Abortion Donald Trump Supreme Court

Trump Takes Credit For Texas Anti-Abortion Law And Sounds Like He Believes He’s Still POTUS

Now that the Supreme Court is finally ruling the way he wants them to, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is patting himself on the back so hard it’s a wonder he hasn’t dislocated his shoulder.

Speaking with Sharyl Attkisson of right-wing Sinclair Broadcasting, Trump beamed with pride as he took credit for the Supreme Court refusing to strike down the restrictive anti-abortion law that went into effect in Texas this week, remarking:

“We do have a Supreme Court that’s a lot different than it was. Before it was acting very strangely and I think probably not in the interest of our country.”

Keep in mind this is the very same Supreme Court that Trump chided with derision when they refused to take up any of the bogus election lawsuits filed by him and his allies when it became clear he had been badly beaten by President Joe Biden, tweeting in December of last year:

“This is a great and disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The people of the United States were cheated, and our Country disgraced. Never even given our day in Court!”

A month later, the loser former president was booted off Twitter permanently for his endless lies and conspiracy theories about the election.

While he was at it, Trump also told Attkisson that he was “studying” the high court’s ruling on the Texas abortion law:

“The ruling was very complex and also probably temporary. I think other things will happen and that will be the big deal and the big picture. So we’ll see what will happen. But we’re studying the ruling and we’re studying also what they’ve done in Texas.

“We’ll be announcing something over the next week or two weeks.”–vmM0&feature=emb_logo

Yeah, a guy who hates to read so much that his intelligence briefings had to be delivered with little more than charts and photos is going to be “studying” a Supreme Court ruling.

Be sure and catch the crap about “announcing” something over the next few weeks. This fool still thinks he’s president! Did he not get the memo? Does he think the White House has been moved to Florida and he’s still running the country? If so, it’s going to come as one hell of a surprise when he tries to board Air Force One and what’s waiting for him is one of his ancient jets with his name emblazoned on it. Provided, of course, he hasn’t had to sell all his planes to pay the loans that are coming due soon.

As usual, everything is all about Donald. That’s the way the world looks when you’re a delusional, addled old man who could well wind up spending the rest of his life in prison.