Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is in trouble yet again for illegally spending $60,000 worth of campaign money in the run-up to the 2022 midterm election and reporting it improperly, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).
End Citizens United filed the complaint. It alleges that Boebert spent some $60,000 on “get out the vote” phone calls and text messages.
Those outreach efforts are considered “in-kind” expenditures, but Boebert’s campaign didn’t report them as such, which is a violation of FEC rules.
According to the complaint, Newsweek reports,”Boebert may have made an illegal in-kind contribution to herself that exceeds the $5,000 limit set by federal law, or spent money to influence another campaign without reporting it, as required by federal law.”
“Congresswoman Boebert used her leadership PAC as a personal bank but, unfortunately for her, this practice is illegal under federal law,” End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller noted.
The details of the expenditures clearly indicate that Boebert and her campaign did indeed violate the FEC rule.
Boebert For Congress reported paying $4,623.22 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “text message advertising” on October 28, 2022, FEC filings show, while We The People Leadership PAC paid $6,221.73 to Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts”
Then, on November 18, 2022, We The People Leadership PAC paid Telephone Town Hall Meeting, Inc. for $53,760.25 for conducting “Voter Contact – GOTV Calls/Texts.”
The group believes that as two of the payments occurred on the same day, this also indicates the leadership PAC’s disbursement was either a contribution to Boebert’s campaign or an independent expenditure in support of Boebert or other candidates.
The congresswoman has not yet commented on the alleged violation.