Donald Trump Social Media The Trump Adminstration

Kayleigh McEnany Deletes Tweet After Owning Herself And Donald Trump With Posting

If you’re in need of some humor, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany provided plenty of laughter on Twitter with a post she made (and later deleted) about the murder rate under the Biden administration.

The problem: The chart she referenced to make her point actually measured a rising murder rate while failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was in office.

According to Mediate, here’s what happened:

Former Trump Press Secretary and current Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany deleted a tweet Wednesday night that slammed the sharp increase in the murder rate in 2020.

Her quote tweet of a New York Times article on crime rate trends included a predictably political missive: “The US Murder Rate under Joe Biden…”

However, as many on Twitter were quick to point out, the massive increase in the murder rate shown on the graph happened in 2020, when the president was Donald Trump, and McEnany worked at the White House. Oops.

And here’s McEnany’s tweet:

The report from the Times referenced by McEnany states:

The United States in 2020 experienced the biggest rise in murder since the start of national record-keeping in 1960, according to data gathered by the F.B.I. for its annual report on crime.

The Uniform Crime Report will stand as the official word on an unusually grim year, detailing a rise in murder of around 29 percent.

If Kayleigh had bothered to think for a moment, she would have realized that Biden didn’t take office until January 20, 2021, meaning a crime stat from 2020 would fall on her former boss.

And deleting the tweet only complicates the matter, because it draws attention to McEnany’s flub. Then again, the moment she hit the “Tweet” button, her self-own became a fait accompli. Oh, and she even managed to own Trump, too. That’s one hell of a twofer.

Reactions on social media to Kayleigh’s idiocy were piquant and hilarious:

Only the best people. Right, Kayleigh?


Donald Trump Military Nukes The Trump Adminstration

Joint Chiefs Chair Believed Trump Was Suffering From ‘Mental Decline’ – Took Control Of Nukes From Him

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley believed that former President Donald Trump was suffering from “serious mental decline” and took top-secret measures to assure he didn’t launch a nuclear attack or other military action according to Peril, a new book from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward and Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.

According to CNN, Milley took the action on Jan. 8, just two days after the Capitol riots which Trump help instigate with a fiery speech to his supporters:

Woodward and Costa write that Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, ‘was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.’ Milley worried that Trump could ‘go rogue,’ the authors write.

“You never know what a president’s trigger point is,” Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.

Milley then called a secret meeting at the Pentagon and told top military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center that they shouldn’t take any orders from Trump or his staffers unless it first passed through the Joint Chiefs Chairman:

“No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure,” Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.

Additionally, Milley also reassured Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that the nation’s nukes were secure:

“What I’m saying to you is that if they couldn’t even stop him from an assault on the Capitol, who even knows what else he may do? And is there anybody in charge at the White House who was doing anything but kissing his fat butt all over this?”

Pelosi continued, “You know he’s crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time.”

According to Woodward and Costa, Milley responded, “Madam Speaker, I agree with you on everything.”

Then-CIA Director Gina Haspel reportedly told Milley that she was worried about a coup attempt being initiated by Trump or some of his top aides:

When Trump refused to concede in November 2020, Haspel warned Milley, “We are on the way to a right-wing coup. The whole thing is insanity. He is acting out like a six-year-old with a tantrum.” Haspel also worried that Trump would try to attack Iran.

“This is a highly dangerous situation. We are going to lash out for his ego?” she asked Milley, according to the book.

And yet this is the very same Donald Trump who is considering a run for the GOP nomination in 2024. He doesn’t belong in politics or anywhere else other than a mental institution or prison. Trump is and always will be a clear and present danger to the United States and our republic.

Donald Trump Melania Trump The Trump Adminstration

Former Press Secretary Ready To Burn Donald And Melania Down By Exposing Their Hidden Scandals: Report

Does the name Stephanie Grisham ring any bells? Considering that she was a member of the Trump administration and staff turnover was a constant during the years failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was in office, you can be forgiven if her name doesn’t automatically evoke any memories of her tenure.

Grisham was chief of staff to Melania Trump and also served as White House press secretary for a time. She’s the press secretary who never once held a press briefing. Remember her now? Here she is:

According to Axios, Grisham may soon be a household name thanks to a tell-all book she’s written about her time inside the Trump administration, because she’s allegedly going to detail scandals none of us knew about:

“Stephanie Grisham has quietly written a top-secret memoir of her four years in Donald Trump’s White House, and a publishing source says she’ll reveal ‘surprising new scandals.'”

The book — entitled I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in The Trump White House — is especially dangerous for the Trumps because Grisham reportedly knows things others don’t:

A source close to the publication told Axios: “Grisham knows where all the bodies are buried because she buried a lot of them herself.”

The source says Grisham “has receipts … she was a press person and it was her job to make sure she knew what was happening.”

Grisham knows the Trump family well, too, according to Axios, and that led a former White House colleague to remark:

“When I heard this, all I could think about was Stephanie surrounded by a lake of gasoline, striking a match with a grin on her face.”

The danger from Grisham’s book is significant for Donald Trump since he’s considering running again in 2024, but the person who would be most impacted is Melania:

“Melania Trump guarded her privacy intensely and trusted almost nobody during her time as first lady. Grisham, as her chief of staff, was one of the very few allowed into her inner sanctum.

“She saw another side of the Trumps — in the residence — that most staffers never got to see.”

And that alone led the former staffer who served with Grisham to warn:

“There isn’t enough water on earth to contain the fire she could set to all of Trump world, including parts like the first lady’s orbit, which not many people are in a position to illuminate.

“It’s hard to articulate how much anxiety this is going to cause.”

Good. As much anxiety as Donald Trump caused during his term of office, it’s about time karma paid him a visit.

Domestic Terrorism The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Michael Flynn Says Accused Capitol Insurrectionists Are Facing ‘Crucifixion’ From Nancy Pelosi

Speaking at a conference hosted by so-called “Biblical Prophecy Expert” Phil Hotsenpiller on Saturday, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn eagerly defended the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, which resulted in the deaths of five people, including a police officer.

Since he was speaking to a “religious” crowd, Flynn thought he’d engage in some high-level sacrilege, telling the attendees:

“Nancy Pelosi’s insurrection crucifixion, which is all about the sixth of January, right? All about the sixth of January.

“That’s a crucifixion.

“They are putting — I mean, honest to God, they’re putting good, great people, patriots up there.”

Honest to God, it’s a wonder the roof of the building didn’t open up and a bolt of lightning strike Flynn where he stood.

Crucifixion? That would be a fitting punishment for the traitors who stormed the seat of government and demanded that the will of the majority of American voters be overturned so their candidate could be installed as emperor for life.

Twitter users had a few thoughts on Flynn’s remarks, too:

Jared Kushner Social Media The Trump Adminstration

Jared Gets Buried In Mockery Over Report He Plans To ‘Leave Politics’ And Start An Investment Firm

Bang the drum slowly and lower the flags to half-staff today because Jared Kushner is leaving the world of politics and starting an investment firm. In other words, he’ll be using other people’s money to enrich himself, much the same as he did while serving as an “adviser” in the Trump administration, a job he only managed to land because his father-in-law was president.


According to Reuters:

“Kushner, the former chief executive of Kushner Companies, who served as the Republican president’s senior adviser in the White House, is in the final stages of launching an investment firm called Affinity Partners that will be headquartered in Miami,. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, is also looking to open an office in Israel to pursue regional investments to connect Israel’s economy and India, North Africa and the Gulf, said two people briefed on the plan, who spoke on condition of anonymity.”

That’s an interesting list of countries Jared will be focusing on. But one nation is missing: Russia. As we’ve seen on multiple occasions, Russian President Vladimir Putin has always been fond of backing useful idiots who can help him engineer his destruction of the United States. Putin already has his hooks in the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president who was only elected with the help of several Russia’s intelligence agencies.


So Jared is leaving the political world? That makes sense when you consider that he’s 1 for 2 on presidential races and lost the second election for his father-in-law by a record drubbing in the popular vote and even saw Georgia swing towards Democrats in both the general election and the special Senate runoff.

Twitter had some thoughts on Jared’s career change:

Jared Kushner truly is the grift that keeps on giving.