GOP Whining Joe Biden WTF?!

Social Media Erupts In Anger When Elise Stefanik Says The ‘Entire Biden Family Is Profiting Off His Presidency’

According to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the American people should be outraged that the family of President Joe Biden is “profiting off his presidency.”

Stefanik made her fact-free and incredibly hypocritical remarks during an appearance on Mark Levin’s Fox News show.

According to the New York Republican, if the GOP takes control of the House after the midterm elections, she will launch an investigation:

“Into what I call the Biden crime family. You have the entire Joe Biden family profiting personally off of Joe Biden’s position when he was a sitting vice president. That is unacceptable in America and imagine if the Republicans ever did that. Democrats would be investigating every aspect of that, and yet in this case they look the other way on all of these shameless, shameful, illegal controversies from Hunter Biden.”

Yes, just imagine if a Republican did the same thing. Wait a damn minute! That’s exactly what disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump and his family did! Was Stefanik living in a cave at that time, or did she recently suffer a massive head injury that damaged her long and short-term memory?

Hunter Biden is not and never has been a member of the Biden administration. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, were senior advisers with offices in the West Wing of the White House.

Oh, and there’s also the matter of the Trump Organization owning a hotel in Washington, D.C. that lobbyists and agents from foreign governments frequented. Not a peep from Stefanik or any other Republican on that matter.

It didn’t take long before Twitter exploded with anger and disbelief directed right at Elise Stefanik.

Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Boebert Reported To FBI And Secret Service For Threatening President Biden

Considering that she has repeatedly defended the actions of domestic terrorists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, it probably shouldn’t surprise anyone that Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is now issuing threats against President Joe Biden.

And this threat could land Boebert in very hot water.

On Sunday, Boebert posted this on Twitter:

The word “terminate” appears to be a reference to remarks Biden made regarding reproductive rights earlier this week when he misspoke and said:

“Ten years old and she was forced to travel out of the state to Indiana to seek to terminate the presidency and maybe save her life.”

Boebert’s tweet led to others on social media reporting her to the FBI and Secret Service for what they perceived to be a direct threat against the president.

It’s the second time this week that Boebert has drawn heavy criticism online for comments she made.

On Friday evening, Boebert said the following during an appearance on Fox News:

“Leftists, who now make up the genocide squad, want abortion anytime, anywhere, including babies who are already born. But that’s not going to happen.”

Time to arrest Bobo and charge her with making terroristic threats.

Joe Biden Social Media

Biden Gives Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe The Medal Of Freedom –  Conservatives Pitch An Online Hissy Fit

At the White House today, President Joe Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 17 people, including Megan Rapinoe NBC News reported.

President Joe Biden on Thursday awarded the American soccer star Megan Rapinoe the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.

Rapinoe was among 17 recipients, along with gymnast and fellow Olympian Simone Biles, the Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington and Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican who died in 2018.

Rapinoe is the first soccer player to receive the award and one of just six female athletes or coaches.

As part of the medal presentation, Biden had this to say about Rapinoe:

“Beyond the World Cup title to Olympic medals, Megan is a champion for essential American truth that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. She helped lead the change for perhaps the most important victory for anyone on our soccer team or any soccer team: equal pay for women.”

Rapinoe, who is an LGBTQ American, said she was deeply honored to receive the Medal of Freedom:

“I am humbled and truly honored to be chosen for this award by President Biden and feel as inspired and motivated as ever to continue this long history of fighting for the freedoms of all people. To quote Emma Lazarus, ‘Until we are all free, we are none of us free.’”

When Donald Trump was still president, Rapinoe refused to attend a White House ceremony after the women’s soccer team won the World Cup, which was her right.

Conservatives, however, were furious that Rapinoe had been given the nation’s highest civilian honor because they think she dissed the Donald, and they proved their bigotry and hatred with a full-scale online hissy fit. Take a look:

Who did Trump give the Medal of Freedom to? Reps. Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh, one of the most divisive and disgusting human beings to ever slither across the planet.

Megan Rapinoe deserves the honor she received today, if only because it triggered right-wingers so damn much.


Jill Biden Joe Biden Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Hysterical Right-Wingers Say Photos Of The First Couple Prove Jill Biden Is Actually President

In their latest attempt to undermine President Joe Biden, right-wingers are claiming that a series of four photos showing the president and First Lady Jill Biden talking to each other are proof that she’s actually the one running the country.

Yep, you read that correctly: Four photos are all the conservative dunces need for their latest conspiracy theory.

The photos were shared online by Jake Schneider, who just so happens to be a member of what’s known as the GOP Rapid Response team. Translation: The Republican hit squad who take everything out of context and never miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot at anyone they disagree with.

Here’s Schneider’s tweet:

The Bidens have been married for 45 years, and for readers who are or have been married, it’s safe to assume that you never agreed with your spouse 100% of the time and that you had more than your share of spats. If you say you didn’t, then you’re either being dishonest or your marriage was so vapid and loveless that you can’t tell the difference between fictional marital bliss and what a real marriage looks like.

As you’d expect, other right-wing dupes on social media were only too happy to join the debate and suggest that we’re living in sad times based on four photos taken completely out of context.

If only we still had the loving and dedicated Trumps in the White House, huh? Look how much they cared for each other:

Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Publicly Prays For Joe Biden To Die – And Gets Cheered By Fake Christians

On Saturday, as she spoke to a group of so-called “Christians” in Colorado Springs, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) proudly announced that she prays for President Joe Biden each and every day. She then added that she prays he’ll drop dead.

Newsweek reports that video of Boebert’s remarks has quickly gone viral:

Speaking on Saturday at the Charis Christian Center Family Camp Meeting in Colorado, where she was a guest speaker, the Republican politician referred to bible verse Psalms 109:8 as she spoke about the 79-year-old Biden, much to the delight of the crowd. The video has so far been viewed over 480,000 times on Twitter.

Here’s what Boebert said:

“I do want you to know that I pray for our President. Psalm 109:8 says, ‘May his days be few and another take his office.'”

The roomful of fake Christians began cheering in response to what Boebert said, so she added:

“Hallelujah! Glory to God.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that this isn’t the first time a Republican has used Psalm 109:8 as a death wish on a president.

In 2016, then-Sen. David Perdue also called for President Barack Obama’s time in office to be brief, according to Business Insider:

“In his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama. But I think we need to be very specific about how we pray. We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, ‘Let his days be few, and let another have his office,'” Perdue said at the time. 

In a perfect example of karma, Perdue lost his senate seat in the 2020 election.

Reaction to Boebert’s hateful remarks on social media was swift:

If Lauren Boebert is a Christian (she most definitely isn’t) then personally I think I’d rather wind up in hell.