Elections GOP Social Media

MAGA Twitter Explodes With Red Hot Rage After Kevin Costner Endorses Liz Cheney

The MAGA minions who hang out on Twitter and still defend failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump are absolutely apoplectic about a tweet sent out by Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) touting the endorsement of Oscar-winning actor Kevin Costner.

The Hill reports that Cheney tweeted out a photo of Costner wearing a T-shirt that makes clear who he supports:

ITK confirmed that Costner is the smiling figure featured in Cheney’s tweet, which included a message: “Real men put country over party.” Cheney’s office didn’t respond to questions from ITK about details of Costner’s backing.

Costner’s support comes at a critical time for Cheney, as a poll released just last month shows her trailing her main primary challenger, Trump-backed Harriet Hageman, by more than 20 points.

In case you’re wondering, Costner considers himself to be an independent, telling The Daily Beast in 2020:

“I vote for who I think has the best interests of the country and how we sit in the world. 

“The Democratic Party doesn’t represent everything that I think, and neither does the Republican Party right now — at all. So, I find it too limiting.”

However, a quick look at some of the postings in response to Costner’s T-shirt backing Cheney makes it clear that the Trump faithful consider the actor to be a traitor, even though they know nothing about him.


GOP Gun Nuts WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Has The Ultimate WTF?! Moment – Claims Americans Will Eat Their Dogs If Gun Control Passes

According to Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, if any form of gun control such as an assault weapons ban passes both houses of Congress, it will result in the complete downfall of the United States, lead to the imposition of a tyrannical government, and Americans will even begin eating their own dogs.

And you thought she couldn’t possibly get any dumber.

During an appearance on right-wing Newsmax, Boebert told former Trump administration flunky Sebastian Gorka:

“If the citizenry in America is disarmed, then we are no longer citizens. We are subjects.”

Gorka nodded in agreement and Boebert continued:

“You know, here in America we have gourmet treats for puppies. We have these amazing groomers for dogs. Well in Venezuela they eat the dogs. And it started because they don’t have firearms. They do not have a way to protect themselves, to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.”

What in the hell does that even mean? They don’t have guns in Venezuela, so they eat their dogs? So any country that has gun control (i.e. England, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden) automatically becomes a nation of dog eaters? That’s so absurd that it makes my teeth ache.

It didn’t take long before Twitter lit up with mockery aimed directly at Boebert.

Abortion GOP WTF?!

West Virginia GOPer Wants To Eliminate Child Support Payments Because He Claims They Encourage Abortion

Unless you live in West Virginia, you’ve probably never heard of Chris Pritt. He’s a Republican member of the state House of Delegates and believes that all child support payments should be eliminated because they lead to abortion.

Speaking before the state legislature, Pritt told his fellow lawmakers:

“If she carries through with the pregnancy, he’s going to have, possibly, some sort of child support obligation. And, so, what he wants to do is, he wants to — in a sense — encourage her to go and find a way for her to get an abortion. Because he knows that a certain individual — if he has any kind if familiarity with her, he knows that she might be of such a state of mind, she must be in such a vulnerable position that it’s not worth everything that he’s going to put me through to carry this pregnancy forward. It’s going to be easier, it’s going to be better, for me to just go and terminate this ‘life.’ So she goes over to Virginia or to some other state where she goes and gets the abortion. So, I think that’s a really clear possibility if we enact the Second Amendment here, I don’t want to be doing anything that is encouraging thugs to go and get an abortion.”

It’s unclear what exactly the Second Amendment has to do with abortion or child support, but apparently Pritt is so stupid that he thought he’d toss in the reference figuring no one would notice.

Pritt later tried to walk back his comments on Twitter.

Sure thing, Chris. We all heard what you said, and it’s on video, so you can tweet ten million times and it won’t change what you said and what you meant.

Here’s a better idea: Let’s make the Republican Party and its members extinct by voting them all out of office.


Abortion Elections GOP

‘Women Against Matt Gaetz’ Group Growing In Leaps In Bounds With The Goal Of Defeating Him In November

Two days ago, a group of women who have dedicated themselves to making sure Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is defeated in the November midterm election formed a group under the banner of “Women Against Matt Gaetz.”

