Donald Trump Elections Social Media WTF?!

Trump Compares Himself To Pedophile Priests And Social Media Can’t Stop Nodding In Agreement

In yet another desperate attempt to suggest that he has total immunity from any and all criminal acts he may have committed while serving as president, Donald Trump compared himself to rogue cops and pedophile priests during a Sunday speech to supporters in New Hampshire, Mediaite reports.

“Many presidents leave and there are things you can go after,” Trump began. “And frankly, to be honest, that’s one of the reasons the Supreme Court is looking now at immunity. You have to have guaranteed immunity for a president. Otherwise the president’s not going to be able to function. They’re not going to move.”

“But, you know, you have to allow a president to do his job,” he continued. “They’ll make decisions. And, you know, it’s like the police. I say we have to give the police back their power. We’re not going to have any crime, but we protect. What we do. I mean, to me, it’s the best analogy. And the our, our Democrat run cities are dens of horrible crime right now…”

“But but it’s a little bit like the police. So you have a rogue cop. You know what a rogue cop is? Very seldom. But you have s-bad people. You have people no matter where, no matter what.”

Then came the comparison to priests.

“In the church, you have some people that aren’t so good, right?”

“No, we’re going to have to do this, immunity for the president. If you have a president that doesn’t have immunity, he’s never going to be free to do anything because the opposing party will always indict him as soon as he leaves the White House.”

Interesting comparison, isn’t it? Especially in light of the fact that there have been accusations that Trump is fond of underage girls and was once good friends with the late pedophile/sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Social media had plenty of thoughts on Donnie’s remarks.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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