Climate Change Congress GOP

WATCH AOC Eviscerate A Republican For His Bigoted, Sexist Attack On A Climate Expert

On Thursday, a House committee on climate turned ugly when Republican Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana used bigoted and sexist terms directed at an expert on the issue and was then verbally eviscerated by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

According to HuffPost:

Raya Salter, an energy justice lawyer who serves on the New York State Climate Action Council, was invited to testify before House lawmakers during a hearing about the oil and gas industry’s lack of accountability and major role in the climate crisis. She said that the climate crisis is an “unprecedented global crime and the smoking gun lies in the hands of big oil and gas.”

Salter, a Black woman, talked about the disproportionate impact that the fossil fuel industry has had on Black and brown communities, as well as low-income families. She said that corporations are trying to shift the blame for the climate crisis to individual consumers and environmental activists instead of focusing on the real solution: transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Higgins began his questioning with this:

“Everything you have – your clothes, your glasses, your car you got here on, your phone, the table you’re sitting at, the chair, the carpet under your feet – everything you’ve got is petrochemical products. What would you do with that? Tell the world.”

Salters responded, as Higgins tried to talk over her:

“If I had that power in the world – actually, I don’t need that power because what I would do is ask you, sir, from Louisiana, to search your heart and understand why the EPA knows that toxic petrochemical facilities are some of the most toxic polluting facilities in the world and are killing Black people throughout Louisiana.”

That’s when Higgins turned into a condescending piece of excrement:

“My good lady. I’m trying to give you the floor, boo,” Higgins said as he continued speaking over her. “Boo” is a common term of endearment in the Black community, however, when used sarcastically – as the white congressman apparently did – it can be considered disrespectful, racist and misogynistic.

Higgins also invoked religion, suggesting that God gave man the power to care for the Earth, to which Salter replied:

“Sir, if we’re going to talk about the Lord, I ask that you search your heart again and think about repenting because the fossil fuel industry that owns your state is destroying the earth and the natural world. And that is a fact, sir.”

That led Higgins to start yelling:

“You know what you got, young lady? You got a lot of noise, but you got no answers!”

Ocasio-Cortez then took a verbal scalpel to Higgins and exposed him as the disgusting asshole he is:

“In the four years that I’ve sat on this committee, I have never seen members of Congress – Republican or Democrat – disrespect a witness in the way that I have seen them disrespect you today. I do not care what party they are in, I’ve never seen anything like that.

“And for the gentleman of Louisiana, and the comfort that he felt in yelling at you like that – there’s more than one way to get a point across. Frankly, men who treat women like that in public, I fear how they treat them in private. We can be better than this.”

Holidays Melania Trump WTF?!

Melania Trump Has A 2022 Christmas Ornament For Sale And It’s BEYOND Pathetic

You may recall that former first lady Melania Trump once pitched a fit when speaking with a friend about all she had to do around the White House during the holidays.

According to CNN, a secret recording made by former friend and senior adviser Stephanie Winston Wolkoff featured Melania fuming.

“I’m working … my a** off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f*** about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?”

She continued, “OK, and then I do it and I say that I’m working on Christmas and planning for the Christmas and they said, ‘Oh, what about the children that they were separated?’ Give me a f****** break. Where they were saying anything when Obama did that? I can not go, I was trying get the kid reunited with the mom. I didn’t have a chance – needs to go through the process and through the law.”

How festive! Let’s all whine about decorating to get us into the Christmas spirit. Nothing says Christmas like hateful cursing and self-pity.

Now that her husband is no longer president, however, Melania needs to try and make a few bucks, so she’s all about Christmas and hoping that people will fork over money for the ornaments she helped design and is now selling.

MarketWatch reports:

The former first lady is introducing a series of holiday decorations. One of them, dubbed “The Christmas Star,” will be sold for $45 through her website. And a separate line of six ornaments, billed as “The American Christmas Collection,” is being sold through a company called USA Memorabilia with the baubles priced at $35 apiece.

And that’s not all. Every ornament is packaged with a corresponding animated NFT — minted on the Solana blockchain, according to the Melania Trump and USA Memorabilia websites. The ornaments are made in the U.S. and each one features Melania Trump’s signature.

Of particular interest is this ornament, which is “themed around Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ initiative aimed at supporting children.”

Would you want that on your Christmas tree? If so, then chances are pretty good you’re beyond help.

Apparently, Melania’s real message for the holidays is a mixture of the sacred and the profane: Merry Christmas, you f*cking peasants; now give me some of your damn money.

