Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Gets Supremely Mocked For Saying He’ll Be Making A ‘Major Announcement’ About The First Amendment

Even though he hasn’t been president for nearly six months now, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump seems to be under the mistaken impression that he can still change things by making speeches or firing off press releases.

The latest proof that Trump is living in an alternate reality where he’s still head of state comes in a tweet sent out by his “spokesperson,” Liz Harrington:

So next Wednesday in New Jersey, Donald Trump is going to regale us all with his “efforts to protect Americans’ First Amendment rights.”

Donald Trump and the First Amendment don’t exactly go together. After all, he spied on reporters while serving as head of state and suggested that Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms be shut down when the put warnings on his postings. In other words, Trump is the last person to protect the right to free speech and a free press, establishment of religion, or the right to assemble.

Remember when protesters were in Lafayette Park and Trump ordered them teargassed so he could go hold up a Bible in front of a church? How about when he called members of the news media “enemies of the people”?

The only person Trump thinks the First Amendment applies to is him or one of his demented surrogates. If he’d gotten a second term in office, the right to free speech would have been destroyed by his Justice Department and his handpicked asspuppet, William Barr.

Let the online mockery begin!

Don’t be surprised if Trump’s big “announcement” turns out to be him whining about being banned from Facebook and Twitter. He’s so damn pathetic.


Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Is Reportedly ‘Thrilled’ By Trump Org. Indictment Because He Thinks It Will Hurt Biden

Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump is reportedly “thrilled” that the Trump Organization and Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg were indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. because he believes the move will hurt President Joe Biden.


Politico reports that during a conference call with his advisers, Trump sounded delighted by the upcoming indictments:

“The former president was on a conference call with his advisers Monday discussing his favorite topic — revenge — when he was interrupted with an update on the Manhattan D.A.’s investigation. He would not be personally indicted, Trump was told — only Weisselberg and the Trump Organization would be. Trump was thrilled by what he saw as light charges, and according to one of the advisers on the call, his mind raced to 2024.

“’Just wait until 2024, you’ll see,’ Trump said. The former president implied that the legal case would be seen as a political witch hunt that would backfire on Democrats. ‘This is going to hurt Sleepy Joe.’

“The adviser had the impression that Trump, who was already coming off a high from the large crowd at his rally in Ohio last weekend, was emboldened by the news. ‘Now he’s definitely going to run for president” again,’ the person said.”

Of course, it pays to remember that this is the very same Donald Trump who thought being impeached would help him get reelected and also told advisers that his response to the COVID-19 pandemic had been exceptional.

Perhaps Trump thinks he won’t be indicted. If so, that proves the depths of his self-delusion. Someone inside the company is going to agree to testify against him, and if he filed tax returns with his signature on them, he’s screwed.

As for Trump running in 2024, that’s going to be difficult to pull off from a prison cell.


Donald Trump Elections Military WTF?!

MAGA Faithful Claim The U.S. Military Is ‘Ready To’ Reinstate Trump As POTUS

If you thought you’d heard all of the crazy crap about the 2020 election and how failed, one-term former President Donald Trump will soon be “reinstated” to the presidency, the bizarre just turned surreal thanks to a meme circulating on social media that suggests the U.S. military is “ready to act” as soon as the Arizona election audit is complete and put the Donald back in the White House.

According to PolitiFact, the meme in question (which has made the rounds on Facebook most recently) also included a video with this line which is read by a narrator:

“This stuff is coming out and showing what actually happened with the 2020 election. So, this is what’s happening but the deep state on the other hand, they are panicking. The storm is on its way.”

There’s also this text on the meme:

“Military ready to act on audit results!”


PolitFact calls the meme “false” and adds:

“The text on the post leaves the impression that a military unit is preparing or has been asked to take some action when the results of the Maricopa audit are released. But we found no evidence of that. 

“The statement on Facebook was posted as the monthslong review of 2.1 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election was winding down in Maricopa, the state’s largest county. The ballot review was organized by state Senate Republicans, with encouragement from former President Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump is not going to be reinstated as president. Not now and not ever. And the U.S. military only takes orders from one person: The legitimate commander-in-chief, President Joe Biden.


Donald Trump Jr. WTF?!

Don Jr. Releases Batsh*t Crazy Video That Has People Urging His Family To Stage An Intervention

In the surest sign yet that something MONUMENTAL is about to break regarding the legal case against the Trump Organization, a video Donald Trump Jr. posted on Monday is drawing calls for him to be placed in rehab immediately.

In the video, Junior goes on an extended rant about Russian hackers, President Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden. In other words, it’s a replaying of the greatest hits from the Trump family: They project their own crimes and insecurities onto everyone else, which is so transparently confessional that it should be allowed into evidence.

Oh, there’s also the fact that Don Jr. sounds buzzed on something. He slurs his words at times, which suggests alcohol, but his glazed eyes and manic energy point to Bolivian marching powder.

See for yourself:

Even people who despise the Trump spawn and what they stand for began suggesting that Junior’s family stage an intervention, which of course they won’t do:

When the indictments are handed down, someone had better lock Junior in a room and make him detox cold turkey. Yes, for his health, but also because he deserves it.

Elections Media in America Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Right-Wing Host Says Everyone Who Helped Elect Joe Biden Deserves ‘Execution’

Ever since President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, conservative media has been repeating the Big Lie that began with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his supporters that there had been massive voter fraud which allowed Biden to win.

However, there is absolutely zero evidence that the 2020 election was anything but the “most secure” in American history, as the agency working for the Trump administration called it, and yet the lies, conspiracy theories, and complete bullshit continue to circulate all over right-wing airwaves.

One America News — aka OAN — (which is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun politically), has reached a new low among the far right nutbags, with one of their hosts calling for everyone who helped Biden win to be executed en masse.

OAN commentator Pearson Sharp rhetorically asked in his “commentary” on the last presidential race how many people it would take to undermine an election:

“Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? How many people does it take to carry out a coup against the presidency?”

Having laid down that paranoid marker, Sharp continued, getting darker and more sinister by the second:

“And when all the dust settles from the audit in Arizona and the potential audits in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin, what happens to all these people who were responsible for overthrowing the election?

“What are the consequences for traitors who meddled with our sacred democratic process and tried to steal power by taking away the voices of the American people? What happens to them? Well in the past, America had a very good solution for dealing with such traitors. Execution.”

Even that wasn’t enough for Sharp and OAN, as he rattled on and no doubt delighted all of the Trump faithful in the viewing audience:

“Treason is considered the highest of all crimes and is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution, which states that anyone is guilty of treason if they support America’s enemies.

“So far, there have been numerous indications that foreign governments including China and Pakistan, meddled in our election to install Joe Biden as president. Any Americans involved in these efforts from those who ran the voting machines to the very highest government officials — is guilty of treason under US code 2381, which carries with the penalty of death.”

There isn’t a scintilla of evidence to back what Pearson Sharp is saying, but that’s not the point. The point is that millions of Americans believe each and every syllable of what he said.

This is the kind of dreck that’s being fed to conservatives across the country. It’s insidious, dangerous, and downright evil. And it’s getting louder by the second.