Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

Trump’s Former Chief Of Staff Says The Failed Ex-POTUS Is Meeting With His ‘Cabinet Members’ In New Jersey

According to former White House Chief of Staff, who served under the failed leadership of one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, the ex-president is now meeting “with his cabinet members” at Bedminster Country Club in New Jersey, even though Trump is no longer president and his “cabinet members” are nothing but private citizens who no longer run any federal agencies or departments.

Meadows made his comments during an appearance the Newsmax show “Cortes & Pelligrino,” telling host Steve Cortes:

“Well, we met with several of our cabinet members tonight, we actually had a follow-up member, meeting with some of our cabinet members, and as we were looking at that, we were looking at what does come next. I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this, Steve. We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket.”

Does Mark Meadows not realize that Trump is no longer president? And what’s with the cryptic bullshit about “plans to move forward in a real way”? Is that a warning that another insurrection is being planned? Or is Meadows just repeating what he’s been told to say by Trump so the failed POTUS can try and pretend he’s still relevant politically?

Donald Trump isn’t and never will be president of the United States again. He’s a washed-up retiree who’s trying to scam as much money as he can to try and pay his legal bills, which are mounting and probably run in the millions of dollars already.

Mark Meadows, on the other hand, is just a delusional sycophant who probably fantasizes about one day returning to the White House and trying to destroy the country in new and dangerous ways.

Wanna know who Trump is really meeting with? The dude who works for him and serves him his lunch each and every day and the losers he plays golf with when he’s not taking a nap or having his diaper changed.


Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Fragile Looking Trump Claims People ‘Threw Up’ As Ballots Were Counted ‘5 Times’ For Biden

Saturday evening in Phoenix, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump dusted off his greatest hits from the 2020 election and once again proved that he’s unfit to speak without the supervision of a medical team.

He sniffed. He slurred words left and right. And he even suggested that the courts were on the verge of doing “great things” that would put him back in the White House very soon. He looked like he was at least 90: Frail, gaunt, pathetic.

Even from the opening, it was clear the evening was going to be scripted by Samuel Beckett with Salvador Dali providing the drugs:

While he was at it, Trump also attacked Arizona GOP Gov. Doug Ducey and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), saying neither of them does anything at all, which of course is pure projection on Donnie’s behalf:

Later in the extended, factually-challenged rant conducted by the Donald, he said votes in Georgia were counted three to five times. So many times, he insisted, that people “threw up” as they watched what was happening.

Also, the slurring was much worse than usual. Some of the words he attempted to pronounced sounded more like the babblings of a newborn than the utterings of a so-called ex-president:

The only good thing about the Phoenix speech is that it’s quite clear he’s deteriorating rapidly. He’s falling apart physically and mentally, and it’s not hard to imagine him in a year or two being wheeled onstage by a nurse and not being able to speak a word. He’ll just raise a shaky arm, wave for a second, soil himself, and be returned to his hospital bed.

Donald Trump is finished. He’s done and everyone seems to realize it except him and the members of his death cult.


Donald Trump Elections Military WTF?!

MAGA Faithful Claim The U.S. Military Is ‘Ready To’ Reinstate Trump As POTUS

If you thought you’d heard all of the crazy crap about the 2020 election and how failed, one-term former President Donald Trump will soon be “reinstated” to the presidency, the bizarre just turned surreal thanks to a meme circulating on social media that suggests the U.S. military is “ready to act” as soon as the Arizona election audit is complete and put the Donald back in the White House.

According to PolitiFact, the meme in question (which has made the rounds on Facebook most recently) also included a video with this line which is read by a narrator:

“This stuff is coming out and showing what actually happened with the 2020 election. So, this is what’s happening but the deep state on the other hand, they are panicking. The storm is on its way.”

There’s also this text on the meme:

“Military ready to act on audit results!”


PolitFact calls the meme “false” and adds:

“The text on the post leaves the impression that a military unit is preparing or has been asked to take some action when the results of the Maricopa audit are released. But we found no evidence of that. 

“The statement on Facebook was posted as the monthslong review of 2.1 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election was winding down in Maricopa, the state’s largest county. The ballot review was organized by state Senate Republicans, with encouragement from former President Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump is not going to be reinstated as president. Not now and not ever. And the U.S. military only takes orders from one person: The legitimate commander-in-chief, President Joe Biden.