In 48 hours time, the group has grown to over 1,300 members and continues to expand as Gaetz’s recent comments regarding women and abortion are coming back to bite him right on his butt.

WEAR-TV reports:

“Women have had enough of him and had enough his mouth speaking derogatory to women who are simply expressing their rights,” Samantha Hope Herring, Women Against Matt Gaetz creator said.

A new Facebook group called “Women Against Matt Gaetz” is gaining followers by the hundreds.

“It has gone from us just creating it to like 1,300 in two days,” Herring said. “By speaking up, we can organize together to vote him out. That’s the number one thing we want to see happen. And we also are going to be asking Congress to censure Matt Gaetz.”

As you may know, Gaetz spoke last week at a conservative youth conference (we all know how fond Matt allegedly is of young girls) and made insulting remarks about those who are in favor of abortion rights:

“Have you watched these pro-abortion, pro-murder rallies? The people are just disgusting. Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions?”

“Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb. These people are odious from the inside out. They’re like 5′2″, 350 pounds, and they’re like, ‘Give me my abortions or I’ll get up and march and protest.’

“A few of them need to get up and march — they need to get up and march for like an hour a day. Swing those arms, get the blood pumpin’, maybe mix in a salad.”

Kathy White, Okaloosa County Democratic Women’s Club president, said she’s also upset that Gaetz voted against a bill this week that would have helped combat human trafficking, the very same crime he’s suspected of having committed with multiple underage girls:

“Women all feel strongly about their rights being trampled on and having no respect even Matt has a mother. Can you imagine how embarrassed she is? All people have mothers and all mothers are women.”

A spokesperson for Gaetz later released a statement which reads:

“Hundreds of women for Matt Gaetz showed up to rallies today in real life. Woke activists sharing hate online aren’t our focus. Matt Gaetz is pro-life and wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Abortion Elections GOP

Powerful Abortion Ad Aimed At Greg Abbott Goes Viral As His Poll Numbers Slide

Unless you live in the state of Texas or happen to be a political junkie who regularly follows campaigns in other states, you may not have seen the hottest political ad of the 2022 midterm elections.

The ad, which is aimed at Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), has quickly gone viral, and is being shown all over cable television and online, where it is quickly earning the reputation as the most brilliant political ad in years.

Newsweek notes:

The Mothers Against Greg Abbott PAC posted the ad on Twitter on Monday, where it has since amassed more than 3 million views.

It begins with a nervous couple waiting in a doctor’s office. When the doctor enters, he solemnly tells them their baby has a “catastrophic brain abnormality.”

Nancy Thompson, the founder of the Mothers Against Greg Abbott PAC, explained the purpose of the ad:

“(It shows) the absurdity and horror of the government making a deeply personal decision – a decision which should be made between a woman and her health care provider. The video has been well received… We’re getting donations, and we’re not going to stop.”

Could a political ad in deep red Texas actually manage to turn the tide against the incumbent Abbott, who is facing a challenge from Democrat Beto O’Rourke? That depends on who you talk to, but the polls suggest that Abbott is indeed vulnerable and facing the political battle of his life, according to Axios:

In December, after the well-known Democrat announced his campaign, 54% of voters supported Abbott, compared to 37% who supported O’Rourke, a Quinnipiac University poll showed.

This month, 48% of voters support Abbott compared to 43% who support O’Rourke.

What, you may ask, is happening in Texas, long thought to be a conservative stronghold? In a word, pessimism:

Texans think Texas is on the wrong track and have expressed pessimism about their personal finances and the national economy.

Abbott’s approval rating has slipped to 43%, and 26% of Texas Republicans disapprove of the governor’s handling of the electric grid, according to the latest polling figures from the Texas Politics Project.

Additionally, following the money shows where the momentum is in the last three months of the race, with O’Rourke outraising Abbott since February.

Will Beto pull off one of the great political upsets in electoral history? It’s too soon to say definitively, but if it does happen, a viral campaign ad may well prove to have been the beginning of the end for Greg Abbott.