Congress GOP

WATCH: Jamie Raskin Burns Republicans Down With Impassioned Speech About Democracy

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is truly an American treasure and one of the most important Democrats in the country. Why? Because he doesn’t take any bull and isn’t afraid to speak truth to power.

Raskin is especially eloquent when he discusses the perversion of American democracy that the Republican Party in the Age of Trump has engaged in for one purpose: Power.

The Maryland Democrat took to the House floor Wednesday and gave a speech that will go down in history as one of the best ever given by any member of Congress.

The topic of Congressman Raskin’s speech was today’s GOP, whom he excoriated for being anti-democratic, snuggled up with Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin, and enemies of democracy.

“America is a country of individual freedom and the rights of the people to make their own decisions, not having busy body theocrat politicians in state capitols how to make their own decisions about their careers, their lives, their families, and their healthcare, and certainly not allowing Lindsey Graham to tell the women of America what their destiny will be, and they won’t say a word about it.

“They’ll blame Joe Biden for global inflation. They’ll blame Joe Biden for Vladimir Putin’s filthy imperialist invasion of Russia (Ukraine). I hear them denounce Joe Biden.  They won’t denounce Vladimir Putin for one second.”

But it was what Raskin said next that all Americans need to hear before they cast a ballot in the midterm elections:

“We’re on the side of small ‘d’ democrats all over the world against the autocrats like Putin, against the theocrats like the people who would dictate to the women of America their own health decisions. We’re against the tyrants and bullies and the despots. We’re against presidents who get into office and try to dictate the political decision-making of individual members of the workforce and push their ideological program into the government, and we’re for defending whistleblowers. We’re for defending the Census. We’re for defending democratic institutions in America.”

Capitol Insurrection Elections January 6 Social Media

Hardee’s Trolls Mike Lindell After His Cell Phone Is Seized By The FBI At One Of Their Restaurants

On Tuesday, FBI agents reportedly seized the cell phone of Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow while he was at a Hardee’s restaurant as part of the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation of efforts by former president Donald and some of his supporters to overturn the results of the 2020 election, CNN reported.

Lindell shared on social media and conservative media copies of a subpoena he said was served by the FBI.

In an interview with CNN, Lindell said agents asked him questions about Tina Peters, the Mesa County, Colorado, clerk who is facing state charges connected to a scheme that allegedly allowed an unauthorized person to access voting machines. Peters has pleaded not guilty.

Lindell then went on his podcast, “The Lindell Report,” and remarked:

“Cars pulled up in front of us, to the side of us and behind us and I said, ‘These are either bad guys or the FBI.’ Well, it turns out they were the FBI.”

On Wednesday morning, Hardee’s decided to have a bit of fun with Lindell while also doing a bit of free advertising for its food with this Twitter posting:

“Pillowy biscuits.” Very nice touch.

That was all it took to set off a wave of laughter aimed directly at Lindell.

GOP Religion WTF?!

GED Queen Lauren Boebert Proves Her Ignorance Of English While Reading A Bible Verse

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is once again proving that not only is she ignorant when it comes to the English language, she’s also a hypocrite who doesn’t understand the Bible she loves to quote as a defense for her indefensible actions and utterances.

Case in point: Boebert was reading from the Book of Romans, HuffPost reports, when she ran across a word that completely threw her.

Boebert, a conspiracy theorist who has embraced QAnon extremism, was reciting a passage from Romans that ― in “The Message” edition she was reading from ― referred to “wanton killing.” Except Boebert pronounced it more like “wonton,” the delicious dumpling often found in soup at Chinese restaurants.

“I don’t know what a wonton killing is. I’m gonna have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

Oh, shit! There’s gonna be a wonton killing. Sure hope someone brought the teriyaki or sweet and sour sauce.

Of course, Boebert’s massive ignorance of the language that confounds her shouldn’t surprise anyone. She didn’t even manage to earn her GED high school equivalency until she was elected.

Fact-checking site confirmed that Boebert did indeed wait until after her election to get her GED:

On her educational background, she said she never claimed to have graduated from Rifle High School. “I went to my high school,” she said.

“I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child, or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child,” she said.

Boebert said she received her GED after completing a four-course review.

“I didn’t go through the typical education course,” she said. “I was a great student. I had great grades. I loved being there, but I was starting my family and had different priorities.”

Twitter users were eager to mock Boebert, and they did so with great gusto: