Congress GOP Whining WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Now Claiming She’s The Victim Of A ‘Hate Crime’

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most bigoted, disgusting, and hateful people in the entire Congress, and yet she’s now asking us to feel sorry for her because someone keeps meddling with an anti-LGBTQ sign she has posted outside her House office.

And now Greene is claiming to be the victim of a hate crime, according to a report from LGBTQ Nation:

Greene is angry about the vandalism of posters she hangs on the wall outside her office. One of the posters – her infamous “There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. ‘Trust The Science!’” poster that she put up last year to cancel out a nearby transgender pride flag – keeps getting vandalized, so she put up another poster accusing Rep. Jake Auchincloss’s (D-MA) chief of staff Tim Hysom of being the vandal.

Now that poster has been vandalized, enraging Greene further.

In a video she posted on Twitter, Greene ranted and raved, sounding at times like someone in need of an extended stay at a mental health facility:

“You wanna know what happened? Another sign got taken off the wall.”

According to Greene, the second sign she posted was of an arrest warrant Capitol police had issued against Hysom for vandalizing her sign:

“They can’t take the fact that there’s only two genders, male and female. They’ve been attacking this sign. Tim Hysom, chief of staff for Jake Auchincloss.”

But Greene was only getting warmed up, and she continued with her unhinged rant:

“I’m sure Jake doesn’t get awards like this for actually having a great voting record,” she said, showing off an award she happened to be carrying. It’s not clear what organization gave her the award for voting in line with their ideology.

They attack this because they hate my faith, they hate my religion, and they hate the fact that I’m a woman! The Department of Justice is not going to prosecute them.”

A short while later, Greene posted yet another video, claiming she had found the sign that she accused Hysom of stealing from her:

“Lawlessness in Congress, everyone. Department of Justice is completely terrible, they don’t prosecute crime.”

Keep in mind that while she’s busy accusing others of crimes, Greene tried to get a last-minute pardon from failed, one-term former president Donald Trump for her role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and may still be charged for her part in that attempted coup.

Karma is starting to catch up with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and she doesn’t like it one little bit.

Business Congress GOP

Lauren Boebert’s Shooters Grill Has Gone Belly Up

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) loves to brag about how she managed to start a small business even though she didn’t graduate from high school. To hear her tell it, she pulled herself up by the bootstraps and got her piece of the American dream.

But that dream — which Boebert named Shooters Grill — is now a failure and a little more than a bad memory, according to Colorado Pols:

As readers know, Shooter’s Grill lost hundreds of thousands of dollars during its few years of operation according to tax filings, and the eatery never lived down the 2017 incident in which Boebert’s food truck sickened dozens of spectators at a local rodeo. Quality food and service was never the draw of Shooter’s Grill, of course, bringing in customers (at least once for the novelty) with their armed and generally young female wait staff.

Boebert reportedly waited until after the June 28th primary to make the decision about closing Shooter’s Grill after the building’s landlord signaled his intention to cancel Boebert’s lease at the end of August. With Boebert’s Republican primary opponent dispatched, Boebert’s cash flow from her newfound fame looks secure enough to dispense with the dirty work of running a small-town greasy spoon–management of which Boebert had reportedly already farmed out to political supporters.

Join the good citizens of Rifle in wishing Shooter’s Grill a fond covfefe.

You probably recall one of the things that made Shooters so unique (not to mention absurd) is that all of the employees were encouraged to openly carry weapons in keeping with the right-wing belief that guns were given to us by God and therefore deserve to be worshiped like some sort of fire-breathing idol.

The closing of Shooters also deprives Boebert of her talking point about being a successful businesswoman. Instead, she’s a miserable failure, just like her tangerine lord and savior, Donald Trump.

Now that karma is catching up with Lauren in such a big way, we can also hope that voters in her district will kick her to the curb come November.


GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Mathematically-Challenged Nikki Haley Humiliates Herself With Idiotic Attack On President Biden 

While it has long been speculated that former South Carolina governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley will likely seek to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024, she proved today that her in a battle of wits with any opponent, she’d be seriously overmatched.

Haley has an accounting degree from Clemson University, and yet she couldn’t even manage the most basic math when it came to a posting she made on Twitter and later deleted after thousands of respondents pointed out her glaring error.

Here’s a screenshot of Haley’s tweet, which will live in infamy:

Even if you didn’t major in math (or accounting), it should be easy to spot the incredibly bad mistake found in Haley’s fuzzy numbers. You don’t take the percentage of price increase in each item, add them, and then arrive at a total percentage. That’s the sort of thing that gets you a low score on the SAT, which makes you wonder what Nikki’s scores were.

In no time, social media was on the verge of laughing uncontrollably while simultaneously giving Haley a lesson in 6th grade mathematics.

Since it’s pretty damn obvious that Nikki will never be president, some Republican will probably suggest she needs to be named Secretary of Education.

Congress GOP Social Media

Marjorie Taylor Greene Falls For Post From Fake Twitter Account And Humiliates Herself

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene got on her soapbox and was quickly knocked off it when it turned out she had fallen for a fake Twitter account that disseminated false information about vaccines.

The tweet Greene referenced alleged that most of the pregnant women who took the Pfizer COVID vaccine lost their babies as a result.

That was fake and Twitter flagged it as such, which enraged Greene.

Specifically, right-wing host Jesse Kelly interviewed anti-vaxxer Noami Wolf, who told him:

“In the internal documents, it shows that babies are getting sick and dying from vaccinated mothers. It shows that 270 women … got pregnant during the period that they were being followed by Pfizer […] Thirty-six pregnant women were followed. They gave birth – vaccinated women. Twenty-eight of those women lost their babies.

“There is a baby die-off. And now we know why.”

That’s complete bullshit, but Greene fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Be sure and note the name associated with the Twitter account that shared the fake story: Dr. Lyle P. Lysol, MD. How in the world could any sentient human being see that and not know it’s fallacious?

Of course, that assumes that you have a brain, and Greene has yet to prove she even has two brain cells in that empty skull of hers.

That was all it took to unleash a torrent of mockery. Take a look:

Voters in Greene’s district should just elect a bag of hammers. It’d be a hell of a lot smarter than Margie.


Congress Elections GOP

Lauren Boebert Walks Into A Hilarious Self-Own By Suggesting Dumb Members Of Congress Should Be Fired

Now that she has established her reputation as one of the most worthless and unnecessary members of Congress, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is trying to attach her own ignorance to every elected official in the country, but her efforts only managed to prove that she has neither a brain or a shred of self-awareness.

Boebert thought she’d wade right into the ongoing national debate about mass shootings and gun control by suggesting that anyone who doesn’t know what the “AR” in an AR-15 assault rifle stands for:

If you’re wondering, AR stands for “ArmaLite,” a weapon developed in the 1950s for the military, not for the average Joe to carry around and turn on innocent children and their teachers, slaughtering 21 of them the way a perpetrator did at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Of course, it doesn’t actually matter what you call a weapon such as the AR-15. You could dub it an artificial phallus for those who feel inadequate and it wouldn’t change the killing power of the gun, and it most certainly wouldn’t make the people killed buy AR-15s any less dead or their families any less devastated to hear that their loved ones are gone forever. To paraphrase Shakespeare, An AR-15 by any other name would be just as deadly.

As for Boebert’s insinuation that not knowing what the AR initials mean qualifies you for being dismissed from your elected office, that’s incredibly rich and ironic coming from a woman who has said the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol was a legitimate protest and not the least bit illegal.

Boebert was quickly shredded on Twitter.