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Marjorie Taylor Greene Called Rep. Liz Cheney A ‘Karen’ – That Was A Big Mistake

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) walked into a hornet’s nest of her own creation Thursday after she tried to mock Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for criticizing Fox News host Tucker Carlson and a special he’s done for the network which claims the Jan.6 attack at the U.S. Capitol was a “false flag,” planned and carried out by the federal government.

In response to Carlson’s recklessness, Cheney sent out this tweet:

Greene couldn’t resist taking a cheap shot at Cheney for daring to criticize Carlson:

As HuffPost notes, if anyone is deserving of the “Karen” moniker, it’s Greene:

Greene (who late night comedian Trevor Noah once dubbed “Osama Bin Karen”) has likened House mask mandates to the Holocaust, said she doesn’t believe in evolution, has pushed a conspiracy theory about Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California and liked social media posts calling for the execution of prominent Democrats, which caused her to be stripped of her House committee assignments.

Others then joined the online debate, excoriating Greene and reminding her what a joke she is.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Declaration Of Independence Justifies The Capitol Insurrection

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is proving her complete ignorance of American history yet again by claiming that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was completely justified because the Declaration of Independence mentions the right to “overthrow tyrants.

Appearing on the “War Room” podcast hosted by former Trump administration official Steve Bannon, Greene proudly let the world know that her brain is perpetually stuck in idle, remarking:

“If you think about what our Declaration of Independence says, it says to overthrow tyrants. There is a clear difference between Jan. 6 and the Marxist, Communist revolution, the Antifa, BLM, Democrat ground troops waged on the American people in 2020.”

Democrat ground troops? A Communist revolution? When and where did that happen? Apparently, Greene thinks that legal protests over police brutality are the first stage of revolution, and yet if she had any understanding of the document she references, she’d know the right to protest was one the reasons the Founding Fathers chose to break from Great Britain and form their own country without having to pledge obedience to a king.

Greene also told Bannon that what she called the “lies of Blue Anon” and “Democrat media” could “cause someone like me to be killed, or someone like you, Steve, to be killed.”

“They’re the real problem in this country.”

Actually, Marj, lies and bullshit conspiracy theories are the biggest problem in the country. They’re weapons of disinformation that infect the brains of the gullible and lead directly to the sort of violence we saw on Jan. 6.

Greene sounds more rattled and desperate than usual, and that may have a lot to do with a report from Rolling Stone citing two organizers of the Capitol riots who said they had dozens of meetings with members of Congress (including Greene) in the weeks before the Jan. 6 attack.

Bannon is also suspected of having played a major role in the violence at the Capitol and had been indicted by the Justice Department for contempt of Congress after he ignored a subpoena for information and testimony from the the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6.


Congress Foreign Policy The Biden Administration WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Impeach Kamala Harris For Not Personally Evacuating Americans From Kabul

It’s a given that Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is probably the loosest cannon in the entire U.S. Congress, but something she said Monday could well place her in the Moron Hall of Fame.

During an appearance on the extreme right-wing Real America’s Voice network, Greene said she was outraged that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t in Kabul, Afghanistan, helping to evacuate Americans from the country. The only solution, Greene said, was to impeach Harris:

“For her to not speak out about this, for her not to fly over to Afghanistan to the Kabul airport is disgraceful, and unforgivable. She should be impeached as well. All of them are complicit in this. And they knew. They knew.”

This comes just a day after Greene demanded that President Joe Biden also be impeached for withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan, a move that was initiated under Greene’s lord and savior, Donald Trump.

Using Green’s blueprint, Biden and Harris would both be impeached and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would become president. Clearly, the congresswoman from Georgia didn’t think this one through all the way. Provided, that is, she’s even capable of thought.

Twitter soon reminded Ms. Greene that she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut and stay off social media unless she wants even more mockery:

Here’s a better idea for Marjorie Taylor Greene: If you’re so concerned about Americans in Kabul, why don’t you fly over and help evacuate them? Probably because you’re too chickenshit and selfish to do anything for another human being.


Congress GOP GOP Whining Social Media

MTG Has A Paranoid Twitter Meltdown About Rumors She’s About To Be Banned From Social Media

Proving that her understanding of something as ubiquitous as social media is not fully developed, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is now accusing the New York Times of conspiring with Twitter to have her banned from the platform.

Greene posted a screenshot of an email she received from Davey Alba, a technology reporter for the Times who specializes in online conspiracy theories and inaccurate postings on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Alba’s email references a tweet of Greene’s from Wednesday in which she claimed (without any proof) that COVID vaccines are causing miscarriages and other health problems among pregnant women. The email reads:

“Twitter is likely to take enforcement action on Ms. Greene’s account for coronavirus information. It would be her fourth strike, meaning she would have one strike to go before potentially being permanently suspended from the platform. Would Ms. Greene want to respond to this in a statement?”

That led to this bizarre and unhinged reaction from the Georgia congresswoman:

“How would the @nytimes know that my @Twitter account is about to be suspended? My account is NOT suspended. What kind of relationship does the NYT and Twitter have? Do they coordinate suspending people like me and news stories? Is someone paying for that? Why?”

That’s a whole lotta stupid for just one person, and it didn’t take long before others on Twitter began pelting Greene with mockery:

Congress Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Pitches A Bizarre Twitter Fit About AOC, ‘Oreos’ And ‘Cheez-Its’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has a bizarre obsession with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and has acted in a threatening manner toward the New York congresswoman on the floor of the House.

But what Greene posted in Twitter about AOC and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is downright deranged.

Apparently, Greene was upset that Bush and AOC have been protesting on the Capitol steps in response a lapse in the ban on evictions that had been in place but expired last Friday, so she thought it would be a good idea to complain for all the world to see:

Wait a damn minute! MTG is bent out of shape about a peaceful protest but is just fine with what happened on January 6? There’s hypocrisy, but this is on a whole other level, as Greene was reminded:

MTG is always trying to stir up trouble to distract from her own possible crimes. Just wait until she gets a subpoena from the 1/6 Select Committee. Who’ll be to blame then, Domino’s or Pizza Hut?