Congress GOP Right Wing Morons

WATCH Marjorie Taylor Greene Get ‘Canceled’ By Newsmax When She Attacks The FBI

Right-wingers absolutely love to talk about how progressives want to impose “cancel culture” on everything they disagree with, which is really just code for conservatives wanting to be racist, homophobic, sexist, or disgustingly bigoted and getting their feelings hurt when they’re called out for being willfully obtuse.

But cancel culture came to call for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Thursday during her media event with fellow extremist Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL). And this time it came from the right.


First of all, the press conference on the first anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was even more batshit crazy than you’d expect hearing the names Greene and Gaetz, with the Florida perv insisting that Jan. 6 had been a false flag staged by the federal government:

“Congresswoman Greene and I are not here to celebrate January 6. We’re not here to obsess about it. But we are here to expose the truth.”

He then went fully fact-free:

“We know this: January 6th last year wasn’t an insurrection. No one’s been charged with insurrection, no one’s been charged with treason. But it may very well have been a Fedsurrection.”

When it was Greene’s turn to talk, she picked up the baton from Florida Man and kicked off her own demented rant:

“You know what I think needs to be the biggest investigation in United States history? What is going on at the FBI and what is happening at the Department of Justice? And the American people deserve those answers because it’s the American people and the taxpayers that pay for all of it! Now I don’t want to have anything to do with a government that is going to be so obsessed with overturning regime change in our own country when it should be serving the American people, particularly…”

Extreme right-wing “news” site Newsmax quickly cut away from Greene, with the host noting:

“All right, Marjorie Taylor Greene. With Congressman Matt Gaetz there, putting forth some of the arguments from the Republican side that you certainly didn’t hear today from President Biden and the Democrats.”

Yep, Marj and the Sunshine State Perv got canceled by a right-wing outlet, which may well be the most ironic thing of 2022 even though the year has just begun.

Sorry, Marj, but even your conservative, tinfoil hat-wearing compatriots appear to be tired of your crap.

Fox News Right Wing Morons The Biden Administration

Conservatives Lose Their Sh*t After Chris Wallace Calls Jen Psaki ‘One The Best Press Secretaries’

It’s so easy to upset conservatives and right-wingers. All you have to do is say something good about a member of the Biden administration or a Democrat in Congress and the extreme right begins frothing at the mouth and breathing fire.

For example, during a discussion of a back-and-forth at Friday’s White House press briefing between Fox News reporter Peter Doocy and press secretary Jen Psaki, there was a mention of President Joe Biden possibly paying a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, to which Psaki said the president wouldn’t be going to the border for a “photo-op.”

That led Fox host Chris Wallace to praise both Doocy and Psaki, according to Mediaite:

“Honestly, as somebody who’s spent six years in the White House, my immediate reaction was those are two people at the top of their game,” Wallace said.

He praised Doocy for his tough questions and said, “I mean this as a compliment. I think he has become the Sam Donaldson of this White House press corps.”

Donaldson was famously aggressive in his questions to President Ronald Reagan when he was ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent in the 80s.

“And since I was working in the press corps when Sam Donaldson was there, that’s a very grudging compliment on my part,” Wallace quipped. The Fox News Sunday anchor was NBC News’ Chief White House Correspondent during that time period.

He went on to say that Psaki “is one of the best press secretaries ever.”

Psaki is indeed very good at her job, and unlike her predecessors in the Trump administration, she holds a press briefing five days a week, Monday through Friday, and never begs off doing so just because she doesn’t want to answer tough questions on issues that impact the American people.

But based on the reaction Wallace received from conservatives and other assorted right-wing snowflakes, you’d have though he just said Donald Trump is a member of QAnon and drinks the blood of infants in order to maintain the tangerine tint to his skin.

Fox News Fox News Lies Right Wing Morons Viral Video

Tucker Carlson Gets Called Out As The ‘Worst Human’ While On Vacation In Montana

Fox New host Tucker Carlson is in Montana for a vacation, and he got an earful of what people really think about him when a man approached him and let loose with invectives.

The man in the video (which is quickly going viral) is named Dan Bailey, and he told Carlson:

“You are the worst human being known to mankind. I want you to know that.”

Bailey then posted the video to Instagram, along with this message, which goes even further in spelling out how he feels about Carlson, who in recent weeks has been telling viewers not to get the COVID-19 vaccine:

“It’s not everyday you get to tell someone they are the worst person in the world and really mean it! What an asshole!

“This man has killed more people with vaccine misinformation, he has supported extreme racism, he is a fascist and does more to rip this country apart than anyone that calls themselves an American.”


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A post shared by Dan Bailey (@danbaileymt)

Carlson has also said that anyone who sees a child with a protective mask on should call child protective services and report the parents, exhorting viewers:

“Masks have always been incompatible with a free society. Masks are for the guilty. They’re signifiers of shame and submission.

“Next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path, do not hesitate, ask politely but firmly, would you please take off your mask? Science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it. Your mask is making me uncomfortable. We should do that, and we should keep doing it until wearing a mask outside is roughly as socially acceptable as lighting a Marlboro in an elevator. It’s repulsive.”

This country is facing a pandemic of the unvaccinated at the moment, with coronavirus cases rising most rapidly in red states such as Arkansas, Florida, and Missouri. The Delta variant of the disease is also much stronger and more deadly than previous iterations of COVID.

But despite that, Tucker Carlson and others at Fox are spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the vaccine. They have blood on their hands, and yet they don’t seem to give a damn about the lives they’ve destroyed.

Dan Bailey is absolutely right: Tucker Carlson is the worst person in the world, and he deserves to hear that each and every day of his life.


Elections Media in America Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Right-Wing Host Says Everyone Who Helped Elect Joe Biden Deserves ‘Execution’

Ever since President Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, conservative media has been repeating the Big Lie that began with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his supporters that there had been massive voter fraud which allowed Biden to win.

However, there is absolutely zero evidence that the 2020 election was anything but the “most secure” in American history, as the agency working for the Trump administration called it, and yet the lies, conspiracy theories, and complete bullshit continue to circulate all over right-wing airwaves.

One America News — aka OAN — (which is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun politically), has reached a new low among the far right nutbags, with one of their hosts calling for everyone who helped Biden win to be executed en masse.

OAN commentator Pearson Sharp rhetorically asked in his “commentary” on the last presidential race how many people it would take to undermine an election:

“Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? How many people does it take to carry out a coup against the presidency?”

Having laid down that paranoid marker, Sharp continued, getting darker and more sinister by the second:

“And when all the dust settles from the audit in Arizona and the potential audits in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin, what happens to all these people who were responsible for overthrowing the election?

“What are the consequences for traitors who meddled with our sacred democratic process and tried to steal power by taking away the voices of the American people? What happens to them? Well in the past, America had a very good solution for dealing with such traitors. Execution.”

Even that wasn’t enough for Sharp and OAN, as he rattled on and no doubt delighted all of the Trump faithful in the viewing audience:

“Treason is considered the highest of all crimes and is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution, which states that anyone is guilty of treason if they support America’s enemies.

“So far, there have been numerous indications that foreign governments including China and Pakistan, meddled in our election to install Joe Biden as president. Any Americans involved in these efforts from those who ran the voting machines to the very highest government officials — is guilty of treason under US code 2381, which carries with the penalty of death.”

There isn’t a scintilla of evidence to back what Pearson Sharp is saying, but that’s not the point. The point is that millions of Americans believe each and every syllable of what he said.

This is the kind of dreck that’s being fed to conservatives across the country. It’s insidious, dangerous, and downright evil. And it’s getting louder by the second.


Donald Trump Elections Fox News Media in America Right Wing Morons

Maria Bartiromo Pitches A Fit As Her Jan. 6 Lies Come Back To Bite Her Squarely On The A*s

One thing you have to give to Fox News: No one hires more delusional crazies than Rupert Murdoch. From Tucker Carlson to Sean Hannity, the Fox hosts and “reporters” are all cut from the same batshit bonkers bolt of cloth.

One of the Fox conspiracy theorists who sometimes gets lost in the hoopla generated by the network’s primetime stars is Maria Bartiromo, who is normally seen on Fox Business but also has a show that runs on the main Fox network two each weekend.

Bartiromo was in rare form recently, inviting Moscow’s favorite senator, Ron Johnson (R-WI) to join her as they both suggested that the January 6 Capitol insurrection was non-violent because the rioters weren’t carrying guns, with the host telling Johnson:

“Armed insurrection is what Nancy Pelosi keeps calling Jan. 6, Senator. How many guns were actually taken up on that day since she says it was armed?”

Johnson was only too happy to extrapolate on what Bartiromo had just said, adding:

“They always talk about thousands of armed insurrectionists. I asked the FBI witness. Not one gun was recovered either in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds, according to the FBI witness. So that’s just one of the latest big lies.”

Thing is, PolitiFact says Johnson and Bartiromo’s claims that none of the insurrectionists were armed is a blatant lie and earned the site’s “Pants On Fire Rating.” They noted:

“Police stopped only a fraction of the violent protestors Jan. 6, but we still know of guns and explosives seized in and around the Capitol. And we know rioters brought knives, brass knuckles a stun gun, and other weapons. Just as notable, video plainly shows the mob using all manner of makeshift weapons to attack police and force their way in, including hockey sticks, flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and a police shield stolen from an officer.”

All of this led to Bartiromo having an on-air meltdown as she acknowledged that she too has been criticized for things she says about the rioting that led to the deaths of five people, including a police officer. Bartiromo told her viewers:

“I am so incredibly proud of this team on Sunday Morning Futures and of working alongside you. We have been telling every story. We’ve been on the right side of it for seven years going. I’ve been trashed every day along the way.

“Keep trashing me! I’ll keep telling the truth.”

Actually, Maria, no one has to try and trash you. You’re doing a helluva fine job of trashing what’s left of your pathetic career.

Here’s the video: