Elections GOP Polls U.S. Senate

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson In Big Trouble As New Poll Shows Him Losing Badly In November

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is fading quickly down the stretch as the 2022 midterm election enters the last leg, with a new poll showing him significantly behind in his race to remain in the U.S. Senate.

Johnson, who has been an ardent acolyte and apologist for disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now down by 7 points to Democratic nominee Mandela Barnes, who would become the youngest member of the Senate at 35 if he defeats the incumbent. He would also be the first black senator to ever represent Wisconsin.

The poll, from Marquette Law School, shows Barnes with a commanding 51-44% lead over Johnson, and the fact that Barnes is above 50% this late in the race is bad news for Johnson, who has a high unfavorable rating among those polled.


Johnson recently shot himself in the foot with remarks he made suggesting that Social Security and Medicare should be discretionary spending, meaning that Congress could refuse to fund the programs anytime they choose to. A discretionary item in the federal budget is also subject to review annually, which would jeopardize the long-term stability of both programs that benefit senior citizens.

Additionally, Johnson promised voters he wouldn’t serve more than two terms in the Senate, but is now seeking a third term, which has reportedly rankled many in the Badger State.

A win for Mandela Barnes would be a huge gain for Democrats and another step toward getting a filibuster-proof majority that would allow the Senate to get more done, including passing voting rights and abortion rights legislation which is being held hostage by Republicans.

Democrats are also doing well in other states that currently have GOP senators, including Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Trump-endorsed candidates J.D. Vance and Mehmet Oz are struggling to gain traction with voters.

Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP

Liz Cheney Uses Her Concession Speech To Destroy Trump’s Claim The FBI Planted Evidence

As expected, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was defeated by challenger Harriet Hageman in the GOP primary on Tuesday, but in her concession speech, Cheney made it clear that she plans to do everything in her power to make sure that failed former president Donald Trump is eventually brought low.

Speaking to supporters in Jackson, Wyoming, Cheney noted:

“Our nation is young in the history of mankind, and yet we’re the oldest democracy in the world. Our survival is not guaranteed. History has shown us over and over again how poisonous lies destroyed three nations. Over the last several months, in the January 6 hearings, the American people have watched dozens of Republicans, including the most senior officials working for President Trump in the White House, the Justice Department, and on his campaign—people who served President Trump loyally—testify that they all told him the election was not stolen or rigged and there was no massive fraud. That’s why President Trump and others invent excuses, pretexts for people not to watch the hearings at all. But no citizen of this republic is a bystander. All of us have an obligation to understand what actually happened. We cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation.”

Cheney then branded Trump as a liar and pointed to his attacks on the FBI agents who were doing their jobs when they served a search warrant on his Mar-a-Lago resort last week:

“To believe Donald Trump’s election lies, you must believe that dozens of federal and state courts who ruled against him, including many judges he appointed, were all corrupted and biased, that all manner of crazy conspiracy theories stole our election from us and that Donald Trump actually remains president today. As of last week, you must also believe that 30 career FBI agents, who have spent their lives working to serve our country, abandoned their honor and their oath and went to Mar-a-Lago, not to perform a lawful search or address a national security threat, but instead with a secret plan to plant fake incriminating documents in the boxes they seized. This is yet another insidious lie.

“Donald Trump knows that voicing these conspiracies will provoke violence and threats of violence. This happened on January 6, and it’s now happening again.”

For the time being, Trump has bested Cheney. But she’s far from finished with him and still has over four months to make his life hell as she continues to serve on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

Elections Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Alex Jones Tells Steve Bannon To Expect A Terrorist Attack By ‘Obama And His People’ Before The Midterms

Even though he was handed a bill of almost $50 million last week for defamatory comments he made about parents of the children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is now spreading a new lie to eager right wingers: Former President Barack Obama is probably going to launch a terrorist attack inside the United States right before the midterm elections in November.

Appearing on Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast, Jones was asked by the host:

“Are you concerned about the Nov. 8 elections? Are you seeing things out there that are concerning you as to whether we’ll have a free and fair election?”

Jones replied:

“I’m worried that the Biden controllers, the third administration of Obama — I’m worried that Obama and his people may provocateur some type of big terror attack. They might launch a cyber attack and blame it on the Russians. They might start a major war.”

Jones then added:

“I mean, they’re going to have an October surprise or a group of October surprises. You can bet your bottom dollar on it.”

The exchange between Bannon and Jones tells us two things:

  • Republicans are worried they’re going to lose in November, despite their long-predicted “red wave” on Election Day.
  • Conservatives and right-wing nutjobs are already laying down the predicate for what they’ll claim if Democrats keep control of the House and Senate.

It’s also interesting to hear Jones and his ilk talk about terrorism when it was their shock troops who carried out the most recent domestic terror attack in this country on January 6, 2021.

If there is any terror attack before votes are cast on Nov. 8, the first person to be questioned should be Alex Jones.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Dick Cheney Absolutely Destroys ‘Coward’ Trump In Powerful New Political Ad For His Daughter

If you’re anything like me, you probably have very little admiration or respect for former vice president Dick Cheney, who is sometimes referred to as “Dr. Evil” for his role in the disastrous Iraq war and U.S. occupation of the country which led to a horrible insurgency, along with the deaths of thousands of American and allied troops.

But an ad the former VP for George W. Bush has filmed for his daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) — who is facing an uncertain bid for reelection since she agreed to be a member of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol — is powerful and takes aim directly at failed, one-term former president Donald Trump.

The ad begins with Cheney looking into the camera and remarking:

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.

“He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him.”

And then the former vice president pulls out the heavy artillery as he continues his attack on the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president:

“He is a coward. A real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters. He lost his election and he lost big. I know it, he knows it and deep down I think most Republicans know it.

“Lynne and I are so proud of Liz for standing up for the truth, doing what is right, honoring her oath to the Constitution when so many in our own party are too scared to do so.”

The ad concludes with a strong endorsement of his daughter, whom polls show is running far behind her Republican challenger, Harriet Hageman:

“Liz is fearless. She never backs down from a fight.

“There is nothing more important she will ever do than lead the effort to make sure Donald Trump is never near the Oval Office again. And she will succeed. I am Dick Cheney. I proudly voted for my daughter. And I hope you will too.”

Congress Elections GOP

House Republicans Planning ‘Payback’ On Cheney And Kinzinger If GOP Wins Midterms

If Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections, they have plans to punish two GOP members of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, Reps. Liz Cheney (WY) and Adam Kinzinger (IL).

According to a report from CNN, Republicans would likely use the House Judiciary Committee to target those they feel didn’t agree to lie and obfuscate for failed, one-term former president Donald Trump:

The GOP’s growing desire to craft a counternarrative on January 6 — and shift the blame away from Trump — comes as the former President is gearing up to soon announce another White House bid. Pursuing that effort could also be politically advantageous for McCarthy, whose expected bid for speaker would be made easier with support from Trump. The former President has sometimes criticized the California Republican over how he has handled the GOP’s defense of Trump during the select committee’s investigation.

Republicans might even try to create their own Jan. 6 committee in a pathetic attempt to spread the “big lie” Trump has suggested proves that the 2020 election was stolen from him, even though he has yet to provide a shred of evidence other than conspiracy theories and right-wing talking points while also punishing Cheney and Kinzinger for daring to serve on the current bipartisan panel:

Republicans have already asked the January 6 panel to preserve a broad range of documents in its possession — a signal they’re preparing to force those records to be turned over should they wield powerful committee gavels next year. And privately, Republican sources say there have been discussions about subpoenaing members of the select committee, particularly Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who is fighting an uphill battle for reelection, and retiring Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, if both Republicans are private citizens next year.

In other words, rather than doing anything worthwhile if they happen to win control of the House, the GOP will engage in behavior better suited for children. It’s proof-positive that every last Republican needs to be voted out of office in order to save our democracy.