Fox News Gun Crime WTF?!

Kyle Rittenhouse Says He’s Forming An Organization To Sue The Media For Reporting On Him

Acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday evening that he’s creating what he calls “The Media Accountability Project” for the purpose of suing media outlets who reported on his shooting of two people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Wisconsin.

Newsweek reports that Rittenhouse said his new project is meant to punish the media for their “lies.”

“We’re looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes.

“Whoopi Goldberg is on the list, she called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that. And there’s others, don’t forget about Cenk [Uygur] from the Young Turks. He called me a murderer before verdict and continues to call me a murderer.”

As you’d expect, there’s also a financial incentive for Rittenhouse, who is asking people to send him money:

However, legal experts noted that Rittenhouse’s attempts to sue the media for defamation won’t have any success because there’s a little thing called the First Amendment.

Attorney Adrienne Lawrence remarked:

“Did someone call Rittenhouse a ‘convicted murderer’?

“Because, to my knowledge, you can be a murderer factually, even if you’re legally acquitted. An acquittal doesn’t really change that one murdered another.”

Former MSNBC host David Schuster echoed Lawrence’s comments:

So what could be the real motive for Rittenhouse’s new project? Probably money, many on Twitter suggested:

Wouldn’t it just be easier if Rittenhouse got a damn job? Isn’t that what Republicans say is the solution to every ill in the world?

Foreign Policy Religion Social Media WTF?!

Franklin Graham Gets Shredded Online After Urging Christians To ‘Pray For President Putin’

Even though Russian President/mass murderer Vladimir Putin is on the verge of attacking Ukraine and potentially killing thousands of innocent people, so-called “Christian” Franklin Graham wants other “Christians” to pray for the Russian despot.

Graham announced his call for prayers for Putin on Twitter:

“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost. May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks & negotiations, as well as those advising them.”

Be sure and notice how Graham conveniently neglected to suggest that we pray for our president, Joe Biden. As Americans, shouldn’t that be our first priority if we’re going to pray for anyone?

How about the people of Ukraine? Don’t they deserve and need our prayers now more than ever? After all, they’re facing the prospect of over 150,00 heavily armed Russian troops marching into their country.

Of course, no one should be surprised by Graham’s devotion to Putin. He’s visited Russia and had a private meeting with him:

Franklin Graham pursued his connections to Russia in person in November 2015, when he flew to Russia for a speaking tour of several churches. There he met with with dignitaries including Kirill. He also echoed Hilarion’s distaste for sanctions during an interview with Russian television, saying, “I’ve never been a supporter of sanctions.”

Before he left Moscow, Graham had an unexpected 45-minute meeting with Putin, during which Putin reportedly agreed to assist with the proposed summit on persecuted Christians in Moscow, the event that Torshin later offered as an opportunity for Trump to meet Putin.

So who exactly does Franklin Graham owe his deepest loyalties to? Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the Almighty Dollar? Because he certainly isn’t acting in a very Christlike manner.

Lots of Twitter users were deeply offended by Graham’s call to pray for a man who has his political enemies shot, poisoned with polonium, or confined to a gulag.

GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Clueless Lauren Boebert Doesn’t Know She’s Allowed To Attend The State Of The Union Address

Since she arrived in Congress and opened her mouth to speak the first time, it’s been painfully clear that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is one the dumbest people on the planet.

But something she said Friday evening during an appearance on Fox News is so ignorant that it’s a wonder Ms. Bobert is allowed out in public without assistance.

Mediaite reports that Boebert told Fox host Jesse Watters:

“These forever-maskers, Jesse, aren’t following the science. They are following a cult. And it’s called the Branch Covidians. Their leader is Fauci, and they have all drank the Kool-Aid.”

If Boebert wants to see a real cult, she doesn’t have to look any further than the QAnon nuts she has repeatedly failed to criticize.

Watters asked the congresswoman:

“What’s Nancy doing in Congress now? You know, Biden’s got this big State of the Union. Are we going to be able to see your faces? I want to be able to see Bernie falling asleep.”

Boebert’s response proved just how utterly clueless and out of touch she is:

“All of the mandates are dropping in D.C. Except for in the people’s house. And, in fact, Jesse, you won’t be seeing my face, with or without a mask, in the people’s house because only 25 members of each body of Congress are allowed to join the State of the Union.

