Donald Trump Fox News The Trump Adminstration

Enraged Trump Denies He Flushed Documents Down The Toilet: ‘Who Would Know That?!’

During a Saturday morning phone-in interview with the hosts of “Fox & Friends,” failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump denied a report from Maggie Haberman of the New York Times that he had flushed documents down toilets at the White House while he was still in office, but offered zero proof to rebut what Haberman claimed.

Co-host Will Cain teed up the subject for the loser ex-president:

“There’s a national conversation that seems to be completely out of touch with the American people at every step of the way, and I think one of those examples might be the latest obsession President Trump, which is, again, and always seemingly about you. Maggie Haberman of the New York Times has a book out she has been discussing on CNN and the other platforms. The big take away is that you have ripped up papers and flushed them down the toilet. What is your reaction on what you’re hearing on other mainstream media channels in this book by Maggie Haberman?”

Rather than use facts to counter Haberman, Trump turned to his usual rhetoric about “fake news” and how everything it the fault of the media:

“Yeah it’s fake news and she’s a fake writer. She got a Pulitzer Prize for Russia, Russia, Russia, and then they found out it was a hoax. And so did others. Frankly the ones that get Pulitzer Prizes they happen to work around you and around Pete. And I will tell you, it’s a disgrace.”

The Russia story, it should be noted, was NOT a hoax. Several members of the Trump 2016 campaign were in close touch with Russian nationals and had in-person meetings to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.

Trump then focused in on Haberman’s upcoming book, Confidence Man (which is the perfect title for a book about Con Man Don), which you can rest assured he wouldn’t read even if he had an advance copy:

“But, no, it’s a totally false story. She made it up. I don’t believe they have sources. Who is going to be a source for that anyway? Who would know that? There is no source. They make it up. You know, they oftentimes, these fake writers like her, they act like they know me like she knows me. I haven’t spoken to her in a very, very long time. She knows me no better than any other writer. They write books like they know and then they make things like that up. There would be no way of her knowing if it were the fact. There would be no way of her understanding that or knowing it. But it’s a totally fake story made up by her.”

There was also the obligatory attempt by the failed former president to blame every problem in the world on the news media:

“As much of the news is, I will tell you, this country we have to get honest reporting. Because if we don’t get honest reporting. It’s really leading us down a bad path. And it’s really leading us down a path of anger.”

Where exactly are we supposed to get that “honest reporting”? From Fox? Even Fox admits its hosts shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Is Newsmax “honest reporting”? Hardly! What about One America News (OAN)? All they do is push one conspiracy theory after another.

Want to know how you can tell the revelation of Toiletgate from Haberman is true? You need look no further than the anger coming from Trump and his surrogates in response to the report.

Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Trump Said To Be ‘Mortified’ Of The Revelations In A New Book That Lays Out His Crimes

Everywhere he looks, failed one-term former President Donald Trump sees only trouble, be it legal, political, or financial.

And now things are about to get much worse for the ex-president, as an upcoming book from Maggie Haberman of the New York Times is already revealing a potential crime Trump committed when he allegedly flushed official White House documents down the commode while still in office.

The book, which will be released in October (right before the midterm elections), is one that Trump is reportedly “terrified” and “mortified” will expose his most serious crimes, according to former Trump administration communications aide Alyssa Farah, who was a guest host on “The View.”

Farah said she remains in touch with people who have close ties to Trump:

“I still talk to some folks in Trumpworld, the ones who have not engaged in criminality. The former president is terrified of Maggie Haberman’s book. This is the first big anecdote, but there is quite a bit more to come.

“She’s covered him for decades. He’s scared of that. He is mortified.”

Additionally, Farah addressed the issue of Trump’s alleged destruction of government documents, which is a federal crime:

“What’s interesting to me is I’m, like, what would be on those documents that you would be, like, this has to go down the toilet? That’s the question I think we’re all dying to know the answer to, but let me say this. I have to say as a Republican, I hold a top-secret security clearance. I know how to handle classified information. It was wrong when Hillary Clinton destroyed classified federal documents and it’s absolutely wrong when Donald Trump does. I’m just shocked he went a step further, not just bleaching it, but sticking it down the toilet which is something else.”

Trump’s reaction to what Clinton did was to chant “lock her up” at the 2016 Republican National Convention and then chide the former secretary of state at their debates, telling her if he was president she’d already be under arrest.

Now, however, karma has come to pay a call on Donald Trump. And if anyone deserves to be locked up, it’s the Grifter Supreme.

Here’s video of Farah on “The View”


Crime Donald Trump

Trump Facing Disqualification From Running For POTUS For Destroying White House Records

Thanks to some excellent reporting from the Washington Post, we now know that failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump often ripped up official government documents, which is prohibited by law.

According to the Post:

President Donald Trump tore up briefings and schedules, articles and letters, memos both sensitive and mundane.

He ripped paper into quarters with two big, clean strokes — or occasionally more vigorously, into smaller scraps.

He left the detritus on his desk in the Oval Office, in the trash can of his private West Wing study and on the floor aboard Air Force One, among many other places.

And he did it all in violation of the Presidential Records Act, despite being urged by at least two chiefs of staff and the White House counsel to follow the law on preserving documents.

While Trump did indeed violate federal law with his actions, he may also have guaranteed that he can never run for any federal office again, according to presidential historian Michael Beschloss, who cited the law on Twitter:

Here’s what the law says:

“Subsection (b) of 18 U.S.C. § 2071 contains a similar prohibition specifically directed at custodians of public records. Any custodian of a public record who ‘willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.’ While the range of acts proscribed by this subsection is somewhat narrower than subsection (a), it does provide the additional penalty of forfeiture of position with the United States.”

So could Trump be prosecuted and banned from ever holding office? Hayes Brown of MSNBC doesn’t think so, explaining in an op-ed:

“If federal prosecutors were to go after him for this specifically, they’d be challenged to prove that this isn’t targeting him with a charge they wouldn’t bring against anyone else. Given the number of people who purposefully or accidentally walk off or mishandle federal records, and the lack of prosecutions over it, that feels unlikely.”

Fair enough, but it’s worth bookmarking the law in question and keeping in mind we may well need a way to prevent Trump from running again in 2024. Considering that he’s facing indictment in New York, Georgia, and as a result of a possible criminal referral from the House Select Committee on January 6, there are plenty of reasons to believe Trump has no intent of running. But if we happen to need a stopgap measure, this might be it.

Capitol Insurrection Crime Donald Trump January 6 The Trump Adminstration

Security Expert: DOJ May Have Already Charged Trump’s Associates For Their Role In January 6

Considering what we already know about what transpired on January 6 and the revelations we’ve had from the House Select Committee on the Capitol insurrection, some have suggested that the Justice Department should have begun arresting top Trump administration officials and associates for their role in riots.

Recently, Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe noted that he believes Attorney General Merrick Garland is moving far too slowly:

But what if people have already been arrested and charged without any announcement? Could that have taken place in secret?

Security expert and journalist Marcy Wheeler notes on Twitter that arrests may have been made and the DOJ is now using those people to work their way up the food chain for even bigger fish.

Wheeler, who publishes on her own highly-acclaimed web site,, laid out a fascinating premise:

Think about it: Former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Trump’s so-called “attorney,” Rudy Giuliani, could already have been arrested, booked, and charged with all sorts of crimes related to Jan. 6. Now DOJ prosecutors are getting them to cooperate in exchange for sentencing consideration.

That’s the way the FBI and Justice Department has worked when going after the mafia: They get lower level soldiers in the organization to tell what they know about the capos and bosses. It’s a bottom-up way of dealing with criminal acts that’s been used for decades by law enforcement.

Now that the House Select Committee is about to hold public hearings, it’s not a stretch to suggest we may start seeing who has been charged and some of the court filings that could still be under seal.

Stay tuned.


Fox News GOP The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Kellyanne Conway Tells Sean Hannity There Was ‘No Supply Chain Crisis’ When Trump Was President

Former Trump administration senior adviser Kellyanne Conway resurfaced Monday evening on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to do the only thing she’s any good at: Lying.

During a discussion of President Joe Biden and the continuing delays in getting goods to market as a result of an overwhelmed supply chain in the United States and around the world, Conway insisted that there were no shortages when her boss was president:

“I worked in that White House for four years. We never even heard of a such of a thing. There was no supply chain crisis. There was no inflation.”

As HuffPost notes, the supply chain crisis during the pandemic while Trump was still president was so bad that there were times it was almost impossible to find toilet paper or other essentials:

Supply chain issues were one of the most dominant stories of 2020, when Trump was president and Conway was working in the White House as the start of the coronavirus pandemic triggered panic buying. That, in turn, caused nationwide shortages of everything from toilet paper to pasta, leading to empty shelves in supermarkets.

“During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. suffered one of the worst supply chain crises in modern history,” Tinglong Dai, a professor at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, told Newswise, noting that many of the shortages lasted for months.

When supermarkets did have supplies, many enforced strict rationing of essentials such as flour and meat. The lack of food, combined with the loss of jobs due to the pandemic, led to miles-long lines at food banks.

Even the most basic items needed to help control the spread of COVID were hard to find, including masks, gloves, sanitizer, and soap.

And let’s not forget that under Trump the U.S. unemployment rate reached almost 15%.

That was all it took for Twitter to explode with reminders for Conway of just how bad things were while Trump was in the White House:

The Queen of Alternative Facts needs to sit down and shut her piehole.