Congress GOP Gun Crime Viral Video WTF?!

Viral Video: Marjorie Taylor Greene Appears To Kick A Gun Control Activist Who Disagrees With Her

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) appears to have committed a crime that was caught on video today in Washington, D.C.

Greene was walking and talking to activists who support sensible gun control. The congresswoman is vehemently opposed to any laws that would regulated guns in any manner whatsoever.

One of the activists, Santiago Mayer, the executive director of Voters of Tomorrow asked Greene about her staunch opposition to laws that would help reduce mass shootings, to which Greene replied:

“Shame on you. You know what? Go move to another country where they take away your guns.”


“I want to live in a country where kids don’t get shot.”

A sneering Greene told Mayer:

“You’re not even a grateful American.”

Another woman who was wearing a blue dress, then inquired of Greene:

“How does the second Amendment prevent gun violence?”

If you watch closely at the 1:15 mark of the video, it appears that Greene kicks the woman to make her move out of her walking path. The startled woman is clearly surprised, and a few seconds later an aide to Greene mentions that it’s against the law to block a member of Congress.

As she walks past the woman in the blue dress, Greene seems to say that she should just consider being kicked an “accident.”

Mayer later confirmed that Greene had indeed kicked a member of his team:


Congress GOP Whining Joe Biden WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She’s Plans To Impeach Joe Biden For Supporting Renewable Energy

Ever since she arrived in Congress two years ago, it’s been clear that Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is nothing but a shameless self-promoter who will do anything to advance her political career and nothing to actually help her constituents back home.

Greene is also a disciple of disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, whom she supports no matter what crime he commits or laws he breaks.

And now Greene is admitting she wants payback for the fact that Trump was impeached twice, insisting that she intends to file articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden for the crime of supporting renewable energy such as that produced by the sun and wind.

Appearing on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, Greene proudly announced:

“Because they’re driving the Green New Deal which is going to plunge America into darkness and that will lead to death and all kinds of issues across America. We simply cannot exist on solar and wind energy at this time. The technology is not there and there’s no reason to destroy fossil fuels.”

Greene added:

“And because of that, Steve, it’s such a dangerous threat. No president should be doing that. I have articles prepared on Joe Biden and we’re looking at introducing those possibly as early as this week.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that what Green said is complete bullshit, as the Yale University School of Environment has explained:

In reality, it is entirely possible to sustain a reliable electricity system based on renewable energy sources plus a combination of other means, including improved methods of energy management and storage. A clearer understanding of how to dependably manage electricity supply is vital because climate threats require a rapid shift to renewable sources like solar and wind power.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a imbecile.


GOP Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene In Hot Water For Sharing Fake Video Of Joe Biden As Hitler And Claiming ‘It’s Real’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is in very hot water with Jewish groups for sharing a fake video of President Joe Biden as Adolf Hitler on Twitter and claiming “it’s real.”

Mediate reports on the video:

The video shows an actor resembling the president except with a Hitler-esque patch of facial hair below his nose, standing in front of a photoshopped background from Biden’s speech with swastikas added. The audio seems to be a clip from one of Hitler’s speeches, although that has not been verified.

Greene used the video to criticize Biden for a speech he gave in Philadelphia on Thursday evening in which he criticized failed, one-term former president Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” calling them “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Those remarks led Greene to post two tweets:

Greene’s tweets drew the immediate ire of Jewish groups, with Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League remarking:

“That a member of Congress would consider this funny, let alone acceptable, is disgraceful. With one post and a doctored video, [Greene] managed to trivialize Hitler and the Nazis’ sheer evil and belittle the serious threat that extremism poses to this country. Absolutely shameful.”

The American Jewish Committee demanded that House Republican leaders condemn Greene:

“(Greene) continues to trivialize the terror of the Nazis and use Holocaust imagery for political gain. This doctored video is vile, offensive, and completely unbecoming for a member of Congress. House Republican leaders must condemn her conduct.”

So far, however, no one in Republican leadership has stepped forward to criticize Greene or even address the matter of her tweets. It’s safe to say none of them will.

GOP Whining Joe Biden Social Media The Biden Administration

The Biden Administration Lays The Ultimate Twitter Burn On Marjorie Taylor Greene For Her Hypocrisy

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has spent a good portion of the day complaining about President Joe Biden’s plan to forgive up to $10,000 in student loan debt for millions of Americans, a plan that is being praised by many economists but almost universally panned by members of the GOP.

Greene went on Newsmax to whine about the loan forgiveness program, remarking:

“For for our government just to say, you know, ‘okay, well your debt is completely forgiven.’ Obviously they have an agenda for that they need votes in November. So the timing is a pure coincidence there as well, but it’s completely unfair and taxpayers all over the country, taxpayers that never took out a student loan, taxpayers that pay their bills and and you know, maybe even never went to college or just hard-working people. They shouldn’t have to pay off the great big student loan debt for some college student that piled up massive debt going to some Ivy League school. That’s not fair.”

The led the White House to do something it rarely does: Respond on social media, reminding Greene that she ripped the taxpayers off by taking a Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) loan for her family business that was later written off by the U.S. Treasury.

As ProPublica has reported, Greene did indeed take $182,300 via a PPP loan on April 10, 2020. And that loan was forgiven to the tune of $183,504, with interest included.

That makes Ms. Greene one hell of a hypocrite.

But the administration wasn’t finished. They called out other Republicans who took PPP loans and had them written off, too:

Facts are terrible things, aren’t they, Marge?


Elections GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Her Supporters To Commit Voter Fraud: ‘Vote One, Two, Three Times, Whatever’

Ever since Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been one of the most vocal disseminators of the “Big Lie” that the disgraced ex-president actually won but was cheated out of second term as a result of massive voter fraud.

Yet Greene is now encouraging her supporters to commit voter fraud on her behalf in the upcoming midterm election, according to The Independent:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene encouraged supporters to get out to the polls during the November midterms and went one step further during a video address to advocate that they exercise their right to vote “one, two, three times.”

In the video clip, shared online by the left-wing Twitter account PatriotTakes, an account with more than 450,000 followers, the Georgia Republican is seen standing alongside Mallory Staples, who ran to represent Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in the spring but lost in the Republican primary to Rich McCormick.

The video begins with Greene and Staples encouraging voters to be sure and vote in November. Staples remarks:

“Get out and vote with you and your 20 closest friends and neighbors in November.”

Greene then interjects:

“Vote one, two, three times, whatever.”

As if that’s not bad enough, the two continue to urge voter fraud:

A nervous Ms. Staples then giggles at Ms. Greene’s suggestion to get out “three times” and proffers up the suggestion that voters should get out and do “whatever the law will allow you to do.”

“Which in Georgia is almost anything,” quips Ms. Staples, before the two politicians erupt into more nervous laughter.

Apparently, voter fraud is just fine when done on behalf of Republicans, including those who squawk the loudest about how elections were “stolen” from them.

Much like the her political idol, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a disgusting hypocrite, liar, and thug. Her constituents need to kick her to the curb in November and replace her with someone who will actually represent them.