“This is a joint address of Congress and only 25 members from each body will be able to attend. I’m just curious to see which 25 are trampling over each opener to go see Joe Biden stumble and Jill escort him off the dais.”

But that’s simply not true, according to NPR:

All members of Congress have been invited to watch, in person, President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address — a dramatic departure from his speech to Congress last year, for which seating capacity was capped at about 20% as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Of course, no one will miss Boebert if she doesn’t show up for the State of the Union, and there’s certainly a chance she won’t, because if she does she’ll be required to wear a protective mask. We all know how the Trumppublicans absolutely hate to put on a mask, even though doing so is one of the best ways to help control spread of the COVID virus.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Giuliani Gets Trolled For Claiming He Has ‘Evidence’ In His Bedroom That Hillary Spied On Trump

Proving yet again that he has lost what remained of mind, former New York City mayor/Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani says he has “evidence” that Hillary Clinton spied on failed, one-term former President Donald Trump after the 2016 election.

Appearing on Newsmax, according to Mediaite, Giuliani was there to talk about the giant nothing burger from Special Counsel John Durham:

Much has been made in conservative media about a filing made Friday by special counsel John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Department of Justice’s probe into potential connections between Trump and Russia. Durham’s filing was seized on as evidence that Trump was being monitored after the campaign.

“I can’t tell you exactly how, but I know how he knew about it back then,” Giuliani claimed. “There’s a lot more to come out.”

Some people, Giuliani continued, consider claims that Clinton spied on Trump to be “gobbledygook,” but he has the proof:

“But it’s gobbledygook supported by about 1,000 pieces of evidence, none of which have been revealed yet.”

Where is this evidence?

“I happen to have it in my bedroom, or my den, actually. I’ve had it there for years.”

If Rudy had this evidence, why didn’t he turn it over sooner, like before the 2020 election? Hell, he doesn’t even know if it’s in the bedroom or den!

That was all it took to set off a wave of hilarious mockery on Twitter.

Donald Trump Fox News WTF?!

Trump’s Latest Fox Interview Is An Almost Incomprehensible Word Salad Of Nonsense

Failed one-term former President Donald Trump gave an “exclusive” interview to Fox News Digital on Tuesday, and it’s destined to go down in history as one of the most bizarre and frequently incomprehensible things he’s ever done.

The main topic of discussion was the giant nothing burger of a court filing from Special Counsel John Durham, which Fox has incorrectly labeled an effort by the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign to spy on Trump.

But as the New York Times notes, nothing could be further from the truth:

Fox News inaccurately declared that Mr. Durham had said he had evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign had paid a technology company to “infiltrate” a White House server. The Washington Examiner claimed that this all meant there had been spying on Mr. Trump’s White House office.

Despite that, Trump began the Fox Digital interview by making it sound as if there were more revelations to come from Durham:

“It looks like this is just the beginning, because, if you read the filing and have any understanding of what took place, and I called this a long time ago, you’re going to see a lot of other things happening, having to do with what, really, just is a continuation of the crime of the century. This is such a big event, nobody’s seen anything like this.”

Nobody has seen anything like it because it didn’t take place. But that didn’t keep Trump from adding:

“Who would think a thing like this is even possible? Durham is also coming up with things far bigger than anybody thought possible—Nobody ever thought a thing like this would be even discussed, let alone an act like this committed.”

From there, the discussion devolved into ranting, along with an endless stream of lies and accusations:

“Who would think a thing like this is even possible? Durham is also coming up with things far bigger than anybody thought possible—Nobody ever thought a thing like this would be even discussed, let alone an act like this committed.

“This is treason at the highest level.”

And of course it wouldn’t be a Trump interview without the obligatory attacks on the media:

“Another crime is being committed—and that’s the crime of the media,” Trump said. “The media is absolutely not—they refuse to talk about it and yet it is 10 times bigger than Watergate.

The press is corrupt and they don’t like to cover it. They’re sort of being forced. It is such a big story, I don’t know that they can play the game much longer.”

Trump failed to comment on his own endless legal problems, including news this week that his longtime accounting firm had dropped him as a client and alleged financial statements coming from the Trump Organization are bogus and a figment of the ex-president’s imagination.