Donald Trump Immigration The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Former Staffer Reveals Trump’s ‘Incandescently Stupid’ Plan For Getting Cattle Over His Border Wall 

One of Donald Trump’s signature issues and campaign promises when he ran for president in 2016 was that he’d build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and make the Mexican government pay for it.

Here’s a quick video memory refresher:

However, as soon as construction began on the wall, it soon became clear that some unanticipated problems would require solutions, according to former Trump administration Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor in a soon-to-be-released book he’s written, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump

According to Newsweek, one of the most daunting challenges involved cattle.

In his book, Taylor recalls that in a March 7, 2019, meeting, Trump “out of nowhere” complained that ranchers in Texas were being allowed to open doors in the border wall to allow their cattle to reach the Rio Grande.

“No doors. I don’t want doors,” Trump said, according to Taylor. “How crazy is this? There are doors in the border wall? It’s stupid. They can just walk up, open the door, and thousands of [illegals] rush in.”

Kirstjen Nielsen, then the homeland security secretary, told Trump that this wasn’t true, Taylor writes. But Trump “didn’t care” and ordered them to acquire any land where ranchers had access to the Rio Grande.

But if you build a wall with no doors, how in the world will the cattle be able to go across?

Trump’s solution: Have the animals cross via ladders.

“Give the ranchers ladders. They can use ladders to get to the other side, but not doors. You could use small fire trucks. Call the local fire stations, and use the ladders on their trucks to help them get over.”

Taylor says the idea was “so incandescently stupid I couldn’t laugh.”

How do you tell a moron with no understanding of basic physics and the animal world that cows and horses are not going to climb ladders, no matter what’s waiting for them on the other side?

Of course, none of this should surprise anyone when you consider some of the other moronic ideas the Donald had while serving as president. For example:

And now we can add cows traversing ladders. The idiocy has no bottom with Donald Trump.


QAnon WTF?!

QAnon Leaders Are Now Encouraging Their Members To ‘Experience Physical Death’

A couple of years ago, some members of the QAnon movement (which many experts consider to be a cult), gathered in Dallas to await the return of the late President John F. Kennedy and his son, John Jr.

The people in Dallas were being led by a man named Michael Brian Protzman, who is known as Negative48 by his closest followers, all of whom believe that baby-eating pedophiles control the major governments of the world, including the United States.

But while most of the QAnon rhetoric has been aimed at others, especially Democratic political figures, an offshoot of the group is now suggesting that it may be time for members to “experience physical death,” which is setting off alarm bells for those who warn the movement is entering a dark phase that may culminate with a mass suicide event such as the one that Jim Jones led in Guyana circa 1978, when 909 people killed themselves by drinking fruit punch laced with cyaninde.

According to Vice:

While the group initially appeared to be waiting for the reappearance of JFK,  over the weekend, the tone of Protzman’s comments shifted dramatically. Besides proclaiming that he was God’s representative on earth, he also took part in a video chat where participants openly spoke about having to experience death in order to learn the truth.

“Ultimately… we have to experience that physical death… let go… come out on the other side,” one of the participants in the video call suggested.

Where were members to meet next? Waco, Texas:

The administrator of Protzman’s Telegram channel posted a screenshot of a navigation app showing the destination as Waco, Texas, where in 1993 a monthslong law enforcement siege of the Mount Carmel compound belonging to the Branch Davidian religious sect ended with 76 people dead, including 25 children.

That led Mike Rothschild, author of The Storm Is Upon Us, which is about QAnon, to tweet out a warning:

“The moment when the leaders of a cultic group start talking about the need for physical death to reach utopia is the moment to get the authorities involved.”

Though it’s impossible to predict what will happen next with a group of people as mentally unstable as QAnon believers, we could all awaken one morning and see the tragic results of such apocalyptic beliefs.


QAnon WTF?!

Actor Jim Caviezel Claims Some People Harvest The Organs Of Children To Obtain Strength

Actor Jim Caviezel is probably best known for two movies: 1998’s “The Thin Red Line” and 2004’s “The Passion of the Christ.”

Caviezel’s latest film is entitled “Sound of Freedom” and deals with the subject of children being sexually trafficked around the world. The movie also contains references to well-known conspiracy theories from the QAnon movement, including the lie that wealthy liberal elites kill children, drink their blood and harvest their adrenochrome, which allows adults to remain strong and youthful.

“Sound of Freedom” will be screened on July 19 for failed, twice-indicted former president Donald Trump at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey.

Caviezel was a guest on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast today, and he said he had a message for Trump as he prepares to see “Sound of Freedom.”

