind of hard to accurately gauge the fairness or probative value of a congressional hearing if you haven’t seen any of it, and that’s exactly what Cheney reminded Cotton on Twitter, where she absolutely destroyed him:

It should be interesting to see if Cotton attempts a retort to Cheney. If he has even a shred of a brain, he won’t. Then again, he’s already proven that he isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6 Social Media WTF?!

House GOP Tweets And Then Deletes Attack On Jan. 6 Witness Sarah Matthews After Recalling They Recently Hired Her

As former Trump administration staffer Sarah Matthews was still testifying before the House January 6 committee on Thursday evening, the official House Republican Twitter account fired off a nasty attack against her, even though she works for them.

According to HuffPost:

“Just another liar and pawn in Pelosi’s witch-hunt,” the House Republican account tweeted, referring to Sarah Matthews, an aide who was working in the White House during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.

She is currently the Republican communications director for the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Oops! Nothing quite like slamming one of your own.

It should be noted that during her testimony Thursday, Matthews corroborated what former top aide Cassidy Hutchinson had told the Jan. 6 committee when she appeared last month.

A spokesperson for the House GOP told Politico that the tweet was deleted because, “The tweet was sent out at the staff level and was not authorized or the position of the conference and therefore was deleted.”

The real reason, however, was probably the chiding the GOP received online, including this one from another former member of the Trump administration:

Memo to House GOP: You need to delete your Twitter account and quit lying about how none of you are watching the hearings.