Congress Crime GOP Sex Scandals

Gaetz Abruptly Ends Press Conference As Reporter Asks Him: ‘Are You A Pedophile?’

On Tuesday, as the first day of hearings began for the House Select Committee on January 6, a group of four Republican lawmakers decided they’d go to the Department of Justice building and protest the treatment of people arrested following the Capitol insurrection, whom they claim are “political prisoners.”

In attendance were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Matt Gaetz (FL), Louie Gohmert (Texas), and Paul Gosar (AZ), The Hill reports:

“(Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert, and Gosar) were holding a news conference outside the DOJ to protest the treatment of individuals arrested in connection to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, when counterprotesters arrived on the scene.

“One protester repeatedly blew a whistle during the event, and other demonstrators were holding signs that read ‘Jan 6th was an inside job, vets for democrats’ and ‘Traitors + Rapists: Sit Down,’ the latter likely referring to Gaetz, who is under investigation for an alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.”

The counterprotests were so loud and raucous that at one point a man announced:

“The left is interrupting the press conference, we need to end it.”

As the crowd was dispersing, a reporter repeatedly asked Gaetz:

“Are you a pedophile?”

Gaetz couldn’t walk fast enough to get away from the scene, and the question he was being asked came just hours after his future sister-in-law, Roxanne Luckey, posted a series of videos on TikTok in which she lambasted the Florida congressman, calling him “a literal pedophile.”

Gaetz is currently under federal investigation for allegedly being sexually active with an underage girl he trafficked across state lines, a crime which can carry a penalty of life in prison.

Gaetz, Greene, Gohmert, and Gosar are all trying their best to deflect attention from the fact that many in their party supported and continue to support the domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol earlier this year. But all the distractions in the world won’t be able to paper over the fact that the current GOP is under the thrall of a monster named Trump and believes violence is more valuable than democracy.

Congress Crime Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump GOP Whining

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has On-Air Meltdown As 1/6 Committee Starts: ‘They Want Members Of Congress In Jail!’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) sounded worried (and guilty) on Tuesday morning as the January 6 Congressional committee began meeting, screeching during an appearance on Real America’s Voice with host Steve Bannon, suggesting that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to put members of Congress in jail.

Greene told Bannon:

“The January 6 committee has started and this is [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s witch hunt. This is her final vendetta against the president that she hates with a passion. This woman is blind with rage and evil and she’s launching this political attack on all of us.”

And then the Georgia Republican went full paranoiac and claimed she knows that Pelosi wants to destroy her:

“I know for certain, I am one of her main targets. They want members of Congress in jail. And guess who that is?”

Sounds like Greene is worried, and considering that she may have played a role in the Capitol insurrection, she damn well should be.

While she was at it, Greene engaged in some revealing psychological projection, remarking:

“Nancy Pelosi is so warped in her thinking, she wants to put President Trump in jail. She wants to put Kevin McCarthy in jail. She’d like to put me in jail, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Lauren Boebert. She’d like to put us in jail.”

As if that’s not bad enough, Greene also told Bannon that she’s putting together her own Jan. 6 “committee” that will include her and Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Just imagine what a clusterfuck that’ll be!

Here’s Greene wailing and whining like a spoiled child:

Congress Coronavirus GOP WTF?!

Asked About Americans Dying Of COVID, Marjorie Taylor Greene Laughs Maniacally

Based on the things she’s said and done since she first announced she would be running for Congress, there are some things we already know about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA):

  • She’s willfully ignorant
  • She’s a shameless self-promoter
  • She has the common sense of wet burlap
  • She’s fond of conspiracy theories

But based on remarks Greene made Tuesday during a press conference held at her office, we can add another fact to what we know about the Georgia congresswoman: She’s a heartless asshole who doesn’t give two hoots in hell about anyone but herself.

It began when Greene told reporters:

“With 6,000 vax related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the (COVID-19) vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.”

Mediate reports that at Greene’s Tuesday presser, Tim Mitchell of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked her:

“Do you feel any responsibility for keeping people in Georgia safe? There are children, skinny people, who have died of coronavirus. Do you feel any responsibility?”

Greene’s response was to begin laughing. Not just a chuckle, mind you, but a genuine maniacal laugh before she finally managed to reply:

“Gee, you crack me up.

“You know what? I think people’s responsibility is their own to read the information, and it’s everywhere.”

Notice how she didn’t actually answer the question? She has no logical answer or fact to provide, so she resorts to a bullshit response that only serves to prove what a foolish and dangerous person she truly is.

