Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Social Media

Don Jr. Manages To Embarrass Himself (And His Dad) With A Disgusting Balloon Joke

Now that Republicans and their hallelujah choir at right-wing media have managed to finally dial back their outrage over the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down by the U.S. military on Saturday, it has come to light that China flew at last three such balloons over the United States while Donald Trump was president.

According to Forbes:

Talking heads on cable TV are up in arms about the Chinese spy balloon that was floating across the continental U.S., before it was shot down Saturday afternoon. Conservative commentators have insisted President Joe Biden should’ve ordered the balloon be shot down earlier and that a foreign balloon flying over U.S. territory never would’ve happened under President Donald Trump. But it did happen under Trump, according to several new reports.

But with the crisis having passed, Donald Trump Jr. just couldn’t resist one of his attempts at humor. Don Jr. loves to post on social media, but he’s usually so jacked up on Peruvian marching powder that he makes little or no sense.

So here comes Junior with a comment about the balloon story:

That’s funny? It’s making fun of Donald Trump and by extension so is Don Jr., who depends on his father for every dime he spends on housing, food, and “party favors.” (Snort snort).

As HuffPost notes, the Trump blimp made several appearances while Donald was still in office:

The “Trump Baby” blimp, which now lives in the Museum of London, was created for Trump’s 2018 visit to London, when tens of thousands of demonstrators protested his visit to the city.

The 20-foot balloon made several more appearances during his presidency, including at anti-Trump protests in Argentina and in Washington, D.C.

We also know that the Trump Baby blimp was hated by the failed ex-president.

President Donald Trump said he felt “unwelcome” in London after its mayor, Sadiq Khan, permitted a 20-foot-tall angry “Trump Baby” blimp depicting him to be flown during his visit to the UK this week.

“I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London,” Trump said in an interview with The Sun.

Don Jr. (and his father) were quickly skewered on Twitter.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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