Donald Trump GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Says He No Longer Supports Mitch McConnell Because He’s Been Mean To Trump

For those of you keeping score at home in the Great GOP Civil War of 2021, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says he’s officially done with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) because Mitch isn’t being sufficiently subservient to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Yep. Lindsey says he won’t even support Mitch to be the next majority leader if Republicans happen to win back control of the Senate in the midterm elections.

During an appearance on Fox News Wednesday evening, Lindsey told host Sean Hannity:

“Elections are about the future. If you want to be a Republican leader in the House or the Senate, you have to have a working relationship with President Donald Trump. He’s the most consequential Republican since Ronald Reagan. It’s his nomination if he wants it, and I think he’ll get reelected in 2024.”

If elections are about the future, as Graham asserts, why would you want to hitch your wagon to a man who was impeached twice, lost by nearly 8 million votes, and has a lower positive approval rating among the public than gonorrhea, not to mention that he’s facing indictment in multiple jurisdictions?

But Lindsey was far from finished laying a massive smooch on Trump’s fat butt, adding:

“I’m not going to vote for anybody for leader of the Senate as a Republican unless they can prove to me that they can advocate an ‘American First’ agenda and have a working relationship with President Trump, because if you can’t do that, you will fail.”

Pay attention, Lindsey: DONALD TRUMP HAS ALREADY FAILED! He failed miserably and will go down as the worst president in American history. Step aside, Millard Fillmore and Warren Harding, Dotard Donnie is taking your spot!

Graham was asked Thursday by Fox host Sandra Smith if he really meant what he told Hannity:

“When you go back to the warning to Mitch McConnell, why would you do that in this moment in a midterm election election year?”

Graham snapped back with this reply:

“Are you not listening? It’s not a warning. He says he wants to be the Republican leader. I’ve acknowledged he’s been the most consequential Republican leader of my lifetime. … But look what Mitch accomplished working with Donald Trump. The question is, how do we go forward as a party?”

Graham then added to be an effective GOP leader “you don’t have to kiss Donald Trump’s ass, but you got to have a working relationship with him for us to be successful.”

If that’s the case, then why is Lindsey so eager to pucker up and kiss Donald Trump’s ass?

Republicans are convinced they’ve got the 2022 midterms all sewn up, but based on the way they’re sniping at each other ten months out, they might not want to count those chickens just yet.

Oh, and Lindsey, one other thing: Do us all a favor and wipe that orange and brown smudge off your nose.

Congress GOP Gun Nuts WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests It May Be Necessary To Use The ‘Second Amendment’ On Democrats

Not content to have allegedly been a part of the January 6 Capitol insurrection, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is now suggesting that it may be time to use guns on her Democratic opponents.

Greene was speaking to disgraced former Trump administration aide Sebastian Gorka as part of his pathetic excuse of a radio show which appears on the right-wing Salem Network when she brought up the subject of Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who Greene claims is wrong on the issues of gun rights and the COVID vaccine:

“Ultimately the truth is it’s our Second Amendment rights, our right to bear arms, that protects Americans and give us the ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. And I hate to use this language but Democrats, they’re exactly — they’re doing exactly what our Founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have.”

She hates to use this language? No she doesn’t! She’s happy to use threats and fear to rile up her extremist base of supporters who are still convinced that Donald Trump won the 2020 election and is second only to Jesus in their bigoted brains.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Greene would be spouting such dangerous rhetoric. After all, she’s been doing it since she first announced her candidacy.

According to CNN, Greene has a history of calling for violence against anyone who disagrees with her:

In one post, from January 2019, Greene liked a comment that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In other posts, Greene liked comments about executing FBI agents who, in her eyes, were part of the “deep state” working against Trump.

Oh, and then there was this, also aimed at Pelosi:

“She’s a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason,” Greene says in the video, which she posted on Facebook at the time. “She took an oath to protect American citizens and uphold our laws. And she gives aid and comfort to our enemies who illegally invade our land. That’s what treason is. And by our law representatives and senators can be kicked out and no longer serve in our government. And it’s, uh, it’s a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason.”

Maybe the voters in Greene’s district will do us all a favor and un-elect her in November. In the meantime, she needs to be under investigation by the Justice Department for a number of crimes, including issuing terroristic threats and giving aid and comfort to traitors who tried to overthrow the U.S. government.

Elections GOP Voting Rights

Mitch McConnell Gets Cold Busted For Offering A ‘Poison Pill’ That Would Kill Voting Reform

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said something very surprising last week, suggesting that he was willing to discuss reforming the Electoral Count Act, the federal law that governs the way Congress certifies presidential elections:

“Aside from all the other things they are discussing, this is something that’s worth discussing,” McConnell said on Wednesday. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, echoed that view to NBC News. There may even be enough support across the aisle to overcome a filibuster in the closely divided Senate.