“I also want to say to Donald Trump, then when you watch this movie, you will be at peace and at rest because you, more than anyone, have done incredible things Jesus talks about, that you know faith without works is dead,” Caviezel told Bannon, also comparing Trump to King David, a Biblical figure who was the third king of Israel, circa 1000 BCE.

The actor continued, “I believe Donald Trump was selected by God Almighty, and I’m talking about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit God.”

Then came the QAnon references to drinking blood to obtain adrenochrome, with Caviezel noting:

“That’s why the devil wants to kill him, wants to hurt them. It’s always been this way since Pharaoh and then to Herod and now but more than ever and enslaving them and doing many, many things including organ harvesting and adrenochroming. And I will say that until I’m, you know, I’m dead.”

“It’s true, and there will be a lot of things that are going to come out,” he added.

And of course no right-wing conspiracy theorist can carry on a conversation without bringing up the subject of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Well, eventually we’ll get to see what Trump talked about, the Hunter laptop from hell; what’s on that,” Caviezel insisted. “It’s from hell.”

This isn’t the first time Caviezel has weighed in on the matter of adrenochrome.

In 2021, he told an audience:

“When you are scared, you produce adrenaline. If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline, and they have a lot of terms that they use.

“But it’s the worst horror I’ve ever seen, is adrenochroming, even if I never, ever, ever, ever saw it.”


Crime Donald Trump Justice Department WTF?!

Kimberly Guilfoyle Suggests She Knows More About Federal Law Than Jack Smith

Disgraced former Fox “News” host Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr., wants us all to know that Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith doesn’t understand federal law the way she does, and that means the criminal case against failed former president Donald Trump doesn’t have a chance of succeeding.

On her podcast, Guilfoyle went on for several minutes about the indictment of her future father-in-law, suggesting that presidential power always overrides the law, even after a president leaves the White House and returns to private life.

“You’ve heard a lot about the Espionage Act and all of the bluster from Special Counsel Jack Smith, but there’s another law called the Presidential Records Act that undercuts the entire argument. Any record the president or his staff creates or receives in their official duty or capacity is a presidential record,” Guilfoyle insisted.

“Translation: Donald Trump had the right under the law to maintain custody of his records whether they were classified or not,” she added.

“So what we’re really dealing with is just another example of Democrat prosecutors creating new legal theories to weaponize the law against Donald Trump,” Guilfoyle claimed.

Wow! Is that true? Nope. What Guilfoyle said is a complete crock of shit, as CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale explained in March.

The Presidential Records Act says that, the moment a president leaves office, NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) gets custody and control of all presidential records from his administration. Nothing in the act says there should be prolonged “talk” or a negotiated “agreement” between a former president and NARA over a former president’s return of presidential documents – much less that there should have been a months-long battle after NARA first contacted Trump’s team in 2021 to try to get some of the records that had not been handed over at the end of his presidency.

The Presidential Records Act could not possibly be clearer. It reads:

“Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.”

Reports are that Trump is looking for a good attorney to represent him in the upcoming documents case. Since Guilfoyle seems to be such an expert, why doesn’t he ask her to be his lawyer?

Probably because he knows she’s a clueless moron and he’d wind up getting a 500-year sentence.


Donald Trump Jr. Social Media WTF?!

Twitter Users Collectively Puke After Kimberly Guilfoyle Reveals That Don Jr. Is ‘Big And Hairy’

Kimberly Guilfoyle — the disgraced former Fox News host who was dumped by the network for allegedly engaging in sexually harassment of a female co-worker — is now hawking sheets online, trying to grift as much cash as possible before her future father-in-law, Donald Trump, is locked up for the rest of his life.

Guilfoyle is also engaged to Donald Trump Jr., who was reportedly sleeping around on the mother of his five children while still married.

But something Guilfoyle said about the sheets she’s pushing has revolted many Twitter users.

During her sheet pitch, Guilfoyle remarked, “And the bedding is temperature regulating, so you sleep just right. It is literally on our bed.”

She added, “We have these sheets.They’re fantastic.”

“They keep just the right temperature. Don’t you hate it when you get like a hot bed, and you got to kick a leg out?”

But it was the next lines from Guilfoyle that set off internet revulsion:

“And you know, to share a bed with Don Jr. is like a big guy and like hairy. So you have to have the Cozy Earth sheets.”

“I’m telling you,” she added. “All right. So I have been a longtime Cozy Earth customer, as I said.”

Argh! Too much information! Must bleach my brain immediately to remove the horrific images!!

Twitter, do your thing.