Donald Trump Racism The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Trump Refused To Name Nikki Haley As His Running Mate Because She Had A ‘Complexion Problem’

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump rejected the idea of naming Nikki Haley as his running mate because he said she had a “complexion problem,” i.e. was too dark because she’s of Indian descent, according to a new book, The Divider: Trump in the White House 2017-2021, by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser.

During an appearance on CNN Tuesday, Glasser was interviewed by host Brianna Keilar, according to Mediaite:

Among the book’s claims are concerns from H.R. McMaster that Rudy Giuliani was an “influence agent” and needed to be watched while at the White House. Glasser claimed Giuliani fought for the position of secretary of state under Trump, and when he didn’t get it, he became a constant presence at the White House. McMaster reportedly made it a rule that he needed to be present when Giuliani was speaking to Trump, fearing the former New York City mayor could speak on behalf of foreign powers.

The book also claims that Trump rejected Haley as a running partner, taking issue with her appearance and, more specifically, skin tone.

Glasser noted that Trump’s comments about Haley — who served as UN ambassador for two years in the Trump administration — were made by the failed ex-president during a conversation with then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly:

When Haley’s name was offered to Trump as a possible running mate, Trump dismissed the idea and said, “this doesn’t look good for me,” referencing Haley’s darker complexion.

“Trump was very motivated and talked often about appearances and in particular had a habit of making derogatory remarks about women,” Glasser said.

Those who continue to defend Trump insist he’s not the least bit racist. Of course, they also believe the 2020 election was stolen, though they have yet to provide a scintilla of credible proof of their bogus claims. Some people are born to be lemmings.

Donald Trump Russia WTF?!

Why Is Trump Suddenly Bringing Up The Infamous ‘Pee Tape’ Again?

Something very strange happened at disgraced former president Donald Trump’s rally in Youngstown, Ohio on Saturday evening.

Out of nowhere in the middle of Trump’s speech to his cult members/supporters, he suddenly brought up the matter of the infamous “pee tape” from the dossier compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

Remember the pee tape allegation? It went something like this: While he was visiting Moscow, Trump stayed in a hotel that had once hosted Barack and Michelle Obama during an official state visit. Trump booked the same suite the Obamas had used, hired two Russian hookers, had them come up to the room and urinate on the bed. It was never clear if Trump was on the bed as the peeing took place, but that was the implication, and it enraged the Donald when he found out such a sordid affair had his name attached to it.

So it was a bit strange when Trump referenced that videotape in his speech, but he most certainly did, according to Business Insider:

“How would you like to be me and go home and explain that one to my wife? ‘Darling, it wasn’t true, I swear it wasn’t!'” Trump said while speaking at a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday.

“Remember that one? With the hookers from Russia,” he said, adding that the allegations were “phony.”

If it’s so phony, why even bring up the topic? Guilty conscience? Or could there have been evidence from U.S. intelligence in those classified documents he was hoarding at Mar-a-Lago? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Oddly enough, Trump did the same thing during a speech to a group of Republicans in Palm Beach last year:

“I’m not into golden showers.”

Sure thing, Donnie, but you sure do like to repeatedly deny something you claim is phony.


Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Electric Airplanes Will Actually Be Powered Like ‘Slave Ships’


The GOP in 2022 is the party of luddites who are opposed to any new scientific or technological advance, usually because they don’t understand what they’re talking about, but sometimes because they simply don’t want to miss an opportunity to “own the libs,” as they refer to their willful ignorance in service of political ends.

Such is the case with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who is one of the dumbest members of Congress and also loves being an agitator when it serves her dreams of political advancement.

Greene was speaking in Texas over the weekend when she referenced a report that Air Canada had announced it would be buying 30 electric airplanes, which was reported earlier this week by Business Insider:

Air Canada is one step closer to becoming a greener company.

The Montréal-based airline announced Thursday that it had ordered 30 of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30 electric aircraft. Air Canada has also gained a $5 million equity stake in the Swedish manufacturer. 