Elections Media in America Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Right-Wing Host Says Everyone Who Helped Elect Joe Biden Deserves ‘Execution’

Ever since President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, conservative media has been repeating the Big Lie that began with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his supporters that there had been massive voter fraud which allowed Biden to win.

However, there is absolutely zero evidence that the 2020 election was anything but the “most secure” in American history, as the agency working for the Trump administration called it, and yet the lies, conspiracy theories, and complete bullshit continue to circulate all over right-wing airwaves.

One America News — aka OAN — (which is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun politically), has reached a new low among the far right nutbags, with one of their hosts calling for everyone who helped Biden win to be executed en masse.

OAN commentator Pearson Sharp rhetorically asked in his “commentary” on the last presidential race how many people it would take to undermine an election:

“Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? How many people does it take to carry out a coup against the presidency?”

Having laid down that paranoid marker, Sharp continued, getting darker and more sinister by the second:

“And when all the dust settles from the audit in Arizona and the potential audits in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin, what happens to all these people who were responsible for overthrowing the election?

“What are the consequences for traitors who meddled with our sacred democratic process and tried to steal power by taking away the voices of the American people? What happens to them? Well in the past, America had a very good solution for dealing with such traitors. Execution.”

Even that wasn’t enough for Sharp and OAN, as he rattled on and no doubt delighted all of the Trump faithful in the viewing audience:

“Treason is considered the highest of all crimes and is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution, which states that anyone is guilty of treason if they support America’s enemies.

“So far, there have been numerous indications that foreign governments including China and Pakistan, meddled in our election to install Joe Biden as president. Any Americans involved in these efforts from those who ran the voting machines to the very highest government officials — is guilty of treason under US code 2381, which carries with the penalty of death.”

There isn’t a scintilla of evidence to back what Pearson Sharp is saying, but that’s not the point. The point is that millions of Americans believe each and every syllable of what he said.

This is the kind of dreck that’s being fed to conservatives across the country. It’s insidious, dangerous, and downright evil. And it’s getting louder by the second.


Elections GOP GOP Whining WTF?!

Arizona Republicans Are Looking For ‘Bamboo Fibers’ On Ballots To Prove China Stole The 2020 Election

In their desperate and futile attempt to prove that accused rapist and one-term loser former President Donald Trump actually won the state of Arizona (and the entire 2020 election), Republicans in the Grand Canyon State are now asserting that China stole the vote from Trump and handed it to Joe Biden.

Not crazy enough for you? Well, consider this from Slate:

“On Wednesday, a member of the Arizona election audit team that has been heavily touted by former President Donald Trump revealed that its examination of the 2020 vote in Maricopa County will include a ‘forensic’ analysis of ballots to determine if the paper is made of bamboo—in order to determine whether or not China delivered tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots to tip the state to Joe Biden.”

Yep, truth truly is stranger than fiction. You simply cannot make this shit up!

John Brakey, one of the officials who is “overseeing” the Arizona audit, was the clown who floated the “Asia” theory of what took place last November, remarking:

“There’s accusations that 40,000 ballots were flown in and stuffed into the box and it came from the Southeast part of the world, Asia. And what they’re doing is to find out if there’s bamboo in the paper.”

Bamboo in the paper. He actually said that. Here’s the video for any doubters:

When Brakey was asked the logical follow-up question, Why are you looking for bamboo, he responded:

“People in Southeast Asia…use bamboo in their paper processing. This is part of the mystery that we want to un-gaslight people about.”

Clearly, John Brakey has been sniffing far too much of the gas in the “gaslight” he’s referring to, and it has permanently damaged what little bit of brain matter he had left in his otherwise empty skull.

So this is where we’re at when it comes to the Trump faithful and millions of Republican voters across the United States: If the GOP loses, it must have been because the Democrats cheated. Of course, all evidence suggests that the vast majority of those who commit what little voter fraud there is in the country are card-carrying Republicans. But their cheating doesn’t count because it’s done on behalf of the best interests of the poor, ignorant voters who have no idea which way to mark their ballot.

Truth is now dead among at least half of this country. They killed it and now they want to replace with a conspiracy theory they found in the darkest bowels of the internet.

Maybe we should give these morons their very own “nation” on an abandoned oil derrick out in the Pacific Ocean and let them live in their version of reality instead of running the risk they’ll infect anyone else.