But as Hayes Brown notes in an op-ed he wrote for MSNBC, Democrats would be foolish to fall for McConnell’s bait and switch:

While changes to the law’s vague, easily twisted language are important to prevent another round of the chaos that former President Donald Trump inspired last year, McConnell knows better than anyone that reforming the Electoral Count Act absent “all the other things” Democrats want in terms of voting rights would be a new coat of paint on a house that’s about to collapse.

While McConnell wants us to believe he’s interested in election reform, the truth is very different from the words he speaks in front of the cameras:

In June, he even said that voting rights is “not a federal issue.” Case in point: The Democrats’ other main voting rights bill, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, would reinstate the provisions the Supreme Court has decimated. The bill has the support of only one Republican in the Senate — and it isn’t McConnell.

The good news is that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has made it clear he’s not going to fall for McConnell’s trick:

He’s promised to “debate and consider changes to the rules” by Jan. 17 if Republicans continue to stand in the way of the two voting rights bills.

But McConnell isn’t likely to budge anytime soon. And he knows that all he needs is one — one Democrat to remain willing to put his promise of “bipartisanship” ahead of voting rights. It’s up to Schumer to make sure that nobody breaks ranks in the name of a short-term victory

McConnell doesn’t want people to vote unless they happen to be guaranteed votes for Republicans. That means he wants every white person (especially conservatives) to get out and vote in every election while at the same time he and other members of the GOP work behind the scenes to make it more difficult for people of color and the poor to cast a ballot. They know that expanding the voting franchise and making it easier to vote would relegate their party to permanent minority status.

Nice try, Mitch, but we’re not falling for your lies.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP Social Media

Jim Jordan Slammed As A ‘Dirty Traitor’ For Refusing To Comply With House 1/6 Committee

After declaring that he has “nothing to hide” about what role he may have played in the January 6 Capitol insurrection that left five people dead, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is now refusing to comply with the House Select Committee investigating the incident, which set off a wave of disgust and anger on social media, including suggestions that Jordan’s refusal proves he’s a “dirty traitor.”

The Washington Post reports Jordan made his decision public on Sunday:

In a letter dated Sunday and addressed to the committee’s chairman, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.), the Ohio Republican and close ally of former president Donald Trump accused the panel, made up of seven Democrats and two Republicans, of playing politics.

“Your attempt to pry into the deliberative process informing a Member about legislative matters before the House is an outrageous abuse of the Select Committee’s authority,” Jordan wrote in the letter, which he posted to his Twitter account Sunday.

It remains unclear if the Jan. 6 committee will now subpoena Jordan, who could be referred to the Justice Department for criminal contempt of Congress if he refuses to obey a subpoena.

In the past, Jordan has insisted he played no role in the Jan. 6 riots:

Jordan said he was unconcerned about the scrutiny. “If they call me, I got nothing to hide,” the far-right lawmaker said in July. In October, during a House Rules Committee hearing, the Ohioan echoed the sentiment, insisting, “I’ve said all along, ‘I have nothing to hide.'”

Jordan’s refusal led many on social media to suggest that he clearly fears telling what he knows because it will incriminate him and others, including failed former President Donald Trump.

Congress GOP Right Wing Morons

WATCH Marjorie Taylor Greene Get ‘Canceled’ By Newsmax When She Attacks The FBI

Right-wingers absolutely love to talk about how progressives want to impose “cancel culture” on everything they disagree with, which is really just code for conservatives wanting to be racist, homophobic, sexist, or disgustingly bigoted and getting their feelings hurt when they’re called out for being willfully obtuse.

But cancel culture came to call for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Thursday during her media event with fellow extremist Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL). And this time it came from the right.


First of all, the press conference on the first anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was even more batshit crazy than you’d expect hearing the names Greene and Gaetz, with the Florida perv insisting that Jan. 6 had been a false flag staged by the federal government:

“Congresswoman Greene and I are not here to celebrate January 6. We’re not here to obsess about it. But we are here to expose the truth.”

He then went fully fact-free:

“We know this: January 6th last year wasn’t an insurrection. No one’s been charged with insurrection, no one’s been charged with treason. But it may very well have been a Fedsurrection.”

When it was Greene’s turn to talk, she picked up the baton from Florida Man and kicked off her own demented rant:

“You know what I think needs to be the biggest investigation in United States history? What is going on at the FBI and what is happening at the Department of Justice? And the American people deserve those answers because it’s the American people and the taxpayers that pay for all of it! Now I don’t want to have anything to do with a government that is going to be so obsessed with overturning regime change in our own country when it should be serving the American people, particularly…”

Extreme right-wing “news” site Newsmax quickly cut away from Greene, with the host noting:

“All right, Marjorie Taylor Greene. With Congressman Matt Gaetz there, putting forth some of the arguments from the Republican side that you certainly didn’t hear today from President Biden and the Democrats.”

Yep, Marj and the Sunshine State Perv got canceled by a right-wing outlet, which may well be the most ironic thing of 2022 even though the year has just begun.

Sorry, Marj, but even your conservative, tinfoil hat-wearing compatriots appear to be tired of your crap.