Abortion Supreme Court

Samuel L. Jackson Shreds ‘Uncle Clarence’ Thomas For His Ruling To Overturn Roe v. Wade

Actor Samuel L. Jackson has had quite enough of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and he’s making it clear that Thomas has jeopardized his own interracial marriage with his ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.

HuffPost reports that Jackson vented his feelings on Twitter:

The same rationale the conservative court employed to reverse the 1973 decision on abortion rights could now be used to eliminate the right to same-sex marriage, contraception and interracial marriage, which was protected in the 1967 Loving v. Virginia ruling, lawmakers and scholars fear.

Jackson bashed Thomas as “Uncle Clarence” in a Friday night tweet, referring to the excessively servile Black character in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s pre-Civil War novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

“How’s Uncle Clarence feeling about Overturning Loving v Virginia??!!”

Loving v. Virginia was also based on the right of privacy, but conservatives on the high court have now decided that none of us have any privacy since that right isn’t specifically laid out in regard to abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, or even interracial marriage:

In a solo concurring opinion Friday, Thomas suggested that the court should “correct the error” by withdrawing granted rights now protected under the “substantive due process clause” of the 14th Amendment.

Thomas, however, didn’t bother to mention marriage between adults of different races, probably because he’s married to a white woman and overturning Loving would make his marriage null and void, as many others pointed out as they discussed the blatant hypocrisy in what Thomas wrote in his opinion to overturn Roe, which has stood for nearly 50 years:

Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff behind the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on same-sex marriage, said Friday that Thomas omitted Loving v. Virginia on his list of top court decisions to “reconsider” because it “affects him personally.”

That “affects him personally, but he doesn’t care about the LGBTQ+ community,” Obergefell said on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out.”

Jackson got plenty of support from others on Twitter, too:

Supreme Court WTF?!

Clarence Thomas Gets Ripped A New One For Whining About The Court Being ‘Compromised’ By Liberals

Has there ever been a more useless member of the United States Supreme Court than Clarence Thomas? After all, this is the same man who allegedly engaged in blatant sexual harassment and yet still got a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land simply because he whined about being subjected to a “high-tech lynching” when the evidence certainly supported what Anita Hill told the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding years of improper remarks and actions by Thomas when the two were working at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

And now Justice Thomas wants to lecture us all on the possibility of making changes to the highest court in the land (such as adding more justices or putting term limits on SCOTUS members), suggesting that such moves would result in the court being “compromised.”

Speaking on Friday at a foundation started by former right-wing Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Thomas declared:

“You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court. You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point the institution is going to be compromised. By doing this, you continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they’re going to have civil society.”

Compromised? That’s rich coming from the most compromised member of the Supreme Court in the history of the United States.

Consider that Thomas’s wife, Ginni, has worked on behalf of groups and issues that have come before the court over the years her husband has been a SCOTUS justice.

As Jon Skolnik of Salon wrote this week:

Last month, The New York Times reported that the Thomases have “defied” the ethical norms of the Supreme Court, detailing, most notably, Ginni Thomas’ role in a failed scheme to illegitimately reinstall Donald Trump as president in the 2020 election. In her work with the conservative Council for National Policy, the outlet reported, Ginni Thomas helped draft and circulate “action steps” pressuring Republican state lawmakers to replace their state electors with partisan pro-Trump appointees. 

Or how about this blatant conflict of interest that Justice Thomas engaged in when it came to one of the most important cases the Supreme Court has heard since the Nixon tapes:

In January, Clarence Thomas stood firm as the lone dissenter in Trump v. Thompson, voting against allowing the January 6 selection committee to access president records from the Trump White House in their investigation of the Capitol riot. That decision came just a month after the panel was attacked in an open letter by Ginni Thomas, who in December called on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to expel Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., from the House Republican Caucus over their roles in the probe. 

And now Clarence Thomas wants to lecture us on how liberals and others he disagrees with could leave the court “compromised”? That was all it took for Twitter users to tell Justice Thomas to take a seat and shut his damn mouth.

Impeachment Supreme Court

Alarming New Conflicts Of Interest By Justice Clarence Thomas Raise Talk Of Impeachment

For years now, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been a lightning rod for criticism, in part for his right-wing rulings and controversial past which nearly derailed his nomination when he was accused of sexually harassing Anita Hill while both worked at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Now Thomas is once again in hot water thanks to two blatant conflicts of interest that have some legal experts saying the justice could well face impeachment.


The first controversy stems from a dissent made by Thomas regarding documents sought by the House Select Committee on the January 6 Capitol insurrection. He was the only member of the high court to rule that former President Donald Trump could keep documents hidden from the committee.

At the same time Thomas made his ruling, his wife, Ginni, was actively engaged in activism against the Jan. 6 investigation, which led University of Texas Law Professor Steve Vladeck to note during an appearance on CNN:

“There are surely substantive reasons, consistent with his jurisprudence, why Justice Thomas dissented from the Court’s decision to not help President Trump in that case. But for folks who are already skeptical of the Court, for folks who already view it as a deeply partisan, political institution, the fact that he is the sole dissenter, given what we know about Ginni Thomas’s involvement, sets off alarm bells.”

Pamela Brown of CNN fleshed out exactly how deeply involved Justice Thomas’ wife has been in trying to derail a full investigation of the Jan. 6 riots:

“The debate has continued because of Ginni Thomas’s ties to another issue before the court she sits on the advisory board of a conservative group, the National Association of Scholars. They submitted two legal briefs to the Supreme Court in favor of plaintiffs challenging affirmative action and admissions at two universities. Peter Wood is president of the organization, and said that she played no role in the legal briefs.”

The other conflict for Thomas is the revelation that he’s been in “regular contact” with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) via email, which was reported by Politico on Friday:

Emails handed over to American Oversight, a group that bills itself as a government watchdog, suggest that DeSantis is in regular contact with Justice Clarence Thomas. In June 2021, Thomas’ wife, Ginni, who runs her own consulting firm, worked with the DeSantis administration to have the governor talk to a coalition of groups, including people affiliated with Judicial Watch, the conservative organization that uses information requests and lawsuits to investigate public officials.

Why is a potential 2024 Republican presidential contender communicating with a sitting Supreme Court justice? Even if they’re only discussing the weather or the Super Bowl, the appearance suggests something less than kosher. And that alone could lead to calls for Thomas to be impeached.

Are there enough Republican senators willing to cross the aisle and remove Justice Thomas from the court? Probably not, but an impeachment trial might convince Thomas that the time has come for him to step down.

Clarence Thomas has always been an illegitimate member of the highest court in the land. And his actions since he joined the Supreme Court are proof that he doesn’t belong there.