Donald Trump Elections

Trump Forced To Cut Back On Rallies As His Campaign Runs Dangerously Low On Money

As he faces the prospect of having to liquidate many of his assets to pay the massive legal judgments imposed on him, failed one-term former president Donald Trump is also facing a cash crunch that is keeping him from holding as many campaign rallies as he’d like, according to a revealing report from the New York Times.

“Despite years of professing massive wealth and boasting of his desire to ‘drain the swamp,’ the deeply transactional former president is leaning yet again on the cash of others, turning Mar-a-Lago into a staging ground for billionaires and others with their own agendas. In a sign of the Trump orbit’s urgent need for cash, at least two donors who made seven-figure pledges to support Mr. Trump this year were nudged to see if they could cut an eight-figure check — meaning $10 million or more — instead, according to a person familiar with the request.”

As a result, more Trump rallies are being planned in the state of Florida, closer to the disgraced ex-president’s Mar-a-Lago resort. But such a move could mean fewer trips to key battleground states such as Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, all of which were won by President Joe Biden in his 2024 matchup with Trump.

“For now, the Trump operation is ramping up its program for bundlers of midsize donations and planning to conserve cash costs by holding fewer rallies than they did at the end of the primary season.”

Trump is reportedly worried about the fundraising gap between him and Biden, which stands at nearly $100 million. Filings show the Biden team sitting on a massive $130 million war chest while Trump and the GOP have only accumulated $40 million. Such a differential could prove to be the margin of victory in a race that’s expected to be incredibly close and come down to a few thousand votes in several key states.

Potential Trump donors are also hesitant to support him because they fear being associated with him and the potential blowback if their names are linked with such a divisive political figure, the Times notes.

“Some Republican donors have emphasized that wealthy contributors may write large checks, but they often don’t want to see that fact disclosed, given the controversy that attaches itself to Mr. Trump. A number of donors faced public blowback in 2016 for their support.”

And then there’s the matter of the Trump campaign potentially using some contributions to help defray the cost of his mounting legal bills. Are major donors willing to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars just so Trump can continue to try and drag out the court cases against him? And even if they do, will it be enough to keep the ex-president out of prison on the 91 charges filed against him in several venues?

The good news, of course, is that fewer Trump campaign rallies mean we’ll likely be seeing much less of him in the months ahead. That alone is a reason to celebrate.


Donald Trump Elections Media in America

Ex-White House Official Warns CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Trump Will ‘Go After’ Her If He Wins In November

An ex-Trump administration official is warning members of the news media that if failed former president Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, he will target them and even seek to have their licenses revoked by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked former Trump official Anthony Scaramucci, “Donald Trump became the first former U.S. president who had ever been indicted. And now nearly a year later, he is the presumptive Republican nominee … and it’s not clear if voters are going to get to hear the evidence against him in any of those cases before they decide if he should return to the White House.”

“If none of this happens before the trial, what does that mean?”

“Well, I think you’ve got to take that as the status quo. I think any of those other things that could happen before the trial, particularly the documents case, where if you really read through that complaint, that’s where the most damning evidence is. If none of that happens, it’s a Trump vs Biden rematch.”

Scaramucci then warned Collins of what Trump is planning for her and the network she works for.

“What [Trump] said, what he did over the four years, what he’s saying now — he wants to go after you, Kaitlan,” he said.

“He’s made it very clear that anybody that he disagreed [with] … he wants to potentially threaten their FCC license. He said publicly he wants to persecute, using the Department of Justice, his political adversaries, and the list goes on and on. He’s courting with dictators. He wants to be part of the axis of autocracy with people like Vladimir Putin, and just to remind people Vladimir Putin is tied very closely to Iran now. So just think about what that means for the Middle East, because we know how transactional Donald Trump is.”

“I think we got to get off the cases,” he added. “We have the focus on Mr. Trump being the most un-American presidential nominee in U.S. history. And we have to go through the things that he’s saying he’s going to do as it relates to being un-American … I think if we do that, he’s going to lose the election.”

Donald Trump Elections The Trump Adminstration

Former Trump Aide: Donald Was ‘Unwell’ As POTUS And Is Getting Worse

Miles Taylor served as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration, and he says the thought of disgraced former president Donald Trump returning to the White House terrifies him.

Speaking with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, Taylor noted, “The man that I interacted with years ago was very visibly unwell, was observably unstable, and he was the president of the United States then. I can only imagine what’s happened to him since.”

For example, Taylor explained, the potential appointees in a second Trump administration can be divided into four “scary” groups: The loyalists, the assassins, the replacements, and the shadow government.

Loyalists, Taylor continued, would be that Trump appoints to Cabinet positions, even if the Senate doesn’t confirm them.

“They’re going to put them in anyway. People who will execute his orders no matter how bad.”

The “assassins” are people who will comprise the core of political appointees who will be placed in civil service positions to do the day-to-day work of agencies such as the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency.

“These are people who project tornado paths and try to protect the United States from terrorists,” Taylor told Wallace. “Political appointees being in those roles is very scary for me, it’s something they didn’t do in the first term, they’re keen on doing in the second.”

That leaves the “shadow government” to make the biggest decisions, even though they hold no official government positions.

“We saw this in the first term where departments like the Department of Veterans Affairs people said there were the three amigos in Mar-a-Lago that would make phone calls and tell them what to do.”

“I worry in a second term, he’ll have all of these outsiders that aren’t fit to take government jobs, pulling the strings.”

But perhaps most terrifying of all, Taylor warned, is Trump’s continuing mental collapse since he lost in 2020 to President Joe Biden.

“We’ve witnessed it, we all see it as an American public. But I can’t imagine how unstable he’ll be behind that resolute desk again.”

A second Trump administration would be the end of the American republic. That’s why it’s so important that we all register to vote and cast a ballot against him in November.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

WTF?! Rambling Trump Says Hillary’s Acid ‘Will Destroy Everything Within 10 Miles’

If there was any remaining doubt that failed former president Donald Trump is in a full-scale mental decline, he gladly provided more evidence that his brain cells are indeed badly damaged with comments he made during an interview with Newsmax host Greg Kelly on Wednesday.

After whining that he was being unfairly prosecuted for allegedly committing at least 91 felonies, Trump declared, “They released Hillary Clinton.”

“She hammered her phones. She used all sorts of acid testing on anything else. They call it BleachBit, but it’s essentially acid that will destroy everything within ten miles.”

“I mean what she did was unbelievable. Nothing happens to her.”

BleachBit, it should be noted, is not a form of acid. It’s a software program that frees up disk space on a computer or digital server.

The disgraced ex-president also went after former president Bill Clinton.

“Nothing happens to Bill Clinton He took it out in his socks.. You know the famous Socks Case which he ended up winning.”

Actually, Mr. Clinton placed tapes of interviews he gave to historian Taylor Branch in his sock drawer to prevent them from being lost or leaking to the press.

The “acid” remark drew a great deal of fact-checking and mockery on Twitter/X.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Trump Gives Himself An Absurd New Nickname As He Demands That Biden Agree To Debate Him

While most normal people were in bed asleep last night, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump was wide awake and posting on his floundering Truth Social site.

What had Trump so enraged that he felt a need to express himself at such an ungodly hour? Well, it seems he’s afraid President Joe Biden will refuse to debate him, even though Trump himself repeatedly failed to show up for debates with his 2024 Republican challengers.

Trump began his post by mocking Minnesota Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips for dropping his primary challenge to Biden, even though Phillips did so a week ago.

Dean Phillips, who just “quit” in his hapless campaign against Crooked Joe Biden, was not very good at his craft, politics. In fact, I would say that he was far worse than the Republican challengers to me, with a few exceptions. I’ll give you those names if you like, but I’d rather get down to the serious business of defeating the worst President in the history of the United States, by far, Crooked Joe Biden!!! For the good of our now failing Nation, and in order to inform the American people of what is going on in our Country, we must immediately have a full scale debate between Crooked Joe and Honest Don. I’m ready to go, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE!

Honest Don? Really?! Wow! Talk about self-deluded. If there’s one thing Trump will never be known as, it’s honest. He’s been a liar his entire life, and he lies more often than he breathes.

Since Trump’s Truth Social posts are also shared on Twitter/X, response to his “Honest Don” claim and demand for debates with Biden was greeted with intense mockery.