Elections GOP GOP Whining WTF?!

Arizona Republicans Are Looking For ‘Bamboo Fibers’ On Ballots To Prove China Stole The 2020 Election

In their desperate and futile attempt to prove that accused rapist and one-term loser former President Donald Trump actually won the state of Arizona (and the entire 2020 election), Republicans in the Grand Canyon State are now asserting that China stole the vote from Trump and handed it to Joe Biden.

Not crazy enough for you? Well, consider this from Slate:

“On Wednesday, a member of the Arizona election audit team that has been heavily touted by former President Donald Trump revealed that its examination of the 2020 vote in Maricopa County will include a ‘forensic’ analysis of ballots to determine if the paper is made of bamboo—in order to determine whether or not China delivered tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots to tip the state to Joe Biden.”

Yep, truth truly is stranger than fiction. You simply cannot make this shit up!

John Brakey, one of the officials who is “overseeing” the Arizona audit, was the clown who floated the “Asia” theory of what took place last November, remarking:

“There’s accusations that 40,000 ballots were flown in and stuffed into the box and it came from the Southeast part of the world, Asia. And what they’re doing is to find out if there’s bamboo in the paper.”

Bamboo in the paper. He actually said that. Here’s the video for any doubters:

When Brakey was asked the logical follow-up question, Why are you looking for bamboo, he responded:

“People in Southeast Asia…use bamboo in their paper processing. This is part of the mystery that we want to un-gaslight people about.”

Clearly, John Brakey has been sniffing far too much of the gas in the “gaslight” he’s referring to, and it has permanently damaged what little bit of brain matter he had left in his otherwise empty skull.

So this is where we’re at when it comes to the Trump faithful and millions of Republican voters across the United States: If the GOP loses, it must have been because the Democrats cheated. Of course, all evidence suggests that the vast majority of those who commit what little voter fraud there is in the country are card-carrying Republicans. But their cheating doesn’t count because it’s done on behalf of the best interests of the poor, ignorant voters who have no idea which way to mark their ballot.

Truth is now dead among at least half of this country. They killed it and now they want to replace with a conspiracy theory they found in the darkest bowels of the internet.

Maybe we should give these morons their very own “nation” on an abandoned oil derrick out in the Pacific Ocean and let them live in their version of reality instead of running the risk they’ll infect anyone else.

GOP U.S. Senate

New Questions Arise About Lindsey Graham After A Trump Ally Says He ‘Knows About’ The Senator

Something very strange is going on in South Carolina, and it could well have profound implications for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R), who just so happens to be the senior senator from the Palmetto State.

Recently in Hampton County, South Carolina, the state’s GOP chairman, Drew McKissick, was accosted by attorney Lin Wood, whose claim to fame is that he filed some of the most bizarre and batshit crazy lawsuits seeking to over the 2020 election and have federal courts declare failed, one-term former President Donald Trump the victor, even though he lost by 7 million popular votes and 74 Electoral College votes to President Joe Biden.

Wood is running to unseat McKissick as head of the South Carolina Republican Party, and during his confrontation with the current chairman, he suddenly dropped the Sen. Graham’s name.

In the clip below, Wood tells McKissick:

“I know about you and Lindsey. You need to get out of the race now. Nothing can stop what’s going to come.”

McKissick responds:

“You are supporting Chinese pornography. So just get your stuff off the internet buddy.”

Wood then repeats his original statement:

“I know about you and Lindsey.”

To that, McKissick tells Wood:

“You don’t know anything.”

Later in the clip, Wood is again trying to suggest that something is about to break that will supposedly be detrimental in one way or another to Graham and McKissick:

“It’s going to come out. You need to accept that.”

But McKissick remains undaunted:

“Hey, bring it on out buddy. Come on. I’m here. I’m right here. Come on. Bring it on. Come on. Come on. Come on.”

Once more, Wood reiterates his nebulous threat:

“I don’t think you want to bring it out but it’s going to come out. You and Lindsey. It’s going to come out Drew. I’m trying to tell you.”

What’s going to come out? That remains unclear; Wood didn’t give any specifics, and he’s known to be fond of conspiracy theories.

But Wood’s ranting has set off speculation once again that there’s something Lindsey Graham is hiding. Some have suggested Russia may have kompromat (compromising material) that proves they have given payoffs to Graham. There has been no evidence of this and it’s little more than speculation.

And there’s also the longtime whispers that the 65-year-old, never married Graham is a closeted gay man who is terrified coming out would be the end of his career in a state as conservative as South Carolina.

Whatever Lin Wood is referring to, this sort of negative publicity isn’t the least bit helpful to Graham or the GOP, and if Wood does indeed have some sort of information that would implicate Graham in something unsavory, it could do serious damage to other Republicans allied with the senator.

It’s going to come out, Lin Wood insists. We’ll just have to wait and see what in the hell he’s talking about.


Coronavirus GOP WTF?!

Ron DeSantis Facing Big Legal Trouble After His Latest Deadly Scam Is Exposed

Sunday evening on “60 Minutes,” Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis was exposed as having potentially broken the law and violated the oath of office he took when he was elected three years ago.

Specifically, CBS News reported that DeSantis allowed wealthy individuals from around the country to jump to the front of the line for COVID-19 vaccines in exchange for money:

“Florida’s rollout started pretty typically. The first doses were given to healthcare workers and nursing home residents in early December. But then, a few weeks later, Gov. Ron DeSantis, breaking from C.D.C. guidelines, announced he would not vaccinate teachers and essential workers next, but instead put ‘seniors first,’ making anyone 65 or over eligible for the vaccine, the first in the country to do that. DeSantis said seniors were at highest risk.”

Sounds good, huh? DeSantis promised he was going to prioritize senior citizens, but then he changed his mind when big money was waved at him:

“The private jets started arriving. Hollywood moguls, New York socialites and tourists from overseas were getting vaccinated in Florida, posting on social media and sparking outrage. Early on, there were no residency requirements to get vaccinated in the state.”


Can you imagine what the Department of Justice can do to DeSantis if it’s proven that he sold vaccinations to the highest bidder while others caught coronavirus and died? Between that and the wrongful death civil actions that will be filed, DeSantis could well be looking at leaving the state of Florida flat broke and himself under criminal indictment.

DeSantis was once considered a leading contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. But he’ll be lucky to get elected dog catcher now that this latest scandal has exposed his reckless actions.


Congress Crime Fox News GOP WTF?!

Matt Gaetz Went On Fox News And Accused Tucker Carlson Of Being A Sex Offender

On Tuesday evening, just hours after the New York Times reported that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is under federal investigation for sex trafficking for an alleged affair he had with a 17-year-old girl, Gaetz appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show and tried to suggest that he was the victim of a smear campaign to extort money from his father, a wealthy attorney.

In other words, Gaetz tried to cover up his own crime by lying and creating a bullshit conspiracy theory. That’s what Republicans do because that’s what Donald Trump is so fond of doing.

But as he spun his BS story, Gaetz mentioned that Carlson had also been charged as a sex offender, remarking:

“I‘m not the only person on screen right now that has been falsely accused of a terrible sex act.” 

The reference Gaetz made was to a sexual harassment filed against Fox News.

Carlson bristled at Gaetz’s comparison:

“You just referred to a mentally ill viewer who accused me of a sex crime 20 years ago and, of course, it was not true. I never met the person. But I do agree with you that being accused falsely that being accused falsely is one of the worst things that can happen and you do see it a lot. Let’s go back to the investigation you say it was or is underway. There was an investigation. What is the basis of that investigation? What is the allegation that really not very clear from these news stories.”

Clearly, what Gaetz was engaged in was classic deflection: Bring up an allegation to cover your own. The technique is popular with liars.

After the interview, Carlson made it clear to his viewers that he wasn’t sure what to make of what had just transpired:

“You just saw our Matt Gaetz interview. That was one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted. That story just appeared in the news a couple of hours ago, and on the certainty that there’s always more than you read in the newspaper, we immediately called Matt Gaetz and asked him to come on and tell us more. Which, as you saw, he did. I don’t think that clarified much, but it certainly showed this is a deeply interesting story and we’ll be following it.”

Oh, it was weird all right. It was a complete clusterfuck and the only purpose it served was to give Gaetz a platform for his lies.

Gaetz is innocent until proven guilty. But his wild tale certainly suggests he’s hiding something.