Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Matt Gaetz Gets Humiliated After Calling Trump The ‘Gold Standard’ Of Presidents

Even though he will go down in history as a failed, one-term president who was the only man in U.S. history to be impeached not once, but TWICE, there remain many Republicans who still retain their slavish devotion to Donald Trump.


One of those badly deluded idiots is Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) who seems to get weak in the knees anytime the Donald opens his fat mouth and pukes out more hatred and derision.

Gaetz is still kissing Trump’s fat ass, firing off a tweet that’s little more than a sycophantic cry for help:

Gold standard? Just because Trump has gaudy gold fixtures in his bathroom doesn’t mean he’s actually accomplished anything. He sure as hell didn’t do anything productive as president, managing to destroy the economy with his half-assed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Silver Alert? What does that even mean? Sounds like Gaetz is trying to make fun of Biden’s age, but the current president just signed a historic $1.9 relief bill that will put money in the pockets of Americans and help give a boost to the economy.

It didn’t take long before Gaetz was hit with a tsunami of mockery and riducule:

Crime Donald Trump

New Evidence Provides Proof Trump Has Been Engaged In Racketeering: VIDEO

New evidence has been released that shows former President Donald Trump has indeed been engaged in racketeering and could now be facing at least 20 years behind bars.

The Wall Street Journal reports that a new audio recording has come to light in which Trump is heard talking to the lead investigator working for the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger:

“Then-President Donald Trump urged the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office to look for fraud during an audit of mail-in ballots in a suburban Atlanta county on a phone call he made to her in late December.

“During the six-minute call, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Trump repeatedly said that he won Georgia. ‘Something bad happened,’ he said.

“’When the right answer comes out, you’ll be praised,’ Mr. Trump told the chief investigator, Frances Watson.”

John Dean, who served as White House counsel in the Nixon administration, said Wednesday evening that the new audio is very bad news for Trump because it proves he was indeed involved in a criminal act:

“There may be other calls that were recorded and what they’re looking for is part of the RICO case they’re developing now that the Fulton County prosecutor has hired the best expert in the state who helped her with a prior RICO case. RICO cases are very serious. These are stack-on lots of penalties. So, I think that’s the case they’re building. These phone calls that they have multiple records of now, are going to be dynamite.”

The penalty for racketeering in Georgia is imprisonment for as long as 20 years.

Trump is also being investigated in New York, where at least one grand jury has been impaneled to determine if indictments should be issued against the former president for financial crimes such as insurance and tax fraud.

Things are getting worse for Donald Trump by the hour.



Donald Trump U.S. Senate

Former Solicitor General Has A Fascinating Theory For Why Lindsey Graham Continues To Kiss Trump’s A*s

Why does Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) remain so fervently loyal to Donald Trump? The failed, one-term president can’t do anything for Graham politically, and the South Carolina senator isn’t even up for reelection until 2026.

Could it be that Graham is trying to cover his ass legally, because he knows that his neck is on the line when it comes to a legal matter that Trump is also facing?

Neal Katyal, who served as acting Solicitor General in the Obama administration, had some thoughts on the matter that he shared Monday on MSNBC.

Pointing to the investigation being conducted by Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis into efforts Trump made to get election totals in the Peach State overturned by calling Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Katyal noted that Graham also tried to meddle in the Georgia election:

“Racketeering is often really about violent crimes like murder or kidnapping, but Georgia defines it more broadly to include false statements made to state officials.

“And here Trump does have a defense. “What he’s going to say is ‘I wasn’t falsifying information, I genuinely believed I had won the election.’ Now ordinarily, that kind of defense wouldn’t pass the smell test, but when you’re dealing with delusion of grandeur Donald, maybe he’s got a defense there.”

Katyal then theorized that Graham and others who are part of the larger conspiracy to meddle in the Georgia election may be looking for a way to flip on Trump, cooperate with prosecutors, and save their own skins:

“The investigation is not just about Trump. It’s also about Lindsey Graham, Rudy Giuliani, the former U.S. Attorney, Mr. Byung Pak and some others. And any of those folks can flip on Trump.

