Congress GOP Social Media

Matt Gaetz Attempts To Troll Adam Schiff And Only Succeeds In Owning Himself

Even though he isn’t the least bit skilled at online trolling, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) decided he’d try to do so at the expense of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who wasn’t reappointed to the House Intelligence Committee by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy simply because Schiff speaks his mind and was the lead House manager for the first impeachment of disgraced, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) let McCarthy know what he thought of his refusal to appoint Schiff and Eric Swalwell (D-CA) to the Intelligence Committee in a letter, noting:

“It is my understanding that you intend to break with the longstanding House tradition of deference to the minority party Intelligence Committee recommendations and deny seats to Ranking Member Schiff and Representative Swalwell. The denial of seats to duly elected Members of the House Democratic Caucus runs counter to the serious and sober mission of the Intelligence Committee.”

McCarthy’s recalcitrance is bad politics, bad optics, and bad for the national security of the United States.

Gaetz, however, who remains under investigation for allegedly taking an underage girl across state lines, having sex with her, and then paying her to remain silent, couldn’t resist adding his voice to the matter, posting this in response to a tweet asking what Schiff’s pronouns are.

If Gaetz had bothered to do a simple Google search, he would have learned that “removed” isn’t a pronoun. According to, it’s a verb. In some instances, it can be a noun or an adjective, but it’s not a pronoun and never will be. But hey, why let basic knowledge of the English language stand in the way of a social media burn?

But that’s not all Rapey McForehead (a.k.a. Gaetz) neglected to take under consideration before he completely owned himself for the entire internet to see. And it didn’t take long before others have Gaetz a dose of his own medicine.

Congress GOP Viral Video

‘Bad Lip Reading’ Reveals Matt Gaetz’s Secret Code Name

If we’re honest, most of us would admit that we’d love to know what’s said between members of Congress when they’re speaking with each other on the floor of the House or Senate. Can you imagine how much more we’d dislike most of them if we could hear what they say when we’re not looking or listening?

For example, that face-to-face conversation between Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy as the final vote was about to be taken that would elevate McCarthy to the Speaker’s chair.

Unfortunately, there’s no sound on the video that photo is taken from, but that doesn’t mean we have to remain in the dark when it comes to the words exchanged between the two.

According to Bad Lip Reading, we have new insight as to what was being said as the votes were being tallied in the House.

For those of you not familiar with their work, The Mary Sue explains the purpose of Bad Lip Reading:

 Bad Lip Reading is an anonymous YouTube channel that dubs over news footage and scenes from film and TV shows with nonsensical dialogue. The dialogue always more or less matches the movements of people’s mouths, and some surprising storylines end up emerging from the chaos.

The first video from Bad Lip Reading shows what was said between Gaetz and McCarthy. Take a look:

And now we have Gaetz’s other name, also courtesy of the folks at Bad Lip Reading.

Vain Guy is appropriate. Then again, so is Superperv.

Congress GOP

Matt Gaetz Has A Disgusting Reason For Hating Kevin McCarthy So Much

If perhaps you were wondering why exactly Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) steadfastly refused to support Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, it turns out that the reason was purely personal, despite what Gaetz said recently as he continued to vote for anyone but McCarthy.

According to Gaetz, the reason for his recalcitrance was that McCarthy had compromised too often with Democrats and not been sufficiently loyal to failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, especially after Trump helped fan the flames that led to the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

On the floor of the House, Gaetz had this to say about his refusal to vote for McCarthy:

“Maybe the right person for the job of speaker of the House isn’t someone who wants it so bad,. Maybe the right person for the job of speaker of the House isn’t someone who has sold shares of themselves for more than a decade to get it.”

The real reason, however, is much more personal for Gaetz: Because McCarthy hasn’t been more supportive of the Florida congressman since he was first accused of paying an underage girl to sleep with him and taking her across state lines, which has led to a federal investigation of Gaetz that could lead to charges of sexual trafficking, according to Rolling Stone.

But Gaetz’s hatred curdled into something even more powerful after it was revealed in early 2021 that the MAGA congressman was the target of a federal investigation into the sex trafficking of a minor. (No charges were filed against Gaetz, but his “wingman” Joel Greenberg was sentenced to 11 years in prison.) McCarthy, in Gaetz’s opinion, failed to mount a forceful enough defense on his behalf. According to two sources familiar with the matter, Gaetz has been furious at McCarthy for the perceived lack of support ever since — despite the fact that McCarthy did not strip him of any committee assignments during the probe.

Apparently, McCarthy was supposed to stand behind Gaetz and declare his loyalty even though the Floridian is suspected of being a perv and may soon be charged with numerous criminal offenses that could put in him in prison for the rest of his life.

If Kevin McCarthy had any balls (and he clearly doesn’t), he’d refuse to put Gaetz on any committees until the Justice Department declines to prosecute him for his alleged crimes.

And, if we’re lucky, both Gaetz and McCarthy will wind up behind bars one day. They damn well deserve such a fate.


Congress GOP

Anti-McCarthy Republicans Are ‘In For A Rude Awakening’ Now That He’s Speaker: Report

Now that Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has finally been elected Speaker of the House, what will become of the breakaway faction of Republicans who refused to support him and made the entire GOP caucus look like a clown car for 96 hours?

According to a former Republican strategist, members of Congress such as Reps. Lauren Boebert (CO) and Matt Gaetz (FL) can expect to pay a heavy price that may contribute to them not getting reelected in 2024.

Conservative campaign consultant Alice Stewart said Saturday on CNN that the first punishment for renegade members who wouldn’t support McCarthy will be less prestigious committee assignments.

“I don’t think there’s going to be as much under the Christmas tree for them in that regard as they seem to think. Speaking with a lot of members of the rational Republican group throughout the weekend, specifically late into the night last night, they were frustrated. They were angry. They felt this was completely unnecessary given the fact that every concession they had requested had been met and this was not a matter of policy, this was just about personality conflicts with Kevin McCarthy.”

She added:

“Here these people have gone in day-in and day-out for all the right reasons for the party and for policies, and you have people like [Rep. Matt] Gaetz and [Rep. Lauren] Boebert who are in a vanity project to raise money for the future. They do have the opportunity to decide who gets on which committee and where and, I can guarantee you, Alex, that they’re going to be quite selective in who gets on which committee.

“Certainly Matt Gaetz has his eye on the prize for a key committee assignment, but they’re going to be in for a rude awakening because their colleagues are frustrated with the fact that they have a job to do.”

If indeed Boebert and Gaetz do lose in the next election, all of the chaos they’ve cause might just have been worthwhile. And the fewer Republicans there are in Congress, the better off the country will be.

Here’s the video from CNN:

Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH: GOP Rep. Has To Be Restrained While Confronting Matt Gaetz During House Speaker Debate

On Friday evening, minutes after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) had again denied House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) the votes he needed in order to be elected Speaker of the House, another GOP congressman confronted Gaetz and had to be physically restrained, according to Mediaite.

With one vote to decide McCarthy’s fate, Gaetz could not bring himself to vote for the GOP leader after having spent all of two months campaigning for someone else to lead the 118th Congress.

Gaetz left the room when his name was called the first time around, and when he had a chance to vote for McCarthy when his name was called again, he shouted, “Present!”

The vote denied the California Republican the gavel and the GOP side of the House floor devolved into chaos. McCarthy charged up an aisle where he confronted Gaetz. The two exchanged words for several moments before McCarthy walked away.

McCarthy was finally elected Speaker on the 15th ballot, which suggests he will be the weakest House leader since the Civil War.

After video of Rogers confronting Gaetz hit social media, comments proliferated regarding what had just transpired.