Scheduled to enter service in 2028, the plane is set to seat 30 passengers in a two-by-one configuration and fly up to 124 miles, or 200 kilometers, when in all-electric mode. 

The range can extend to 249 miles when the battery is supplemented by generators and 497 miles when the capacity is limited to 25 people, according to Air Canada.

That led Greene to semi-jokingly suggest that the way the electric planes would actually be powered involved the passengers being whipped to row in unison to make the propellers spin. You know, like they did on “slave ships,” the congresswoman said.

Isn’t that hilarious? It’s always fun to compare green technology that will benefit everyone to slavery. Because, hey, that’s comedy gold, right?

Actually, it’s the height of being a moron, which is one thing that Ms. Greene has always excelled at.


Congress GOP Gun Crime Viral Video WTF?!

Viral Video: Marjorie Taylor Greene Appears To Kick A Gun Control Activist Who Disagrees With Her

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) appears to have committed a crime that was caught on video today in Washington, D.C.

Greene was walking and talking to activists who support sensible gun control. The congresswoman is vehemently opposed to any laws that would regulated guns in any manner whatsoever.

One of the activists, Santiago Mayer, the executive director of Voters of Tomorrow asked Greene about her staunch opposition to laws that would help reduce mass shootings, to which Greene replied:

“Shame on you. You know what? Go move to another country where they take away your guns.”


“I want to live in a country where kids don’t get shot.”

A sneering Greene told Mayer:

“You’re not even a grateful American.”

Another woman who was wearing a blue dress, then inquired of Greene:

“How does the second Amendment prevent gun violence?”

If you watch closely at the 1:15 mark of the video, it appears that Greene kicks the woman to make her move out of her walking path. The startled woman is clearly surprised, and a few seconds later an aide to Greene mentions that it’s against the law to block a member of Congress.

As she walks past the woman in the blue dress, Greene seems to say that she should just consider being kicked an “accident.”

Mayer later confirmed that Greene had indeed kicked a member of his team:


Holidays Melania Trump WTF?!

Melania Trump Has A 2022 Christmas Ornament For Sale And It’s BEYOND Pathetic

You may recall that former first lady Melania Trump once pitched a fit when speaking with a friend about all she had to do around the White House during the holidays.

According to CNN, a secret recording made by former friend and senior adviser Stephanie Winston Wolkoff featured Melania fuming.

“I’m working … my a** off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a f*** about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?”

She continued, “OK, and then I do it and I say that I’m working on Christmas and planning for the Christmas and they said, ‘Oh, what about the children that they were separated?’ Give me a f****** break. Where they were saying anything when Obama did that? I can not go, I was trying get the kid reunited with the mom. I didn’t have a chance – needs to go through the process and through the law.”

How festive! Let’s all whine about decorating to get us into the Christmas spirit. Nothing says Christmas like hateful cursing and self-pity.

Now that her husband is no longer president, however, Melania needs to try and make a few bucks, so she’s all about Christmas and hoping that people will fork over money for the ornaments she helped design and is now selling.

MarketWatch reports:

The former first lady is introducing a series of holiday decorations. One of them, dubbed “The Christmas Star,” will be sold for $45 through her website. And a separate line of six ornaments, billed as “The American Christmas Collection,” is being sold through a company called USA Memorabilia with the baubles priced at $35 apiece.

And that’s not all. Every ornament is packaged with a corresponding animated NFT — minted on the Solana blockchain, according to the Melania Trump and USA Memorabilia websites. The ornaments are made in the U.S. and each one features Melania Trump’s signature.

Of particular interest is this ornament, which is “themed around Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ initiative aimed at supporting children.”

Would you want that on your Christmas tree? If so, then chances are pretty good you’re beyond help.

Apparently, Melania’s real message for the holidays is a mixture of the sacred and the profane: Merry Christmas, you f*cking peasants; now give me some of your damn money.