“Why is (Graham) still paling around with Donald Trump? Well, one shouldn’t rule out … the possibility that he might be paling around with Donald Trump because he’s hoping Trump will let something slip that Lindsey Graham can use in exchange for a deal.”

Think about it: Graham doesn’t want to be indicted and face a trial in Georgia. And he certainly doesn’t want to do 20 years in a Georgia prison for racketeering.

If indeed Graham does make a deal and agree to testify against Trump, the Donald could be in a world of hurt.

Here’s Neal Katyal on MSNBC:


Business Donald Trump

The Trump Organization Is Hemorrhaging Massive Amounts Of Money: Report

Donald Trump’s company, the Trump Organization, is hemorrhaging money, especially at its golf resorts, according to a report from Forbes:

“The Trump Organization, which has … declared losses of roughly $90 million at its European golf resorts, according to an analysis of records from Ireland and the United Kingdom. Since the president opened his Aberdeen course in 2012, he has lost $15.5 million. Business has been even worse at Turnberry, which Trump bought in 2014 for $65 million. Despite investing an additional $75 million or so to fix up the property from 2014 to 2018, the place piled up losses of $58 million, according to an analysis of financial reports. The 2019 figures, first reported by the Scotsman, bring Turnberry’s total losses to $61 million since 2014.”

All of Trump’s golf resorts — which were once a major source of revenue for the company — have seen dramatic declines since Trump took office:

For example, at the 643-room Trump National Doral in Miami, Forbes notes:

“Revenues dropped to $87.5 million in 2016, and profits slid to $12.4 million. After election night, the resort lost 100,000 booked room nights, according to someone familiar with the business. Revenue plummeted to $75.4 million in 2017, and profits sank to $4.3 million.”

This latest bad financial news comes on top of the losses suffered by Trump’s hotels during the coronavirus pandemic, which has also negatively impacted the Trump Organization’s bottom line, as was first reported earlier this year:

“Seventeen of Trump’s clubs and hotels have closed. The remainder of Trump properties are operating at a fraction of their normal capacity: hotels running with restaurants closed, golf clubs operating with clubhouses shut down, and golfers warned not to share carts or touch the flagsticks.”

Simply put, not only is Donald Trump and his company facing serious legal problems in the very near future, there’s a very real possibility that the Trump Organization could be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Looks like karma is starting to catch up with the ex-president in a major way.


Donald Trump Elections Polls

MAGA Faithful Have An Online Meltdown After A Poll Shows Americans Consider Trump A Failure

It seems that everyone except Donald Trump’s deranged supporters know that the current president is a massive failure who didn’t win a second term, was impeached, and is leaving the White House in disgrace, the most disliked American head of state since Richard Nixon.

Proof of that arrived courtesy of a USA Today/Suffolk University poll which shows that 50 percent of those surveyed say Donald Trump is indeed a failure:

“Fifty percent of Americans now predict history will judge him as a ‘failed’ president.

“The survey, taken in the waning weeks of his administration, shows the risks of actions he is contemplating on his way out the door. Americans overwhelmingly say issuing a preemptive pardon for himself would be an abuse of presidential power, and an even bigger majority, including most Republicans, say he should attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration to demonstrate the peaceful transfer of power.”

The overall breakdown of responses in the survey are telling:

“Asked how history would judge Trump’s presidency, 16% predict he will be seen as a great president, 13% as a good president, 16% as a fair president, and 50% as a failed president. Five percent are undecided.” 

Trump’s numbers are also significantly lower than those of his predecessor, Barack Obama:

Then, a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll found that half of Americans predicted history would view Obama in a positive light, with 18% calling him a great president and 32% a good one. Twenty-three percent called him a failed president.

That poll was all it took for the MAGA minions to lose their tiny minds on social media, where they proved just how clueless they truly are:

What’s going to be even more fun is in a few years when Trump gets ranked by historians as the worst president in American history. The Trump worshipers will probably demand that all the history books be burned. (Yeah, as if they could read them.)