Another reporter asked the congresswoman if she had been vaccinated, and Greene began spouting outright nonsense about how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevented her from saying one way or the other on that query:

“(That) is a violation of my HIPAA rights. You see, with HIPAA rights, we don’t have to reveal our medical records and that also involves our vaccine records.”

Not even a little bit true, as Mediate noted:

“Under HIPAA, healthcare providers may not provide medical information about patients to third parties without patient consent. It does not apply to individuals or entities who aren’t healthcare providers. Moreover, it is not a “violation” of the law to ask someone if they have been vaccinated.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a waste of flesh and oxygen. She’s also a heartless ghoul with blood on her hands.

Congress GOP

Colleague Of Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Isn’t Ignorant – Her Motives Are Much Worse

If you’ve ever wondered why Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is such a complete horse’s ass, one of her colleagues in the House says you’d be wrong to think the Georgia Republican is stupid.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the House Majority Whip, said Saturday during an appearance on CNN that Greene’s real motives for what she says and does are much more troubling.

Clyburn was asked by CNN host Jim Acosta:

“Congressman, I have to ask you about this crazy conspiracy theory that is gaining some serious momentum, alleging that the FBI orchestrated the January 6th attack on the Capitol. What do you say to some of your Republican colleagues, people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar (R-AZ), they’re the ones that are spreading this craziness.”

Clyburn replied:

“We have a responsible of debunking this foolishness. Nobody believes that, they don’t believe that. They just feel that this is one way to rile people up.”

Acosta then noted:

“I believe some people do believe it, congressman, candidly and respectfully, sir, I do think some of them believe it.”

Clyburn told Acosta:

“Well, I respect your position on that, but I’ve been in this country a long time — next month I’m going to celebrate my 81st birthday — and I can tell you, they really don’t believe it. They think it’s a tool they can use to separate people. They know better than that.

“Marjorie Greene, whatever he name is, she really does not believe that stuff she’s saying. She is saying the stuff she thinks will rile people up, because they really would love to see this country, the people, turn against each other,”

Exactly! It’s all about dividing and conquering. That’s the very same strategy failed, one-term former President Donald Trump used to win in 2016. But the American people got sick and tired of his bullying and hatred. Hopefully voters in Greene’s district will follow suit and give her the boot in next year’s midterms.

Heres’s James Clyburn on CNN:

Congress WTF?!

Controversial GOP Congresswoman Allegedly Cheated On Her Husband With Multiple Men

Ever since she burst onto the political scene and managed to win a seat in the House of Representatives, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been known for casting aspersions on others. She has attacked Muslims, claimed the Parkland school shooting was a “false flag,” and suggested that the Sept. 11 attacks didn’t actually take place.

Greene has been such a human hemorrhoid that her colleagues voted to remove her from all congressional committees, an unprecedented move which she later pretended didn’t bother her in the least.

Now, however, with the spotlight on Greene, the Daily Mail is reporting that she has allegedly cheated on her husband with multiple men:

“Controversial conspiracy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene cheated on her husband with a polyamorous tantric sex guru, has learned.

“Then after ending her affair with him, the mom-of-three moved on to a gym manager behind her husband’s back.

“But despite the tawdry flings, Taylor Greene stuck with her husband Perry as she made her unlikely rise that has turned her into the most talked-about Republican in Washington, D.C.”

Asked about the alleged affairs, the two men who were reportedly Greene’s paramours denied they had been involved with the congresswoman:

“Craig Ivey, the tantric sex practitioner, said: ‘I will not respond to anything about this,’ while the other man, Justin Tway, said: ‘I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good.’

“But others say the new representative from Georgia’s 14th Congressional District was brazen about her affairs which she carried on a decade ago while working in gyms in Alpharetta, Georgia,”

Those who know Greene say everyone was aware of her extramarital affairs:

“‘It wasn’t a secret. Everyone who moved in her circles knew about both the affairs,’ one man who worked closely with Taylor Greene told

“And her boss, billionaire’s grandson Jim Chambers, added: ‘She socialized a lot with us. I remember one particular pool party where she was lying draped over Craig’s lap drinking a beer.

“‘She was quite open about it,’ he added. ‘We all thought her marriage was falling apart.'”

Asked for a comment on the allegations detailed by the Daily Mail, Greene called it “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist,” and “another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda.”

 As we’ve seen repeatedly when it comes to right-wingers, they’re the biggest hypocrites in the world, eager to throws stones at others even though they reside in their own self-constructed glass houses.