Foreign Policy GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Lindsey Graham Uses Call With Ukrainian President To Bash Biden And Gets Ripped A New One On Twitter

On Saturday, several members of Congress spoke with Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy via Zoom, and after the video call was finished, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) decided he’d post a video on Twitter what he called the “takeaways” of the conversation, even though doing so could well present a security risk for Zelenskyy.

Graham, however, like so many Republicans who have never and will never be President of the United States, couldn’t resist trying to pretend he knows something about foreign policy and diplomacy, even though the only thing he’s ever succeeded at is whining and complaining.

In his video of what he discussed with Zelenskyy, Graham included what can only be called a subtle but pointed criticism of President Joe Biden and the administration, remarking:

“Apparently, the United States is part of the problem, not the solution.” 

Yes, know-nothing, feckless members of the Senate who try to run foreign policy instead of staying in their lane are indeed part of the problem and have no solutions to anything.

Twitter lit up with mockery, snark, and anger aimed directly at the South Carolina Republican.

No one wants to hear your crap, Lindsey. Sit down and shut the hell up.

Congress GOP Military Veterans

‘Angry’ US Army Vet Shreds Lauren Boebert For Her Childish Antics At SOTU Address

During Tuesday evening’s State of the Union Address, President Joe Biden brought up the issue of U.S. military veterans who have been exposed to toxic materials that are destroyed in what are known as “burn pits” on forward bases in places such as Iraq and may be responsible for the brain cancer which killed his son, Beau:

 “One of those soldiers was my son, Major Beau Biden. I don’t know for sure if the burn pit that he lived near was the cause of his brain cancer, and disease of so many other troops. But I am committed to find out everything we can.”

As the president was speaking, Colorado GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert stood and shouted, “13 of them!” Boebert was apparently making reference to the 13 service members who were killed in a bombing during the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan last year.

That heckling enraged many people, including U.S. Army veteran Eileen Rivers, who excoriated Boebert in an op-ed she wrote for USA Today, noting that while we should welcome political disagreement, “there is also something wrong with reducing what should be thoughtful political discourse – done at the right time with real information – to a shameful and antagonizing heckle.”

Rivers went on to add:

“The congresswoman’s comments about a 20-year war perpetuated by leaders in both parties were misleading and lacked context. She not only lowered discourse, she disrespected the office of the presidency. I am a veteran. I spent four years of my life in the Army as an Arabic linguist. I come from a family of veterans. And I am angry.”

Most importantly, Rivers says she wants to make it clear that Lauren Boebert — who has never served a day in any branch of the military — is not the right messenger for such a message:

“When she stifled the president, she was also stifling me. Surely others who have lost loved ones felt that, too.

“Boebert does not speak for me. And neither do other members of the GOP who reinforced her sentiments on social media.”

Lauren Boebert is a pustule on the U.S. Congress. She needs to be excised by the voters in November.


Foreign Policy GOP WTF?!

Former Trump Administration Official Whines That Russia Is Being ‘Canceled’ For Invading Ukraine

Monica Crowley is a former Fox News host who later got a job in the Trump administration as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, even though her only qualifications were that she’d once been a host on Fox News.

And now Crowley is showing up on Fox to make a complete fool of herself as she comments on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, telling host Jesse Watters that Russia is being “canceled” just because they illegally invaded another sovereign nation:

“Look, Russia is now being canceled, right? I mean, between the fierce Ukrainian resistance and the widespread international financial sanctions and boycotts, and Russian teams being barred from international competition, Russia is being canceled.”

Of course, the idea of something being “canceled” is part of a larger narrative that the right-wing has been pushing for years now. If someone makes a disgusting statement and faces backlash for it, they’re supposedly being canceled. If people decide to boycott a business because they refuse to serve the LGBTQ community and that impacts their bottom line, that’s canceling something.

And yet, conservatives have no problem saying certain books shouldn’t be allowed in schools because they show the horror of slavery or reassure young people it’s OK to be different, to be an individual, and to love whoever you want.

Twitter wasn’t having any of Crowley’s whiny bullshit:

Foreign Policy GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert: Ukraine Needs To Be ‘Liberated’ From Oppression, But So Does Canada

For some time now, it’s been painfully obvious that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, and that her main “talent” as it were is saying stupid shit that leaves people shaking their heads in disbelief.

As you’d expect, the Colorado Republican spoke at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention in Orlando, Florida this weekend, but it was something she said after she’d finished her speech that set off a firestorm of mockery on Twitter.

Speaking with Fox Nation hosts Pete Hegseth and Kayleigh McEnany, Boebert was asked about the situation in Ukraine, where Russian troops have invaded and are now advancing on the capital city of Kyiv. She remarked:

“I pray for Ukraine and I wish them the best. They have a great president right now, who really said clearly, live free or die. He said, ‘I don’t need a ride, give me ammunition. The fight is right here.'”

Hey, that’s actually a great statement. Bobert deserves credit for that. We all wish the people of Ukraine the very best as they endure an attack from the Russian military.

But it was what Boebert said next that completely ruined her previous good work:

“But we also have neighbors to the north who need freedom and who need to be liberated and we need that right here at home.”

Apparently, Boebert thinks Canada needs “freedom” because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dared to clear a convoy of trucks that had been parked on a bridge leading to the United States. The reason for the so-called “Freedom Convoy” was supposedly because a tiny percentage of Canadian truck drivers (less than 10%) don’t want to get vaccinated for COVID, so they decided to punish the rest of the country to satisfy their own selfishness.

Let the mockery begin:

Capitol Insurrection GOP Right Wing Morons WTF?!

CPAC Speaker Says Biden Is ‘Terrorizing’ Jan. 6 Rioters By Letting The DOJ Prosecute Them

This is the weekend for the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) to meet, and they’re doing in so in Florida to keep failed, one-term former President Donald Trump from having to travel too far since he’s become a doddering old man who requires frequent diaper changes during the day.

One of the speakers was a woman named Julie Kelly, who is listed as a Senior Writer for something called “American Greatness,” Media Matters reports:

Kelly began her remarks by rattling off a list of things that had been done by an unnamed person:

“He’s using this law enforcement agency, armed agents, military-style vehicles to conduct pre-dawn raids at the homes of political dissidents. Terrorizing these dissidents in front of their children, and, in some cases, their elderly spouses. Hauling them off, concocting charges against them, fabricating evidence, and in almost 100 cases, hauling them off to prison where they have been denied bail.”

Dissidents? That has echoes of the old Soviet Union, where people were hauled away by the KGB and put in gulags for all sorts of nonsensical charges.

Kelly then continued:

“And dozens of them, actually, shipped off to a special political prison in the nation’s capital, where these detainees are then kept away from their family, their defense attorneys, they can’t see the evidence against them – all the rights that those citizens have from their country’s charter are completely gone. No due process. No presumption of innocence. Trials are delays. Evidence is covered up. Their lives are destroyed. Their families are destroyed. Their businesses are destroyed.”

All of that led Kelly to this conclusion, which was eagerly lapped up by the audience:

“The media, of course, helps out the regime in smearing these people and ruining their lives. Now, who am I talking about? Not Vladimir Putin, of course. Joe Biden.”

Apparently, if you storm the Capitol, terrorize members of Congress, and defecate in the halls of the seat of the U.S. government, you’re not a domestic terrorist. To the right-wing Trumpers, such behavior qualifies you as a “dissident.”

While we’ve known for some time now that conservatives are obsessed with Putin, to hear a member of their ranks compare President Biden to a mass murderer like the Russian tyrant is a new level of disgusting.