According to many Republicans, abortion is murder and needs to be declared illegal across the country, no matter the reason a woman may be trying to terminate her pregnancy, with some on the right even going so far as to say there should be no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.
That hardline position is leaving many right-wingers in a difficult position when it comes to Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, who says he’s opposed to abortion yet reportedly paid for at least two women he impregnated to terminate their pregnancies.
Such was the case with a Georgia man who was interviewed by Jason Selvig of The Good Liars.
The man — who was wearing a pro-Trump cap and told Selvig that he did indeed support Walker — was asked:
“You think abortion is murder?”
The man replied:
Selvig then asked:
“Do you think that Herschel Walker is a murderer if he paid for an abortion?”
The man responded:
“Well, actually we’ve all done bad things.”
Once again, Selvig pressed:
“Murder is, you know — that’s one of the worst you could do, right?”
The man attempted to change the topic to Walker’s opponent, incumbent Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock:
“Warnock hasn’t repented for his sins.”
But Selvig had the perfect comeback:
“But, I mean, totally unrelated to Raphael Warnock, if Herschel Walker paid for an abortion, and you think abortion is murder, does that not make him a murderer?”
That led the man to tell Selvig:
“You know, it’s according to what you want to call murder. I mean, if you see somebody breaking into your house and you kill him, is that murder? If you accidentally run over somebody—”
Selvig asked yet again:
“Is abortion murder?”
The man replied:
“Well, if you do that, a premeditated taking of a life, I think that is murder.”
“So that, by definition, if the allegations are true, he was a murderer, but that’s okay with you because he repented.”
The man continued to twist himself into pretzel shape, replying:
“Well, what is sin is sin. I mean, some sins are more long lasting.”
Spoken like a true fake Christian who has either never read the Bible or read it and didn’t understand a word about forgiveness, redemption, and sin.
Here’s the video: