Congress GOP GOP Whining Social Media

MTG Has A Paranoid Twitter Meltdown About Rumors She’s About To Be Banned From Social Media

Proving that her understanding of something as ubiquitous as social media is not fully developed, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is now accusing the New York Times of conspiring with Twitter to have her banned from the platform.

Greene posted a screenshot of an email she received from Davey Alba, a technology reporter for the Times who specializes in online conspiracy theories and inaccurate postings on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Alba’s email references a tweet of Greene’s from Wednesday in which she claimed (without any proof) that COVID vaccines are causing miscarriages and other health problems among pregnant women. The email reads:

“Twitter is likely to take enforcement action on Ms. Greene’s account for coronavirus information. It would be her fourth strike, meaning she would have one strike to go before potentially being permanently suspended from the platform. Would Ms. Greene want to respond to this in a statement?”

That led to this bizarre and unhinged reaction from the Georgia congresswoman:

“How would the @nytimes know that my @Twitter account is about to be suspended? My account is NOT suspended. What kind of relationship does the NYT and Twitter have? Do they coordinate suspending people like me and news stories? Is someone paying for that? Why?”

That’s a whole lotta stupid for just one person, and it didn’t take long before others on Twitter began pelting Greene with mockery:

Congress Elections GOP

Michael Steele Drags Jim Jordan For Feigning Amnesia: ‘You Know, B**ch, What Time You Called’ Trump!

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has had quite enough of the lies from failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his enablers in Congress, especially Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who admits he spoke with Trump on January 6, but claims he can’t recall whether it was before a mob of domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol.

When he was asked this week about exactly when he did talk to Trump on that fateful January day, Jordan remarked:

“Yeah, I mean I speak, I spoke with the president last week. I speak with the president all the time. I spoke with him on January 6th. I mean I talk with President Trump all the time. And that’s, that’s, I don’t think that’s unusual. I would expect members of Congress to talk with the President of the United States when they’re trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do. I’m actually kind of amazed sometimes that people keep asking this question. Of course, I talk to the president all the time. I talked, like I said, I talked with him last week.”

If you gave a response like that in court, a jury would take about two minutes of deliberation before they found you guilty as homemade sin and sent you to prison for a few hundred years.

Steele saw the video of a very nervous Jordan and told Lincoln Project TV it pissed him off. He didn’t mince words when he laid out his reaction:

“I can tell you the time, the date, the place, I’ve had every conversation with every president of this country. Period, going back to Bill Clinton. I can tell you where I was. I can tell you what was said. This son of a bitch is up there acting like, I don’t know if it was before. I don’t know if it was after. Oh, lordy. Jesus. I gotta look at my notes.

“You know, bitch, what time you called the president, and you know what you said! You’re a grown ass man, stop acting like you’re ten years old and you got caught masturbating by your mama, stop it.”

Yes, yes, and hell yes! Thank you for saying what we were all thinking, Michael.

Jim Jordan (just like his tangerine messiah) has been lying his entire life, and now he’s facing serious consequences for his role on the Capitol riots that left five people dead. He’s a disgusting piece of dung who needs to be flushed into the sewer of historical traitors.


Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

Trump’s Former Chief Of Staff Says The Failed Ex-POTUS Is Meeting With His ‘Cabinet Members’ In New Jersey

According to former White House Chief of Staff, who served under the failed leadership of one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, the ex-president is now meeting “with his cabinet members” at Bedminster Country Club in New Jersey, even though Trump is no longer president and his “cabinet members” are nothing but private citizens who no longer run any federal agencies or departments.

Meadows made his comments during an appearance the Newsmax show “Cortes & Pelligrino,” telling host Steve Cortes:

“Well, we met with several of our cabinet members tonight, we actually had a follow-up member, meeting with some of our cabinet members, and as we were looking at that, we were looking at what does come next. I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this, Steve. We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket.”

Does Mark Meadows not realize that Trump is no longer president? And what’s with the cryptic bullshit about “plans to move forward in a real way”? Is that a warning that another insurrection is being planned? Or is Meadows just repeating what he’s been told to say by Trump so the failed POTUS can try and pretend he’s still relevant politically?

Donald Trump isn’t and never will be president of the United States again. He’s a washed-up retiree who’s trying to scam as much money as he can to try and pay his legal bills, which are mounting and probably run in the millions of dollars already.

Mark Meadows, on the other hand, is just a delusional sycophant who probably fantasizes about one day returning to the White House and trying to destroy the country in new and dangerous ways.

Wanna know who Trump is really meeting with? The dude who works for him and serves him his lunch each and every day and the losers he plays golf with when he’s not taking a nap or having his diaper changed.


GOP Social Media U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Tried To Troll Joe Biden By ‘Driving’ A Truck – It Backfired Badly On Him

Poor Ted Cruz. The Texas senator wants so badly to pretend that he has a sense of humor and is a master of internet trolling, but the problem is his efforts at trolling always come back to slap him right upside his moronic grin.

This time Teddy decided he’d try to make fun of President Joe Biden, a man who has accomplished more in his life than Cruz ever will.

Cruz saw a posting on the right-wing website The Daily Caller referencing Biden saying that he had once had the honor of driving an 18-wheel truck. Rather than just letting that pass, Teddy thought he’d post a photo of himself sitting in the cab of a truck with the caption: “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

That’s the best Cruz can do? No wonder his Senate colleagues reportedly hate him. He’s a douchebag with no sense of humor who thinks he’s superior to everyone else.

It didn’t take long before Twitter gave Cruz a giant dose of internet karma:


Congress Crime GOP Sex Scandals

Gaetz Abruptly Ends Press Conference As Reporter Asks Him: ‘Are You A Pedophile?’

On Tuesday, as the first day of hearings began for the House Select Committee on January 6, a group of four Republican lawmakers decided they’d go to the Department of Justice building and protest the treatment of people arrested following the Capitol insurrection, whom they claim are “political prisoners.”

In attendance were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Matt Gaetz (FL), Louie Gohmert (Texas), and Paul Gosar (AZ), The Hill reports:

“(Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert, and Gosar) were holding a news conference outside the DOJ to protest the treatment of individuals arrested in connection to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, when counterprotesters arrived on the scene.

“One protester repeatedly blew a whistle during the event, and other demonstrators were holding signs that read ‘Jan 6th was an inside job, vets for democrats’ and ‘Traitors + Rapists: Sit Down,’ the latter likely referring to Gaetz, who is under investigation for an alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.”

The counterprotests were so loud and raucous that at one point a man announced:

“The left is interrupting the press conference, we need to end it.”

As the crowd was dispersing, a reporter repeatedly asked Gaetz:

“Are you a pedophile?”

Gaetz couldn’t walk fast enough to get away from the scene, and the question he was being asked came just hours after his future sister-in-law, Roxanne Luckey, posted a series of videos on TikTok in which she lambasted the Florida congressman, calling him “a literal pedophile.”

Gaetz is currently under federal investigation for allegedly being sexually active with an underage girl he trafficked across state lines, a crime which can carry a penalty of life in prison.

Gaetz, Greene, Gohmert, and Gosar are all trying their best to deflect attention from the fact that many in their party supported and continue to support the domestic terrorists who stormed the Capitol earlier this year. But all the distractions in the world won’t be able to paper over the fact that the current GOP is under the thrall of a monster named Trump and believes violence is more valuable than democracy.